
07 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Epigenetics of inflammatory type 2 diabetes

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking a highly motivated and self-driven doctoral student with a keen interest in identifying novel epigenetic mechanisms and alterations linked to inflammation in the context of type 2 diabetes. The doctoral project aims to identify functional alterations of enhancers and silencers (currently understudied) linked to gene expression in human monocytes (a major source of inflammatory mediators). The student will investigate whether the cause of such alterations is genetic (e.g. SNPs), epigenetic (e.g. microenvironment-dependent chromatin modifications and 3D organization), or both (e.g. SNPs affecting a transcription factor or chromatin-modifying cofactor to facilitate genetic-epigenetic crosstalk). The project will apply latest genome and epigenome profiling and editing approaches to human monocytes (obtained from T2D donors via our clinical collaborators) and to human monocyte-derived cell lines.

Application Deadline: 09.Sep.2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Functional Genomics/Regulatory Transcriptomics

Summary of PhD Program:

The research group of Dr Claudia Kutter opens a doctoral (PhD) student position (computational/experimental) in the field of RNA biology, functional genomics and regulatory transcriptomics. The Kutter lab is at the forefront in deciphering molecular mechanism by which RNAs (i.e. long noncoding, transfer and small RNA) regulate genes and genome structure in both health and diseases (Sommerauer et al. MSB 2024, Geng et al. LSA 2024, Geng et al. Genome Research 2022, Søndergaard et al. Gut, 2022, Gao et al. Genome Research 2022). The successful candidate will be part of a multidisciplinary and collaborative research team active within the fields of chromatin and RNA biology, genomics and transcriptomics, and CRISPR technologies. Frequent courses are provided on campus. Additional professional training is available through PhD courses, summer schools and workshops.

Application Deadline: 30.Aug.2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in oral-systemic health research

Summary of PhD Program:

The research group within the Division of Oral Health and Periodontology, Department of Dental Medicine, conducts translational research focusing on novel disease mechanisms related to systemic disorders and oral diseases. We specifically focus on the inflammatory pathogenesis of periodontal diseases, microbial etiology of common oral diseases exploration of the oral microbiome, inter-connection between oral and general health. Our goal is to perform cutting-edge research in oral health, to optimize prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common oral diseases, and contribute to the overall well-being.

Application Deadline: 25.Aug.2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational analysis of and/or development of single-cell/spatial transcriptomics/epigenomics technologies

Summary of PhD Program:

Our research group has performed single-cell/spatial omics studies, identifying for instance several cell states within the oligodendrocyte lineage in development and disease (Science 2016, Dev Cell 2018, 2022, Nature Medicine 2018, Nature 2019, 2023 Nature Biotechnology 2021, 2022, Neuron 2022, Cell 2024,among others). Our recent findings suggest that oligodendrocyte lineage cells might present other functional properties than previously thought, transitioning for instance to disease-associated states. The PhD student projects will focus on the development and/or computational analysis of spatial transcriptomic and epigenomic technologies, and application to multiple sclerosis. The successful candidate(s) will be integrated in a multidisciplinary team comprising computational, molecular and cellular biologists and neuroimmunologists.

Application Deadline: 16.Aug.2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Exercise Oncology

Summary of PhD Program:

In Europe alone, more that 400 000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer yearly. Maintaining a physically active lifestyle after a breast cancer diagnosis is associated with a reduced risk of recurrence and improved cancer specific survival. Exercise induced shifts in immune function has been suggested as a potential mechanism for the beneficial effects and in a recent publication, we showed that the immune system, and especially CD8+ T-cells, are instrumental for the anti-neoplastic effects of exercise. The current project builds on these findings.

Application Deadline: 16.Aug.2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neurobiology of Stress and Treatment Response

Summary of PhD Program:

The Lopez laboratory is part of the Department of Neuroscience, located in a new research building for Biomedical Research (Biomedicum), providing modern technological platforms and an open environment for interactions across departments and disciplines. The Department of Neuroscience is composed of outstanding scientists applying interdisciplinary approaches to cutting-edge problems in a collaborative and stimulating environment. We also work closely with the departments of Physiology & Pharmacology (FyFa), Clinical Neuroscience (CNS), and Medical Biochemistry & Biophysics (MBB), which provide additional expertise in pharmacology, in vitro models, relevant clinical cohorts, and the implementation of activity-based genetic labelling techniques.

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational developmental biology and stem cell research

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project will aim at integrating single cell clonal, spatial and dissociated cell transcriptomics data for 3D neurodevelopmental reconstruction using a machine learning approach and beyond. Combo of single cell and spatial transcriptomics adds a critical layer of information by mapping gene expression patterns to specific locations within the nervous tissue, revealing how cells interact within their microenvironment. Single cell clonal data tracks the lineage relationships between cells, providing insight into the clonal evolution of neural cells during development and regeneration. This clonal data is crucial for identifying progenitor cells and understanding their role in generating the diverse cell types.

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

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