
34 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Newcastle University, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Newcastle University, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Civil Engineering – Stresstest

Summary of PhD Program:

This project will develop an energy network stress testing platform that incorporates asset databases, weather and weather impact information and climate projections so that electricity operators can perform climate resilience stress tests on their networks. The project will test the feasibility of producing such a platform by using machine learning to train models on a very large number of historical faults and weather observations, and then use these to test the resilience of energy assets using the latest UKCP18 climate projections. To understand how this affects society, the researcher will use demographic information to translate asset failures into societal consequences (e.g. households without power etc). Finally, they will use the framework and climate projections to assess how resilience degrades in a future climate if we do not reinforce our networks and to identify where reinforcement is most needed. 

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Most active pharmaceutical ingredients are produced by crystallisation from solution, following which they are filtered, washed, and dried. These steps are typically carried out in an agitated filter dryer (AFD), which heats the liquid through the vessel walls whilst the bed is agitated to improve heat and mass transfer. This agitation causes undesirable particle size changes due to breakage and agglomeration. The rates are dependent on process parameters (e.g., impeller speed and operation) and material properties (e.g., hardness and flowability).

This research aims to understand how process parameters and initial particle size distribution affect size distribution changes in AFDs, by developing and carrying out drying experiments in a small-scale jacketed vessel, which mimics the AFD process. A population balance model will be developed from the experiments and coupled with differential equations for moisture evaporation and temperature rise throughout the bed, to predict particle size distribution from a given drying operation. Such predictions will be compared to pilot or industrial scale results.

Application Deadline: 31.03.2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy dense supercapacitors using novel electrode materials

Summary of PhD Program:

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are predominantly used in applications where the energy demand is high. While LIBs offer high energy densities, they suffer from issues such as high cost, limited cycle life, thermal runaway, and extensive use of mineral resources. Supercapacitors have emerged as energy storage solutions for high power applications such as starting car engines and kinetic energy recovery systems. Supercapacitors can be made cost-effective, offer high cycle life, are safer than LIBs, and do not rely on the heavy use of minerals. However, supercapacitors currently available in the market are made of activated carbon electrodes and offer lower energy densities than LIBs, limiting their use for high-energy applications like electric vehicles (EVs). 

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optimizing Pulse-Jet Cleaning for Sustainable Energy

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University. This project between Newcastle University and Durham Filtration offers a unique PhD research opportunity to advance pulse-jet cleaning systems for flue gas treatment emissions control in waste-to-energy and biomass combustion plants. This project will explore Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodologies for optimising filter cleaning processes, with the goal of enhancing filtration efficiency, reducing emissions, and improving the sustainability of energy production. The results will feed directly into real-world applications by leveraging tools such as generative design, CAD/CAM and 3D printing.

Application Deadline: 31 May 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mitochondria and nuclear positioning in skeletal muscle

Summary of PhD Program:

We are offering an exciting opportunity for a motivated and talented individual to join our team. Our prior studies have revealed intriguing structural changes in patients with mitochondrial myopathy, a condition characterised by mitochondrial dysfunction. Specifically, we have observed an increased presence of nanotunnels, which are double membrane connections between non-adjacent mitochondria. Additionally, preliminary data suggests that the organization of myonuclei, the nuclei found in muscle cells, is altered in individuals with mitochondrial myopathy. We have state-of-the-art Bioimaging and Electron Microscopy core facilities, staffed by highly skilled specialists, and renowned expertise in mitochondrial biology. We aim to leverage these exceptional resources to develop a cutting-edge methodology, Correlative Live Light and Electron Microscopy, for the study of mitochondria in cells and tissues. 

Application Deadline: 30th April 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mapping checkpoint receptor function in Th17 cells in melanoma

Summary of PhD Program:

Checkpoint inhibitors has been a standard of care for melanoma patients but approximately 30% of patients respond to these therapies. In order to improve therapy response, it is important to study the phenotype and function of the various immune cells that are involved in tumour immunity within the tumour microenvironment. In this PhD studentship, we aim to investigate how PD-1 regulates a type of immune cell known as CD4+ T helper cell that produces IL-17 cytokine (Th17 cells). We will investigate whether Th17 cells contribute or inhibit tumour immunity in experimental murine models of melanoma currently available within the laboratory within the context of checkpoint blockade.

Application Deadline: 30th March 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Defining the mechanisms underpinning HIF-1 and HIF-2 dependent transcriptional specificity in hypoxia

Summary of PhD Program:

The cellular response to low oxygen levels (hypoxia), is crucial for cell survival and identity. At the cellular level, the transcriptional response is primarily orchestrated by the transcription factor Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF). In low oxygen conditions, HIF is rapidly stabilised, initiating transcription of genes involved in processes such as metabolism and angiogenesis, to restore oxygen balance and promote cell survival. Hypoxia and HIF activation underpin many diseases like cancer and neurodegeneration, emphasising the need to understand HIF’s regulatory mechanisms. 

