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Top 10 Best AI Email Writing Tools 2023

Writing effective outreach emails or campaigns can be a challenging task, especially when faced with writer’s block. But fear not! AI email writers are here to save the day. 

These AI tools harness the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning to craft compelling email copy in minutes. 


$ 19 per month
  • Generates well-written emails based on descriptions and chosen tone.
  • Free trial
Our rating:


$ 25 per month
  • Automates personalized email sending and tracks performance.
  • Free trial
Our rating:


$ 4 per month
  • Personalized email copies based on recipient.
  • Free trial
Our rating:

Best AI Email Writing Tools 2023

1. Botowski

Botowski is your go-to AI email writer for generating creative email content. Whether you need catchy slogans, email templates, or blog content, this tool can help get your creative juices flowing.


  • Free plan with daily credits.
  • Avoids plagiarism.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • Limited customization control.
  • May generate generic-sounding text.


$ 19 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:


YAMM is an AI email writer that integrates seamlessly with Gmail and Google Sheets, allowing for highly personalized email campaigns. Real-time tracking of email performance enhances your outreach strategies.


  • Cost-effective.
  • Automates personalized emails.
  • Real-time performance tracking.


  • Limits on the number of emails sent per day.
  • Requires reliance on external services.


$ 25 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

3. Flowrite

Flowrite is your AI email writing companion that efficiently crafts messages for sales, marketing, leadership, and customer support teams. By offering three distinct personalized versions, it ensures you find the one that best suits your needs.


  • Gallery of AI templates.
  • Compatible with popular web browsers.
  • Embedded grammar and spell-checking.


  • Works exclusively with web platforms.
  • Limited template saving and editing options


$ 4 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

4. Smartwriter AI

Smartwriter AI streamlines the process of creating personalized email campaigns by collecting prospect data and crafting tailored emails. It’s a valuable tool for efficient cold email outreach.


  • Faster and efficient copywriting.
  • Versatile for various purposes.
  • Ideal for cold email outreach.


  • Potential for overly generic responses.
  • Some users report issues with customer support.

Smartwriter AI

$ 49 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

5. Remail

Remail is a ChatGPT Chrome extension that streamlines email composition by offering predefined positive or negative responses. You can also create custom responses and adjust the tone to your preferences.


  • Flexibility for custom responses.
  • Various pricing plans, including a free trial.
  • User-friendly Chrome extension for Gmail.


  • Limited customer support.
  • Free plan offers only 15 emails.


$ 5 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

6. GMPlus

GMPlus understands email contexts and offers AI-generated prompts tailored to various professions like marketing, sales, HR, and more. It can save and store frequently used prompts.


  • Multilingual support.
  • Easy toggling on and off as needed.
  • No login required.


  • Limited to use as a Chrome extension.
  • Effectiveness may vary compared to dedicated email writing AI tools.


$ 00
  • Free
Our rating:

7. CopyAI

CopyAI excels at crafting content for a wide range of purposes, from digital ad copy to blog content. It even offers content ideas and suggestions to break through creative blocks.


  • Pre-trained templates.
  • Human-like copy generation.
  • Easy-to-use interface.


  • Results may vary due to AI model dependencies.
  • Potential inclusion of unnecessary information.


$ 36 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

8. Jasper AI

Jasper AI leverages GPT-3 to generate content, including social media posts, ad copy, blog posts, and emails, all while ensuring brand consistency.


  • Integration with Grammarly and other Chrome extensions.
  • Customized content generation.
  • Plagiarism checker.


  • Learning curve for effective use.
  • May be cost-prohibitive for some users.

Jasper AI

$ 39 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

9. Rytr

Rytr offers a user-friendly interface and the ability to edit and customize generated content, ensuring personalized email copies that resonate with your audience.


  • Plagiarism-free content.
  • Language support.
  • Customizable content.


  • Subscription plans based on usage.
  • Quality may not match human-written content.


$ 9 per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

10. Hyperwrite

Hyperwrite excels at generating well-crafted email replies based on received messages. It’s versatile and can be integrated into various platforms, including Google Docs and Gmail.


  • Chrome extension availability.
  • Integration with multiple platforms.
  • AI personalization support.


  • Limitations in the free plan.
  • Lack of multilingual support.


$ 19
per month
  • Free trial
Our rating:

What is an AI email writer, and how does it work?

An AI email writer is a tool powered by artificial intelligence, specifically Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, designed to assist users in generating high-quality email copy quickly. These tools work by analyzing input provided by the user, such as keywords, tone preferences, and context, and then generate email content based on that information.

Do AI email writers replace human copywriters?

AI email writers are valuable tools that can assist and enhance the email writing process, but they do not entirely replace human copywriters. While AI can streamline content generation and provide suggestions, human copywriters bring creativity, emotional intelligence, and a deep understanding of brand voice and messaging that AI may lack.

Are AI-written emails effective?

AI-written emails can be highly effective when used correctly. They excel in creating personalized and tailored content quickly. However, the effectiveness of AI-written emails also depends on factors like the quality of input provided by the user and the relevance of the generated content to the target audience. It’s essential to review and customize AI-generated emails for optimal results.

Are there limitations to using AI email writers?

Yes, there are limitations to using AI email writers. These tools may not always understand nuanced context or cultural factors, and they may produce content that lacks the human touch. Additionally, while AI can generate content efficiently, it may not always capture the exact tone and messaging a user intends, requiring manual adjustments.

Can I use AI email writers for multiple purposes beyond emails?

Yes, many AI email writers, such as CopyAI, can be used for various purposes beyond emails. They can generate content for social media, blog posts, ad copy, and more. These tools often offer versatility in content creation.

Are there any AI email writers available for free?

Yes, some AI email writers offer free plans with limitations. For example, HubSpot’s Free AI Email Writer provides a powerful tool for email marketing at no cost. However, for more advanced features and usage, paid plans are typically available.

Should I rely entirely on AI for email content creation?

While AI can significantly streamline email content creation, it’s advisable to use AI as a complementary tool alongside human input. Combining the creativity and emotional intelligence of human writers with the efficiency of AI can result in the most effective and engaging email campaigns.

Can I trust AI email writers to generate accurate and error-free content?

While AI email writers are powerful tools, it’s essential to remember that they are not infallible. Users should always review and fact-check the content generated by AI to ensure accuracy and appropriateness for the intended purpose. AI-generated content may still contain errors or require adjustments to meet specific needs.


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