
33 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

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Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. The minimum yearly salary before tax and pension contribution will comprise a living allowance of € 53856 and a mobility allowance of € 7200. An additional allowance of € 7920 may be payable but is dependent on individual family circumstances. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in Optical Fibre Sensing using Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Positions:

The objective of the proposed PhD project project is to develop machine learning based approaches for enhancing the sensitivity of optical fiber sensing networks as well as for processing large amounts of data. Ideally, one of the objectives of the project is to develop techniques for reaching the ultimate sensitivity limits, which is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The start date is flexible, but preferably before May 1, 2023. The project is interdisciplinary and will cover topics within the field of machine learning, fiber-optic communication, information theory and quantum optics. The project will be carried out in Machine Learning in Photonic Systems (M-LiPS) group.

Application Deadlines: 28 February 2023

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2. 14 PhD Programs in Prototyping platform for real-time analysis for ultrafast SAXS/WAXS on fibres

Summary of PhD Positions:

Your PhD project will be part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Doctoral Network (MSCA DN) “Real-time characterization of anisotropic carbon-based technological fibres, films and composites” (RELIANCE). The network is concerned with R&D and training in X-ray imaging and scattering tools and its applications in materials and information science. The network offers in total 14 PhD positions.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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3. PhD Programs in Thin-Film Photovoltaics

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project, you will work on developing new approaches to growing Sb2S3 with a dominant crystal direction (one-dimensional or 1D) to harvest sunlight using thin layers efficiently. Unlike conventional three-dimensional materials, 1D materials can be produced with intrinsically passive grain boundaries and a low density of defects, so charge carriers generated by light absorption can migrate along the 1D ribbons unhindered. This can be done quickly and accurately using tools for rapid and non-destructive tools for mapping solar cells, which has yet to be demonstrated at other international laboratories. New insights generated in this research will likely guide the discovery of a new generation of solar 1D materials and open new avenues for developing efficient and cost-effective lightweight solar cells.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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4. PhD Programs in Microbiota-immune interplays of bioactive sugar beet components

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year fully funded PhD position is available in the Disease Systems Immunology Group at DTU Bioengineering, Technical University of Denmark. The PhD project is part of a larger research effort on Enzymatic Biorefining of Sugar Beet Pulp, with the acronym SURE, established as an international multidisciplinary challenge program targeting Recycling for a Sustainable Society, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark. The PhD project focuses on identification of the mode of action of sugar beet-derived components on the human gut microbiota, the epithelial barrier and the mucosal immune system.

Application Deadlines: 27 January 2023

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5. PhD Programs in machine learning for enzymology

Summary of PhD Positions:

Are you establishing your career as a scientist and looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your ambitions? At the Enzyme Engineering and Structural Biology (EE&SB) research group of DTU Biosustain you will have the opportunity to contribute to the growing interdisciplinary field of machine learning in enzymology. We are probing what’s possible by combining machine-learning methods with custom experimental datasets generated in house to explore the enzymatic space for sustainable industrial applications.

Application Deadlines: 13 February 2023

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6. PhD Programs in High Precision Finishing and on Machine Balancing of High Speed AM Impellers

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD project will focus on the development of the manufacturing solutions for impellers where the form generating process is an additive manufacturing process. The purpose is to achieve a finished product in a single part post processing machine including dynamic balancing, without any additional manufacturing steps. The PhD student will develop solutions based on micro milling and micro polishing for high precision post processing of low stiffness elements such as turbine blades, addressing the challenge related to the management and compensation of location and relative orientation dependent tool and workpiece compliance.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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7. PhD Programs in 3D X-ray imaging and scattering techniques

Summary of PhD Positions:

We invite you to apply for a PhD position hosted at the Department of Wind and Energy Systems (DTU Wind) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Your PhD project will be part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Doctoral Network (MSCA DN) “Real-time characterization of anisotropic carbon-based technological fibres, films and composites” (RELIANCE). The overall objective of RELIANCE is to develop and implement X-ray imaging and scattering tools, including instrumentation and data analysis, with application in materials science.

