
08 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Plymouth, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Plymouth, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Marine Research

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will aim to characterise the dissolved organic nutrient pools in relation to the seasonal succession of coastal phytoplankton communities. The student will characterise compositional changes within the DON and DOP pools in the Western English Channel over the course of the annual cycle, coupling field sampling (on the PML research vessel Quest) with analytical chemistry using HPLC.

Application Deadline: 8 January 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in marine phytoplankton

Summary of PhD Program:

This project seeks to understand the biological processes that influence sinking rates in a range of marine phytoplankton. It will involve laboratory studies to image sinking behaviour in different phytoplankton groups, using both cultures and natural phytoplankton communities. We will examine how changes in environmental parameters (light, nutrients and temperature) influence these processes. In situ observations of phytoplankton orientation and sinking rates in the Western English Channel will be performed using a holographic imaging system that can be deployed from a research vessel. 

Application Deadline: 8 January 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sound of Sharks

Summary of PhD Program:

Elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) play a key role in maintaining ecosystem structure and function, building ocean-human connections through tourism, and underpin valuable recreational and commercial fisheries. Globally, elasmobranchs are threatened with extinction, attributed mainly to overfishing and incidental bycatch, and population recovery is limited due to being slow to mature and reproduce. Insufficient monitoring and management have allowed the proportion of threatened elasmobranchs to increase in recent years. Elasmobranchs are a critical marine resource that requires a dramatic improvement to management.

Application Deadline: 8 January 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Use of AI and computer vision to develop next generation marine biological observing capability

Summary of PhD Program:

Predicting how ocean life will respond to pressures from increasing human use and climate change is the basis for science-informed decision-making. It requires development of models that enable forecasting of possible outcomes in ‘what if’ scenarios. Such models demand large unbiased biological ‘training’ datasets, which are difficult and expensive to collect and analyse using current human-reliant methods. Greater automation in collection and analysis of observations is needed to deliver sufficiently large datasets to significantly enhance our predictive modelling capability. In this respect, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a potentially powerful tool. This studentship will investigate current AI capability to deliver ecologically meaningful metrics from image-based data; and in so doing develop the methods and tools to support the wider application of AI to image-based biological observations.

Application Deadline: 8 January 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Marine Renewable Energy

Summary of PhD Program:

We have signed an agreement with the Ocean University of China (OUC) which gives PhD students the opportunity to engage in research in marine and offshore renewable energy at OUC and vice versa. Students will have co-supervisors from each institution.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Morpho-sedimentary-dynamics of gravel beaches

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD will be based at the University of Plymouth (UoP) and is integrated within the multi-institutional #gravelbeach project. The PhD will focus on the mutual interactions between gravel beach morphology, sediments and hydrodynamics, referred to as morpho-sedimentary-dynamics. The PhD project recognises that on gravel beaches, morphology, sediments and hydrodynamics show profound mutual interactions, and that a holistic approach is required to engender a fundamental increase in our understanding of gravel beaches.

Application Deadline: 5 January 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in brain metastasis

Summary of PhD Program:

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 80% of patients with primary lung cancer. Up to 55% of the patients with advanced NSCLC develop brain metastases (BM) with a median survival of 2–3 and 4–6 months in untreated and treated patients, respectively. Due to the location of metastatic lesions, surgical resection is limited, and chemotherapy is quite ineffective due to the blood brain barrier (BBB). It is thus crucial to identify patients at higher risk for BM at an early stage. BM has been ascribed to the presence of competent subsets of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) that transmigrate through the BBB and thrive in the brain. No definitive signature genes for BM have been identified in CTCs from NSCLC due to the lack of validated markers or strategies to isolate these cells with high-efficiency enrichment to facilitate subsequent gene expression profiling. 

Application Deadline: 15 February 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Psychology

Summary of PhD Program:

Research in the School covers a wide range of topics in areas such as cognition, learning, memory, developmental, emotion, health, clinical, decision making, social psychology, and neuroscience. Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal/plans with their intended supervisor(s) before writing their proposal and submitting an application. The School can only consider proposals in areas in which we have expertise to supervise a topic.

Application Deadline: 17 January 2024

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