Early Career Opportunities Sponsor
Lupus Research Institute (LRI)
Novel Research Grants
Program Description
Novel Research Grants provide early stage support for exceptionally creative and innovative approaches to major challenges in lupus research. Successful proposals will advance novel hypotheses and/or technologies that have the potential to stimulate new research directions and propel the field forward. Applications will be judged principally on novelty of the hypotheses, scientific quality, strength of approach, relevance to lupus, likelihood of success, and potential impact for those living with lupus. Rationale for the hypotheses proposed rather than amount of preliminary data will be emphasized. Continuations of long-term research projects are not appropriate for this submission. The program goals are to stimulate investigation of under-explored pathways and initiate transformative discoveries in lupus that can drive the development of safer and more effective treatments. Investigations into the fundamental mechanisms of lupus and its complications, explorations of novel targets and pathways, and applications involving novel technologies and interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged. Annual funding of up to $100,000 per year, beginning January 2016, for a term of up to three years, will be awarded for approved projects.
Program Eligibility / Requirements
Applications from investigators in diverse disciplines, including those who may not have worked in lupus are encouraged. Both established and new investigators may apply.
Program Discipline
Fellowship Amount (max, if range)
Official Details