
Fully Funded PhD Programs in History 2025

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Are you holding Master’s degree in History and looking for fully funded PhD positions in History? Multiple Universities invite online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in History.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD in History at Boston University

Summary of PhD Program:

Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts, provides a fully funded PhD in History. Doctoral degrees in African, American, Asian, and European history are available through the Department of History. Students learn to develop and execute original research designs that lead to scholarly publications that make original and important contributions to the historical discipline through guided steps of coursework, preparation for the comprehensive oral examination, archival research, and dissertation writing.

All Ph.D. applicants who are approved will get full financing for 5 years, including tuition and University-related costs; travel fellowships are also possible.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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2. Fully Funded PhD in History at Columbia University

Summary of PhD Program:

Columbia University in New York City, New York, provides a fully funded PhD in History. The PhD program provides a wide education in most areas of historical studies and aims to prepare students for a field and profession that are undergoing significant change. The program assists students in becoming excellent teachers and navigating a demanding and challenging professional world.

Upon admission, every Ph.D. student will receive a complete fellowship (tuition, fees, and a stipend). Students who are awarded such funding upon entrance will receive it for five years (except for those who enroll with advanced standing, who will receive it for four years).

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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3. Fully Funded PhD in History at Cornell University  

Summary of PhD Program:

Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, has a fully funded PhD in History program. Cornell’s Department of History offers an outstanding faculty with expertise in a variety of time periods, geographic regions, and approaches. The program is designed to meet the unique requirements, backgrounds, and goals of each student.

Admitted Ph.D. students are assured full financing from Cornell for five years, which includes tuition, a living stipend, and health insurance. This includes four living stipends during the summer.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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4. Fully Funded PhD in History at Georgetown University  

Summary of PhD Program:

Georgetown University in Washington, DC, provides a fully funded PhD in History. A first-rate curriculum with strengths in the United States, Early Modern and Modern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia and the Soviet Union, and East Asia.

All students admitted to the program get a financing package. Department Fellowship Stipend ($32,500) and tuition support (nine credits) for five years, two additional years of tuition support, and health insurance for the duration of the fellowship.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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5. Fully Funded PhD in History at New York University

Summary of PhD Program:

New York University in New York City, New York, offers a fully funded PhD in History. The PhD is a doctorate in research. There are major fields available: African History, African Diaspora History, Atlantic History, East Asian History, Medieval Europe, Early Modern Europe, Modern European History, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia History, Topical & Transregional Studies, and United States are some of the topics covered.

Doctoral students in history receive complete funding support for five years through the Fellowship Program, which covers tuition, registration, service fees for your degree program, student health insurance, and a $9-month stipend for expenses (the total sum is $31,070). There is also summer financing available.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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6. Fully Funded PhD in History at Pennsylvania State University

Summary of PhD Program:

Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania, offers a fully funded PhD in History. The PhD program is intended to educate students for professions both within and outside of academia. Students are admitted to the program in five core subjects, reflecting faculty strength: the United States, Latin America, Early Modern Global, China, and the Middle East.

For five years, all graduate students in good standing receive complete financial support. Students in our program begin as teaching assistants and progress to become editing assistants, research assistants, or research fellows. The department also encourages students to attend academic conferences and gives funding for summer study and research.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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7. Fully Funded PhD in History at University of Notre Dame

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, provides a PhD in History that is fully funded. The Department of History offers Ph.D. programs in four primary areas: US History, European History, Latin American History, and Medieval History.

For five years, all graduate students admitted to the Ph.D. program are promised complete tuition and a stipend. Travel to deliver research papers at conferences and summer research fellowships are also supported by funding.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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8. Fully Funded PhD in History at University of Virginia

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, offers a fully funded PhD in History program. The history graduate program is intended to give professional training in history, with the idea that the majority of its Ph.D. graduates will teach in colleges and universities.

Students enrolled to the Ph.D. program are offered fellowship packages that are renewable for up to five years. Financial packages include a stipend for living expenses, tuition remission, University fees, and single-coverage health insurance.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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9. Fully Funded PhD in History at University of Washington

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, provides a fully funded PhD in History. PhD students studying in a variety of subjects. They value interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to historical studies and give students the opportunity to collaborate with academics from various fields as well as faculty from other UW programs.

Academic Service Employment (TA, RA, SA) provides students in their first five years of study at the University of Washington with a salary, tuition, and perks at the Graduate School rates.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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10. Fully Funded PhD in History at Fordham University

Summary of PhD Program:

Fordham University in New York has a fully funded PhD in History program. The doctoral program is tailored to the needs of the students. The student will select between two tracks: medieval history or modern history. Conduct original research in areas of interest to you. Concentrate on critical thinking, archival research, and persuasive writing. You will teach your own undergraduate classes as teaching assistants. As a Fordham Ph.D. student, you will hone your teaching skills in a one-on-one pedagogy course before teaching your own class in your third year. There are options for full funding as well as scholarships.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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11. Fully Funded PhD in South Asian Studies at University of Pennsylvania

Summary of PhD Program:

The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers a fully funded PhD in South Asian Studies. The PhD curriculum in South Asian languages, literature, culture, and history provides rigorous instruction that serves as a foundation for research and teaching in higher education.

All PhD candidates admitted into the SAST program are immediately awarded a 5-year Benjamin Franklin Fellowship. For five years, this scholarship covers tuition, fees, health insurance, and a living stipend. The stipend varies each year, but it is now around $25,000 per year. Furthermore, PhD candidates receive additional money throughout three of their summers.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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12. Fully Funded PhD in East Asian Studies at Princeton University

Summary of PhD Program:

Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey, provides a PhD in East Asian Studies that is fully funded. They currently provide PhD training in Chinese and Japanese history and literature, Korean cultural studies, East Asian anthropology, and the transnational social and cultural study of modern East Asia.

Princeton guarantees support for degree-seeking Ph.D. candidates for all years of normal program enrolment, assuming excellent academic performance. This money may come from a variety of sources, which together give a minimum level of annual support, which includes full tuition and fees support as well as a base stipend amount.

Application Deadline: Dec 01, 2025

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