
21 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

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University of Southern Denmark, Denmark invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in Computational Cosmology at CP3-origins

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for outstanding and highly motivated candidates with potential to excel in computational cosmology, and who are looking to join a dynamic, curiosity-driven research group. CP3-Origins offers a stimulating research environment with research topics ranging from cosmology to dark matter astro-particle physics, quantum gravity, black holes and quantum field theory.

Application Deadlines: 2023-May-15

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2. PhD Programs in CRISPR-mediated Gene Editing

Summary of PhD Positions:

Our genome produces RNA that either gives rise to protein or to independent RNA molecules. However, genomic DNA is hyperactive, and only a fraction of the RNA produced ends up as functional molecules – the rest is degraded. The exosome complexes are the molecular machines that detect and remove undesirable RNA so that cells do not drown in their own molecular waste? The core complex of the exosome has been comprehensively studied, revealing that it is merely a general RNA degradation machine. Instead, specific recognition of its multitude of substrates is achieved by the association of the exosome with so-called protein adaptor complexes.

Application Deadlines: 2023-Apr-01

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3. PhD Programs in Social Network Analysis of NAFA as Knowledge Ecology

Summary of PhD Positions:

The successful candidate will formulate his or her own research project to fit into and compliment the ongoing research of the strategic research project LAVIN ‘Længdestudie af videnøkologi i NAFA’ lead by Professor Connie Svabo (SDU) and Docent Thomas Albrechtsen (UC SYD). The LAVIN project researches how knowledge is created, flows, is anchored and shared in the Science Education Professional Learning Communities in the research and practice programme Naturfagsakademiet.

Application Deadlines: 2023-Mar-01

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4. 02 PhD Programs in Polariton – driven Light – Matter Interactions

Summary of PhD Positions:

POLIMA at the University of Southern Denmark) seeks outstanding candidates to fill two PhD positions within the four main research areas of the Center for Polariton-driven Light-Matter Interactions {POLIMA): 2D polaritons as probes of solid-state matter (e.g. quantum plasmonics), polaritons for chiral or quantum light sources, nonlinear polaritonics, and polariton-based metasurfaces. The positions concern both theoretical and experimental activities and are available from 1 April 2023 or as soon as possible.

Application Deadlines: 2023-Feb-20

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5. PhD Programs in Bioinformatics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Applications are invited for a PhD position in Bioinformatics in the laboratory of DNRF Chair and Novo Nordisk Faculty Prof. Vijay Tiwari. Tiwari lab works on single-cell genomics and gene regulation, combining new single-cell and spatial omics technologies with bioinformatics and machine learning. In this project, the student will employ computational strategies to identify human genetic variation linked to cell fate changes in neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer.

Application Deadlines: 2023-Feb-15

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6. 15 PhD Programs in Computer Science and Cheminformatics

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for PhD candidates to join the TACsy (Training Alliance for Computational Systems Chemistry) Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Joint Doctoral Network. This network is combining computer science and systems chemistry and consists of fifteen (15) highly interlinked PhD projects. Each project has its own blend of subjects and skill requirements on the line between computer science and chemistry. The consortium behind TACsy consists of world-class scientists with competences spanning computer science, chemistry, biochemistry, and machine learning. 

Application Deadlines: 2023-Feb-15

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7. PhD Programs in Infectious Diseases

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aim of the project is to estimate the size of the remaining Hepatitis C population in Denmark and the effects of ongoing elimination initiatives at a national and regional level. By combining several national registers with the newly re-established register of all laboratory results of hepatitis C tests in Denmark (DANVIR) we can estimate the current population with untreated and undiagnosed hepatitis C in Denmark. A central part of elimination is infection control in drug users, which together with imported cases constitutes the incident population in Denmark. Test and treatment uptake and reinfection can be evaluated by combing the DANVIR registry with the registry of drug use treatment and registered drug related deaths.

Application Deadlines: 2023-Feb-09

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