Application Deadline: 1st April 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multimodal Data and Processing led Explainable AI: Application Maritime Domain 

Summary of PhD Program:

We are in the era of Data and AI. The main demand on AI from the responsible data engineering bodies is to provide explainable AI (XAI). This project will focus GEO-located multimodal data and XAI for downstream tasks in the maritime domain. The proposed innovation will impact the industry by exploiting the generalized and fast-deployable AIs feature extractors (multimodal data processing and feature extraction pipeline is already achieved in Innovate UK AKT2I project). The major focus will be on explainable classification of the multiple maritime downstream tasks such as vessels behaviour prediction, monitoring, anomaly, and threat detection.

Application Deadline: 31.03.2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Resilience-Aware Investment Planning in Integrated Net-Zero Electricity and Hydrogen Networks under Climate Extremes and Uncertainties

Summary of PhD Program:

Transition to net-zero emission integrated energy systems requires substitutional integration of modern technologies into different energy sectors. This amounts to replacing a significant capacity of traditional resources in electric power and natural gas networks with zero-carbon resources for producing green electricity and hydrogen. Furthermore, short-term uncertainties in renewable production and electricity consumption as well as long-term uncertainties in national energy policies and global climate changes, make the design of future energy systems more complex. Although integrating net-zero emission electricity and hydrogen networks can offer cross-sectoral flexibility to cope with climate extremes and uncertainties in balancing energy production and consumption to ensure energy supply resilience, modelling integrated electricity and hydrogen networks under climate extremes and uncertainties is a large-scale complex optimisation problem. 

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Future Electric Machines Manufacturing

Summary of PhD Program:

This is a unique PhD scholarship based in the Newcastle University Electrical Power Group and working alongside the Future Electric Machines Manufacturing (FEMM) Hub team of researchers at Newcastle, Sheffield and Strathclyde Universities, AMRC and NMIS research institutes. This PhD will help you direct your career toward the sustainable electrification of society. You will be a detailed and organised person with a blend of skills across manufacturing, technology, engineering, mathematics, simulation, and experimentation. You will research the design and manufacture of electrical machines using a modular approach. This offers increased power density, simplified assembly and allows 3R (Repair, Replace, and Recycle) to be embedded in the design of electrical machines.

Application Deadline: 30th March 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Civil Engineering (Water Resources)

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this project is to develop a coupled multi-layer shallow water and floating debris modelling system to investigate the transport dynamics of debris and the impact on hydraulic structures in fluvial environments. The hydrodynamic models currently used in engineering practice lack the capability to accurately model: a) linear features such as bridges, gates and weirs which act as obstructions to flow; b) floating debris; and c) dam breach formation. These features can heavily influence flow characteristics, flood risk and operation of infrastructure dangerous loading of structures and increased scour. Hydrodynamic models based on the multi-layer shallow water equations have recently been developed to represent the effects of gates and bridges. These models will be further enhanced and validated for a range of realistic structures.

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Scaling UP energy materials: Methods for Efficient biogas utilisation

Summary of PhD Program:

Recently the production of constrained nanoparticles via exsolution has been developed as a novel platform to produce tuneable arrays of emergent nanoparticles, intended as catalysts in small-scale devices. Exsolved nanoparticles are socketed and confined into the oxide support surface, a feature that seems to unlock superior functionality inaccessible through conventional synthesis routes. This approach brings new opportunities for the efficient utilisation of biogas as a clean energy source at large scale, including the dry reforming of biogas, which would otherwise rely on expensive platinum-group metals. However, this new class of catalysts still faces scale-up challenges.

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Parisian Cultural History in the Long Nineteenth Century 

Summary of PhD Program:

The School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University invites applications for a doctoral studentship within the broad area of Parisian cultural history in the long nineteenth century. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to shape their own research project related to this broad topic. Their research will be supervised by Dr Hannah Scott. Interdisciplinary proposals are warmly encouraged, and applications are welcomed from students of Modern Languages, Musicology, History, Art History, Theatre Studies, Comparative Studies, or other related fields in the Humanities. 

