
13 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom

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Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position in Visualisation for Audit Compliance

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EEECS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is seeking a highly productive, ambitious, and collaborative member of the Advanced Research and Engineering Centre (ARC) within Northern Ireland. The Centre combines expertise from PwC, the University of Ulster and Queen’s University Belfast.

The Research Fellow will join this vibrant network of collaborators to develop experiments and prototypes at the frontier of artificial intelligence, human computer interaction and visualisation research. They will lead the research and development of visualisation for FinTech Compliance Audit aligning to the specifications developed in conjunction with PwC and will experimentally assess the benefits of using such advanced technologies to enhance understanding of complicated data and compliance processes.

Application Deadline: 20/03/2023

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2. Postdoctoral Position in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EEECS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is seeking a highly productive, ambitious, and collaborative member of the Advanced Research and Engineering Centre (ARC) in Northern Ireland. The Centre combines expertise from PwC, the University of Ulster and Queen’s University Belfast. The Research Fellow will join this vibrant network of collaborators to drive future innovations in technology.

The Research Fellow will assist in the planning and delivery of the research activity to develop experiments and prototypes at the frontier of artificial intelligence, human computer interaction and visualisation research. They will lead the research and development in deep learning based natural language processing (NLP) technologies aligning to the specification developed in conjunction with PwC and will then experimentally assess the benefits of using such advanced technologies in enhancing the understanding of complicated data and processes.

Application Deadline: 20/03/2023

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3. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Nursing & Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow. The post holder will be an active member of the research project/team assisting in the development of research proposals and the planning and delivery of the research activity related to the Marie Curie Research Grants Scheme 2018 and the study: Caregiver Experience of Conservatively Managed End-stage Kidney Disease: Informing the Development of a Psychosocial Intervention so that the overall research objectives of the project/school are met.

Application Deadline: 27/02/2023

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4. 03 Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow. The postholder will be an active member of the research team assisting in the development and pre-clinical and industrial translation of novel microarray patch delivery systems. The postholder will assist in the planning and delivery of this research activity so that the overall research objectives of the project are met.

Application Deadline: 27/02/2023

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5. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EEECS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is seeking a highly productive, ambitious, and collaborative member of the Advanced Research and Engineering Centre (ARC). The Research Fellow will join this vibrant network to drive future innovations in technology.

The Research Fellow will explore operable business processes over a complex network covering multiple data sources. They will expand the understanding of the risk landscape and generate valid methods that can replace existing clause approaches with comprehensive and novel AI-assisted strategies that dynamically adjust the criteria without affecting the system’s accuracy and reduce false positives in the risk flagging system.

Application Deadline: 20/03/2023

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6. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EEECS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is seeking a highly productive, ambitious, and collaborative member of the Advanced Research and Engineering Centre (ARC). The Research Fellow will join this vibrant network of collaborators to develop experiments and prototypes at the frontier of artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) research.

The Research Fellow will lead the development of NLP and Document AI methods for modelling commercial document data and aligning to specifications developed in conjunction with PwC. They will assess the models in the context of auditing the textual data (e.g. assessing data compliance) and investigate the utility of the models for automating complex compliance processes and other common corporate workflows.

Application Deadline: 20/03/2023

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7. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Biomedical Sciences (MDBS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow. The post holder will work as an active member of the multi-disciplinary nanomedicine cancer group in the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research. The successful candidate will assist in the design, planning, implementation, and delivery of currently funded projects with a particular focus on development of experimental therapeutics for cancer.

Application Deadline: 06/03/2023

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8. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Nursing & Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow. The post holder will work on the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Service and Delivery Services (HS&DR) project which ultimately aims to optimise the implementation and routinisation of integrated palliative care and oncology services across all healthcare settings.

The study design is a realist review of the evidence. The project more specifically aims to a) develop a programme theory of why, for whom and in what contexts desired outcomes occur; b) use the programme theory to co-produce, with stakeholders (e.g. patient/carers, local, national, international content experts and multidisciplinary practitioners), recommendations to inform implementation of best practice and guide future research.

Application Deadline: 06/03/2023

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9. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow to support the work of Donncha Hanna (School of Psychology) and Deepak Padmanabhan (School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) exploring the use of digital phenotyping in relation to mental health. The post holder will manage the project and lead in participant recruitment, the collection of data, quantitative and qualitative analyses and the creation of peer-reviewed outputs and academic reports.

Application Deadline: 06/03/2023

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10. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EEECS) at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow to conduct research into semiconductor security and specifically into the application of advanced machine learning techniques for use in hardware Trojan detection. This project will be hosted by the Centre for Secure Information Technology at Queen’s University Belfast.

Application Deadline: 27/02/2023

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11. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The School of Nursing & Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to appoint an exceptional candidate to the post of Research Fellow. The successful candidate will work alongside by Dr Gary Mitchell from the School of Nursing and Midwifery for an initial period of eight months to complete several outstanding research and scholarship projects. The post holder will primarily support on the conclusion of the following project: Mixed Methods Evaluation of an E-resource to Aid Decision-Making that Supports Minimal Use of Restrictive Practice in Care Homes.

Application Deadline: 27/02/2023

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