
09 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Bergen, Norway

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Bergen, Norway invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in environmental impacts

Summary of PhD Program:

As offshore wind energy continues to grow as a renewable energy source, it’s essential to understand and address any potential environmental impacts associated with its development. Wind turbines generate underwater noise across various stages of their lifetime, and more specifically during their operation phase. As the rotating mechanical components vibrate, noise can be both generated and transmitted into the water. This project contributes to enabling the green shift transition by offering valuable insights and knowledge to assess and mitigate the impacts of offshore wind farms.

Application Deadline: 7th January 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Geophysics and Distributed-Acoustic-Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

A major challenge within railway maintenance is hydrology management. Well-designed drainage systems comprising of a combination of culverts, ditches, embankments and drainage pipes are crucial for safe operation of the railway network. Poor design, or a lack of maintenance of drainage, can cause flooding and trackbed instability from erosion. In turn this leads to temporary speed restrictions or closures of railway lines to ensure safe operation. Hazard events associated with hydrological problems include landslides/rockslides and derailments.

Application Deadline: 8th December 2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ecosystem Services

Summary of PhD Program:

The project is part of UiBs Centre for Sustainable Management initiative (CESAM). A major goal of CESAM is to develop NCPNorge, a widely applicable model that will predict the social impacts of ecosystem change across the whole of Norway. Such an initiative is a major undertaking, and the project needs to be completed in several steps. The first of these, and a major pre-requisite, is the main aim of this project: to quantify which of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) are most demanded by different stakeholders in Norway, in a social-ecological research project. This project will also address the lack of information regarding what drives the demand for ecosystem services, a neglected element of their management.

Application Deadline: 1st December 2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Informatics

Summary of PhD Program:

Digitization of businesses, industry, public administration, and education makes informatics play an increasingly important role in the development of society. Research and education in informatics are crucial for the digital transformation of our society to succeed. The Department of Informatics contributes to this through eight research groups that deliver research and education at a high international level in algorithms, bioinformatics, information security, machine learning, optimization, programming theory, visualization and didactics. Our centers/labs Center for Data Science (CEDAS), Computational Biology Unit (CBU) and Energy Informatics Lab are important extensions of our research and education activities. The department offers education for the future at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. 

Application Deadline: 1st December 2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Heavy-Ion Physics at the Department of Physics and Technology

Summary of PhD Program:

ALICE is one of the four large experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), devoted to studying the physics of strongly interacting matter at the highest energy densities reached so far in the laboratory. In such conditions, an extreme phase of matter called the quark-gluon plasma is formed. The heavy-ion group of the Department of Physics and Technology participates in the ALICE experiment, which is in its third round of taking data of ultra-relativistic proton-proton, lead-lead and proton-lead collisions at the LHC. ALICE’s objective is the characterization of the quark-gluon plasma, exploiting the experiment’s superior capability in identifying particles at low and intermediate transverse momenta and utilizing rare signals, among others in the heavy flavour sector. The candidate is expected to work on the analysis and interpretation of data taken with the ALICE detector during Run 3.

Application Deadline: 29th November 2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Parkinson’s disease

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of this project is to advance the mechanistic understanding of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and to identify novel treatment targets, as well as biomarkers contributing to early diagnosis, prognosis, and molecular stratification, ultimately enabling personalized care. Preliminary findings from the research group have already identified PD subtypes based on transcriptomic profiling and immunohistochemistry of postmortem brain tissue. The candidate will analyse multiomics datasets, including genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomic (RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq) and proteomics data from multiple tissues of well-characterized PD cohorts. Many of these datasets are already available, while others will be generated based on ongoing findings in the project.

Application Deadline: 28th November 2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nanotechnology

Summary of PhD Program:

The main objective of the project is the development of a new diamond growth technology that allows diamond synthesis in 3D on complex-shaped objects such as medical implants, flexible electronics, optical and mechanical components for aerospace and marine industries. In the project, a novel surface wave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system will be designed based on various numerical models and realized using advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D metal printing. The vacancy for a PhD fellow is related to those project tasks, which include fabrication and tests of metamaterial-based waveguides with fractal apertures, and design and construction of the novel CVD chamber. The fellow will get the opportunity to be involved in the design optimization of the CVD system and synthesis of diamond on 3D objects at low temperatures. Design and fabrication of reactor chamber components and tests of diamond deposition on various objects and surfaces will be an integral part of the project.

Application Deadline: 26th November 2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in media studies

Summary of PhD Program:

There is a vacant PhD position at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision, and administrative tasks at the Department.

Application Deadline: 25th November 2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in generative machine learning with geoscience applications

Summary of PhD Program:

There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellow in machine learning at the Department of Informatics. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4 th year with compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties at the Department). The position is financed by the Research Council of Norway, associated with the project “DISTINGUISH: Decision support using neural networks to predict geological uncertainties when geosteering”.

Application Deadline: 15th November 2023

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