Application Deadlines: 28 February 2023

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8. PhD Programs in Geometric Model for Ultrafast Deep Inference of X-ray Scattering

Summary of PhD Positions:

The biggest part of your work will involve developing and adapting machine learning algorithms such that they can be applied to data obtained from X-ray imaging and scattering. The algorithms will be used for characterizing the properties of carbon-based materials. The initial work in this project will involve segmenting, detecting, tracking, and measuring fibrous and laminar structures in data from material samples imaged using nano-CT or micro-CT scanners. The developed algorithms are intended to work for ultrafast inference on large data samples, so efficiency and scalability will be in focus.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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9. PhD Programs in analysis of clinically important cell-surface glycans and their enzymatic modification in the Protein Glycoscience

Summary of PhD Positions:

The overarching aim of you project is to explore the interactions of a suite of enzymes with cell surface glycan structures. Your work will include the preparation of glycans from glycolipids and glycoproteins that decorate the cell surfaces of specific human cells and performing detailed analyses using mass spectrometry approaches to determine the structural variations in these clinically important glycans. This works sets the stage for evaluating how a panel of enzymes that are developed within the project transform specific medicinally important epitopes at the surfaces of these glycans.

Application Deadlines: 1 March 2023

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10. PhD Programs in Generative Methods for Synthesis of Brain Tissue Phantoms 

Summary of PhD Positions:

The main task is to work in the field of geometric modeling but in a very cross disciplinary setting: a good understanding of the structures of the brain as well as a strong familiarity with the simulation of diffusion processes that are used to generate synthetic MR signals must be obtained during the PhD. In addition to the strictly scientific work, software development is necessary to experimentally validate the developed methods, and good programming skills are essential.

Application Deadlines: 3 February 2023

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11. PhD Programs in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells

Summary of PhD Positions:

Do you want to contribute to a sustainable future based on the solid oxide electrolysis cell technology? At the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage (DTU Energy) at the Technical University of Denmark our research is targeting exactly this, and we are looking for a new PhD student. Displacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy (RE) is a global issue with inherent challenges of balancing electricity supply and demand. Solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) can convert electricity from RE sources into hydrogen, CO or methane and hence contribute to an excess electricity offtake. The produced gas can be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels for the transportation sector or chemicals for high value markets, or converted back to electricity at peak demand and thereby reduce the carbon footprint.

Application Deadlines: 31 March 2023

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12. PhD Programs in scientific machine learning of environmental systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project aims to develop new environmental simulation models by exploiting recently emerged scientific machine learning techniques. These seek to integrate data-driven machine-learning and theory-driven (numerical) modelling approaches. It is a very rapidly evolving field that holds great potential for creating new models of the environment that are faster and integrate better with observations. In the long run, we expect that impact assessments will be integrated much better across environmental domains, that simulation models will be fast enough to be implemented in web- and mobile environments (and thus become much more accessible to non-experts), and that environmental model results to an increasing degree will be based on observations (sensor data) rather than idealized assumptions.

Application Deadlines: 29 January 2023

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13. Two PhD Programs in Physics-Informed Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Division for Power and Energy Systems of DTU Wind and Energy Systems provides cutting edge research in sustainable, reliable and cost-efficient energy systems to the benefit of society. At DTU Wind and Energy Systems you will enjoy the advantages of a creative and inspiring work environment shared with about 400 highly skilled and motivated colleagues. The two PhD positions are part of the ERC Starting Grant “VeriPhIED”, a prestigious grant by the European Research Council, which aims to go beyond the state-of-the-art and develop trustworthy machine learning tools that remove the barriers for applying machine learning in power systems applications.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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14. PhD Programs in Electrocatalyst Development

Summary of PhD Positions:

At DTU Energy we are developing electrocatalysts, electrodes, and membranes for advanced alkaline electrolysis cells. We do so by striving for fundamental understanding of the underlying processes that helps guide progress in a rational manner, but also by employing artificial intelligence and autonomous materials discovery platforms, allowing to expand the compositional space as well as to accelerate the optimization effort. This is the philosophy underpinning also this PhD project, where we aspire to expand the traditional approach of electrocatalyst development to incorporate also machine learning and robotic-based synthesis and testing of electrocatalysts.

Application Deadlines: 15 February 2023

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15. PhD Programs in Discovery of Colour Centres for Magnetic Resonance Applications

Summary of PhD Positions:

Are you excited to discover new quantum defects in low-dimensional materials? Would you like to explore their fundamental properties and apply these defects in emerging quantum technologies such as magnetic resonance or communication? The section for quantum physics and information technology (QPIT) at the Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Physics) is seeking a highly motivated candidate for a PhD position within experimental quantum physics on the discovery of optically active quantum point defects in solid-state materials – so called color centers. This PhD project will be part of the recently established BIO-MAG program, an interdisciplinary collaborative effort bringing together expertise in theoretical and experimental materials synthesis and processing, electronic and optical characterization and application in neuro-science.

