
02 Postdoctoral Positions at Roskilde University, Denmark

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Roskilde University, Denmark invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoc in Public Relations and Artificial Intelligence

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, invites applications for a vacant two-year postdoc in Public Relations (PR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The successful applicant is expected to start 1 January 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. The postdoc is part of the research project Strategizing Communication and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), funded by THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS. The project focuses on how artificially intelligent communication technologies affect human agency in relation to professional discretion and ethical judgement. With particular attention to professional communicators’ strategy-practices the project aims to provide novel research-based knowledge on the impact of intelligent computing on strategic communication, and advance societal know-how related to the governance of AI technology.

Application Deadline: 20-10-2022

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2. Postdoctoral Positions in News Recommendation

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The recruited postdoc researcher will work on the research project Safeguarding Diversity in News Recommendation funded by VILLUM FONDEN’s Villum Synergy programme. News diversity is an important societal foundation for upholding democratic balance and avoiding polarization in the media, but it is being eroded by data, algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) in the digital era. This project will investigate how the current situation is and how news recommendation models can be redesigned or adjusted to fit different normative goals of news diversity in a Danish context. The research project is interdisciplinary, assembling computer scientists, journalism researchers, and a news organization that will deploy and test the project’s research outcomes in its real setting.

Application Deadline: 16-10-2022

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