Application Deadline: April 10th 2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ecocritical Art History 

Summary of PhD Program:

The Department of Fine Art invites applications for a doctoral studentship within the area of ecocritical and environmental art history. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop their own research project in relation to this broad topic. Their research will be supervised by Dr Olga Smith and will relate to her research within the framework of Newcastle University Academic Track (NUAcT) Fellowship on the representations of landscapes in contemporary art, and ecocritical approaches in art history. The aim of this research is to establish a theoretical and aesthetic meeting point for art historical study and the burgeoning concentration of research in environmental humanities. As such, this PhD post is open to applicants from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, including, but not limited to, art history, art practice, philosophy and critical studies, environmental studies, and heritage studies. 

Application Deadline: 28 March 2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Investigating the molecular mechanisms behind iron and siderophore uptake in pathogenic bacteria

Summary of PhD Program:

Iron is essential for bacterial cells to grow and replicate. Bacteria rely on iron scavenged from their environment for survival and its availability is particularly critical during infection, where the host sequesters iron to hamper pathogen proliferation. Under such iron-limiting conditions bacteria secrete small molecules called siderophores that can capture ionic forms of iron and subsequently transport the iron loaded siderophores inside the cells. Siderophores also function as bacterial virulence factors and influence microbial communities and ecological dynamics. Due to their essential nature as scavengers of iron, siderophores are very attractive vehicles for the transport of antimicrobial compounds. Chemical fusion of antibiotics to siderophores allows for targeted delivery into cell using the bacterium’s own transport machinery. By understanding the molecular details of siderophore transport my group aims to devise novel antimicrobial compounds.

Application Deadline: 16th May 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of Biophotovoltaic Prototypes for Architectural Integration 

Summary of PhD Program:

Newcastle University is ranked 1st in the UK and 18th globally in the QS World University Rankings for Sustainability (2023). This studentship is a unique opportunity to investigate the design, scalability and artificial ecology of biofacade prototypes for clean energy generation. Photosynthetic microorganisms (hereafter algae) have the potential to transform building facades into ecospheres where energy can be harvested and consumed in a closed loop. Photosynthesis harvests and utilises light energy to split water and fix CO2 for autotrophic growth and in this process, algal cells release some electrons extracellularly. Biophotovoltaics (BPV’s) harness such electrogenesis of oxygenic photosynthesis to generate a small amount of electricity in the light as well as in the dark. 

Application Deadline: 8th April 2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Comparative Romance syntax and semantics 

Summary of PhD Program:

The School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics invites applications for a fully funded PhD studentship within the area of comparative Romance syntax and semantics. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to shape their own research project on Romance causative and perception verbs within the general scope of a wider externally funded project.

Applicants will be expected to design their own programme of research focusing on the syntax/semantics of causation and/or perception in relation to at least two Romance varieties. We particularly welcome applications to work on languages/dialects which will increase our coverage of lesser studied Romance varieties such as Romanian and non-European French or Spanish. It will be possible to develop new language expertise but a familiarity with or previous experience of collecting online acceptability judgements and/or using linguistic corpora to carry out quantitative analyses would be an advantage. Statistical analysis of results using R will be required and training will be provided for this purpose. 

Application Deadline: 28th March 2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optimisation of the cryogenic bulk liquid production and supply market

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University. Linde and BOC plants make cryogenic liquid air products at various production rates. Production is subject to variable power prices and customer locations, as well as vehicle and driver availability which creates a complex optimisation / scheduling problem. Moreover, any derived schedule must be automated and continually updated to account for variations in production capacity and efficiency. 

Application Deadline: 31st May 2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Using CRISPR and pluripotent stem cells to determine osteoarthritis effector gene function

Summary of PhD Program:

We will use human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and CRISPR genetic engineering to explore the role of an osteoarthritis susceptibility gene in cartilage differentiation, homeostasis and disease. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the leading cause of chronic disability in the UK and is characterised by destruction of the articular cartilage at the bone surface, although disease aetiology is poorly understood. OA-associated genetic risk variants and epigenetic changes are enriched in transcriptional enhancers and are thought to contribute to OA through altering gene expression. Identifying the target genes of OA-associated enhancers and understanding the function of these effector genes will increase understanding and potentially treatment of OA. 

Application Deadline: 25th March 2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Improve motor learning in children through connecting robots

Summary of PhD Program:

Many real-life scenarios involve collaboration between two individuals, where the reliance on haptic communication arising from physical interactions is crucial. This project will investigate the mechanisms underlying the collaboration between humans, by physically coupling two individuals through robots. The main objectives are: i) to investigate how to take full advantage of haptic communication for enhancing motor learning, studying how learning is affected by the levels of connection and how these can be optimised to improve the acquisition of new motor skills; ii) to apply the knowledge gathered from the use of connecting robots to a real-life application, i.e. to foster handwriting learning in primary school children while interacting with their teacher or caregiver.