Application Deadlines: 19 February 2023

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16. PhD Programs in Micromotors for Oral Drug Delivery

Summary of PhD Positions:

The position involves designing new micromotor concepts as well as developing technologies for loading, coating and handling of the micromotors as drug carriers. You will be responsible for developing and characterizing micromotors suitable for carrying a considerable drug load and for being used as cargo in larger devices. Your role will focus on design, fabrication, characterization, and motion control of nano and micro-scale motors, possibly including material science-enabled and bioinspired motor systems etc. This work will be carried out in close collaboration with your colleagues at DTU Health Tech. You will also be engaged in in vitro and ex vivo characterization of device performance and ultimately in vivo experiments on suitable animal models.

Application Deadlines: 3 February 2023

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17. PhD Programs in Biocompatible nanoparticles for foliar fertilisation

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project is integrated in a large effort financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. It is led by the department of Plant Biology of the University of Copenhagen and also involves partners at the McGill University (Canada) and the department of Physics of DTU. The goal is to replace the highly inefficient current fertilization practices by a revolutionary process involving nutrient uptake via leaves rather than roots. This will allow by-passing the soil, which prevents 80% of the fertilizers of reaching the plants.

Your role will be to develop a synthesis process for manufacturing core-shell nanoparticles based on calcium phosphate (hydroxylapatite) that will include several essential micronutrient elements (Mn, Zn, etc). Bio-compatible molecules such as proteins will be grafted on the surface of the nanoparticles to promote their uptake by the leaves and their translocation towards target organelles where the nanoparticles will dissolve and release their nutrients.

Application Deadlines: 28 February 2023

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18. PhD Programs in fish migration and ecosystem processes

Summary of PhD Positions:

A 3-year PhD fellowship in fish migration theory and applications is offered by the National Institute for Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) at the Technical University of Denmark. If you are interested in ecosystem processes and fish behavior, you should apply for this PhD position in the section for Oceans and Arctic. The project is focused on the large-scale spatial distributions of highly migratory fish that are generally believed to be related to abundance of the fish themselves (via density-dependent processes) and to ecosystem conditions (e. g., sea temperature, prey spatial distribution and abundance). We are looking for a quantitative, process-based framework that links migration behaviour and habitat use to key forcing variables such as exploitation and ecosystem conditions, since this is presently lacking and thus limits effective management of fisheries and biodiversity in both coastal/shelf seas and Areas Beyond National Jurisdictions (ABNJs).

Application Deadlines: 1 March 2023

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19. PhD Programs in Bacterial interactions and their use in fish probiotics

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD project will focus on key elements of probiotic-based applications in these specific groups of pathogens, including 1) selection probiotic bacteria against Flavobacterium 2) probiont-pathogen interactions and diversity, 3) mechanisms and implications of potential probiont resistance, 4) probiont production, stability and delivery, 5) probiont efficiency in reducing pathogen load and fish mortality. This includes isolation and characterization of pathogen-antagonizing bacteria from trout farms, investigations of genomics, and pathogen-inhibition trials. Probionts will be applied to live feed and fish fry in both lab- and farm-scale experiments with Rainbow trout and Sea bass. The work will entail a combination of microbiological analyses (bacterial Isolation, and cutting-edge molecular and bioinformatic approaches (e.g., Real-Time PCR, genomic sequencing, microbiome analysis), in association with laboratory experiments.

Application Deadlines: 1 February 2023

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20. PhD Programs in Integrating pollinator impacts from pesticide use in life cycle impact assessment

Summary of PhD Positions:

In DTU Sustain’s section for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment (QSA), you will join world leaders in life cycle assessment, absolute environmental sustainability assessment and impact characterization. QSA offers an excellent research environment with around 35 international staff, postdocs, and PhD students. Your project is expected to spearhead the characterization of insect pollinator impacts in a life cycle perspective, as part of a collaboration between DTU, the Bayer company, TU Munich and Ohio State University. It is foreseen that you will participate in project activities and network, and collaborate with scientist from the involved partner institutions from academia and the private sector.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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1 thought on “33 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark”

  1. Dear,

    I am PhD in Engineering Management and would like to apply for Remotely Postdoctoral researching.
    Please inform me if there would be a position for application.

    Thank you in advance.
    Dr. Ivana Tomic


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