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in High-fidelity simulation and modelling of premixed combustion of NH3/H2 blends for power-generation and propulsion sectors

Summary of PhD Program:

The ambitions for tackling global warming initiated by COP27/28 have accelerated the quest for decarbonised energy generation processes and the use of zero-carbon fuels will play an increasingly important role in the future, especially for the UK to meet government net-zero targets. Ammonia, as a carrier of hydrogen, is widely considered a future zero-carbon energy vector. The reactivity of NH3 is often improved through the catalytic production of H2 via partial thermal decomposition from solar heat to form an NH3/H2/N2 mixture, herein denoted D-NH3. However, D-NH3 combustion can lead to a high emission of NOx including the production of N2O – a gas with a greenhouse potential 300 times greater than CO2. Thus, a thorough understanding and improved computational modelling of the premixed combustion of D-NH3 are needed so that the potential of NH3 as an alternative fuel for gas turbines and marine engines can be realised. 

Application Deadline: 31st March 2024

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Design of pipeline steels towards better capacity of retaining hydrogen

Summary of PhD Program:

The Ph.D. project aims to test the current pipeline steels under service in pure hydrogen conditions and build a material database for industrial use. A multiscale, predictive model for engineering assessment of hydrogen induced failure will also be developed to facilitate the limited state-based design of hydrogen pipelines. These databases and models will support the new microstructure development with excellent properties for hydrogen storage to restrict hydrogen diffusion and permeation, which is the critical technology to increase hydrogen resistance. The outcomes of the project will facilitate the design of the next generation of pipeline steels for pure hydrogen transmission. This project is supported by TATA, Liberty Steel, and Uppsala University.

Application Deadline: 19th May 2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Marine Ecology – Quantifying changes in marine ecosystem services in a changing climate

Summary of PhD Program:

Interested in understanding how marine ecosystem services will change under a changing climate? This interdisciplinary PhD project is focussed on trying to better understand and inform management of marine social-ecological systems by identifying key marine ecosystem services, predicting how these might change under future climate change, and identifying areas of greatest value and resilience. Globally, ecosystems and the biodiversity they support are subjected to increasing human pressures that can negatively impact ecosystem condition and functioning. In turn, degradation from cumulative pressures can reduce societal benefits from ecosystems, i.e., ecosystem services. However, little is currently known about how the distribution and integrity of marine ecosystem services (e.g., fisheries, storm protection, recreational space, etc.) may change under future climate conditions, and the impacts that this may have on society. Ecosystem services provide the “common language” to facilitate stakeholder engagement and explore synergies and trade-offs between different values and benefits to society.

Application Deadline: 20th April 2024

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Immunology & Bioengineering- Developing a novel therapeutic for restoration of immune tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis

Summary of PhD Program:

This studentship will develop a biomaterial-based therapeutic to restore immune tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating inflammatory autoimmune disease for which no cure is available. It is caused by a loss of immune tolerance to the patient’s self-antigens, leading to destructive immune responses to their own tissues. Current treatments largely act by reducing inflammation, but do not restore the underlying pathology. The development of novel therapeutics that restore immune tolerance has therefore become a major focus. Such therapeutics are referred to as antigen-specific tolerogenic vaccines. 

Application Deadline: 5th April 2024

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Geospatial Engineering: Smart Earth Observation Satellite Constellation

Summary of PhD Program:

Processing satellite data plays an important role in the ecosystem of space based earth observation (EO). Currently, satellites are tasked from the ground to collect data on demand and download it whenever passing over assigned ground stations. All processing is then performed on the ground in dedicated data centres, or on the cloud. Simply, there is no “intelligence” on-board the satellites to perform data analysis. Key consequences are a vast amount of data that needs to be stored and processed on the ground, leading to considerable operating costs and inefficiencies that cascade to delays in decision-making.

Application Deadline: 30th April 2024

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing: Software Security for Autonomous Systems (Robots)

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek a highly motivated graduate to conduct research in software security for robots. Due to the complexity and autonomy of robot systems, traditional approaches to design security are not often sufficient to protect them.This PhD project aims at

  • analysing security of robots software, including application layer and the operating system, to formally detect and repair software vulnerabilities, and
  • enhancing security of robots with self-protection capabilities to autonomously protect them against attacks.

The candidate will use different techniques including static program analysis, threat modelling and advanced software design techniques to develop effective solutions.

Application Deadline: 31 March 2024

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Urban noise mapping using artificial intelligence

Summary of PhD Program:

Noise pollution has long been an issue in cities and is linked to a multitude of health issues. Attempts to map noise pollution have largely been based on annual traffic flow data, primarily from roads. However, city noise is more complex than just traffic noise and more realistic maps may be obtained by including all sources of noise within the urban environment. This may be achieved by using actual recorded sound data, either from static sensors deployed along roads, or by using mobile surveys.

Building on Alvares-Sanches et al. (2021), this project will investigate a hybrid approach to modelling urban noise pollution by coupling propagation models and empirically measured sound levels from mobile surveys. By recording sound across the full frequency spectrum, the student will be able to segment the data into appropriate frequency bands and also develop deep learning models to identify sound sources (e.g. traffic, bird song, speech). This approach will provide far more detail than the usual A-weighted noise summaries. The key research question is whether combining the strengths of propagation models and mobile surveys recording full-spectrum sound data leads to better, and more transferable, urban noise models.

Application Deadline: 31 March 2024

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science: TinyML

Summary of PhD Program:

The research aims to develop a new generation of lifelong machine learning algorithms for processing sensor data streams on heterogeneous hardware infrastructures – devices/edge clusters/clouds – to ensure the desired system properties such as security, privacy, and autonomy. The promising approach lies in using computing architectures other than von Neuman, such as neuromorphic devices, customized multi-processors, FPGA, and other dedicated NN coprocessors. Another aspect, no less important, is the ML model security on the devices which ARM Trusted Zones and similar technologies might support. Industry-proven tools such as Tensorflow Lite might not be sufficient for complex heterogeneous IoT environments, and there is a need to develop new algorithms and techniques for model training and deployment.

Application Deadline: 1 April 2024

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science: Interaction Design – Techno-Spirituality for Community Wellbeing

Summary of PhD Program:

Interested in designing interactive tools and experiences to support people’s spiritual journey? Techno-Spirituality is a growing design space in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) at the intersection of spirituality and interactive technologies. Religious and/or spiritual (R/S) practices are intertwined with everyday life and intrinsically linked to people’s wellbeing. This PhD will explore how interactive technologies can support R/S practices and wider wellbeing whilst critically investigating new challenges posed by digital and data-driven tools. Your research will contribute to Design and HCI by exploring the role bodies, places and materials play in R/S practices. The candidate will establish collaborations with key stakeholders and address the unique needs, values and aspiration of R/S communities through a design-led approach.

Application Deadline: 28 March 2024

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30. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science: Immersive Visualization 

Summary of PhD Program:

Recent years have seen a growing use of immersive visualization. Researchers quickly established that immersivity does not merely enhance existing visualization metaphors, but rather addresses specific challenges. It is commonly established that immersive visualisation enables situated analysis, spatial data and spatial task, collaboration, and presentation. These capabilities prove particularly valuable in domains like graph visualization, geospatial data representation, and teaching, as well as across various fields including health, energy, defence, and security. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms responsible for these enhanced performances are not yet fully comprehended. 

Application Deadline: 31 March 2024

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31. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human-Computer Interaction/Interaction Design – Digital technologies for social justice and transformative futures

Summary of PhD Program:

Interested in social change? This PhD will explore how design and digital technologies can contribute to social justice endeavours and transformative futures. The PhD will contribute to research in social justice-oriented design and transformative innovations by exploring how participatory methodologies and new socio-technical capabilities can be harnessed to usher more just and equitable futures. The ubiquitous introduction of new and emergent technologies is bringing significant changes to societies. Yet, these digital innovations can simply replicate unjust systems, exacerbate inequalities and social divisions, in contexts of increasing socio-economic uncertainty, ecological crisis, and political instability. Instead, designing for transformative futures seek to contribute to systems change towards equitable and sustainable living. 

Application Deadline: 31 May 2024

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32. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human-Computer Interaction – Rural Computing for Resilient Rural Communities

Summary of PhD Program:

Interested in understanding how computing and interaction design can better support rural communities? Based in a multidisciplinary HCI lab in partnership with the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE), this PhD will explore ways to extend and expand the scope of citizen-centred design and innovation from an urban-centric perspective toward rural and coastal communities. The increased dependence on communications technologies during the Covid-19 pandemic further emphasised that access to connected digital technologies are important to social cohesion and community resilience. However, despite rural communities facing ecological, social, and economic uncertainties, civic technology and ICTs are not designed with the rural in mind.

Application Deadline: 28 March 2024

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33. Fully Funded PhD Position in Compounding extreme rainfall and drought/heatwaves

Summary of PhD Program:

The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. 

Application Deadline: 8th April 2024

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34. Fully Funded PhD Position in A generative AI flood vulnerability model for a changing world

Summary of PhD Program:

The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. 

Application Deadline: 8th April 2024

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