
32 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Cambridge, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Cambridge, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

The Oliver Gatty PhD Studentship for full-time study and research training in the fields of Biophysical and Colloid Science is open to graduates in the broad area of biophysics. The Studentship is tenable for up to four years, commencing on the 1st October 2024. Candidates should identify a supervisor and agree on a proposed course of research before making an application.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cancer Biology

Summary of PhD Program:

The CRUK Cambridge Centre is a dynamic collaboration of academic researchers, clinicians, and the pharmaceutical and biotech industries based in the Cambridge area. By being part of the Centre, students will have the opportunity to attend a number of lecture series, workshops and meetings aimed at facilitating and strengthening collaborations between complimentary disciplines and across different departments and institutes.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Veterinary Anaesthesia

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited from recently qualified veterinarians for this twelve month post-graduate training programme offering high-quality, post-graduate training in Veterinary Anaesthesia. The emphasis will be on gaining practical clinical experience in Veterinary Anaesthesia under the supervision of board-certified diplomates, and will further prepare the candidate to embark on a 3-year Residency Training Programme in veterinary anaesthesia.

Application Deadline: 19 November 2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Genetics

Summary of PhD Program:

The Drosophila adult midgut is a homeostatic tissue, in which cells constantly turn over and are replaced by the progeny of intestinal stem cells divisions. These progeny, called enteroblasts, are initially quiescent, lack an apical domain and lie on the basal side of the epithelium. In response to dying cells or signals that expand the gut, the enteroblasts integrate into the epithelium, polarise and form a new apical domain with a typical brush border. Two features of this process are very different from other epithelia in Drosophila. Firstly, enteroblast polarisation does not require any of the canonical epithelial polarity factors that have been identified in other tissues, and it depends instead on adhesion to the basement membrane, as is the case in mammalian epithelia (1).

Application Deadline: 26 November 2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for an Ernest Oppenheimer Studentship to be held at Cambridge University in Colloid Science, as broadly interpreted within the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering. The Studentship is to support research projects directly leading to a PhD. The application should be made by the designated research supervisor, on behalf of the named candidate. Normally, only one application per supervisor will be considered.

Application Deadline: 9 January 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cancer 

Summary of PhD Program:

The Early Cancer Institute at the University of Cambridge is the UK’s only Institute dedicated to the early detection of cancer. This world-leading centre is based on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and houses a highly multidisciplinary, collaborative range of experts working to take early detection innovations from bench to bedside and move the world beyond the fear of cancer.

Application Deadline: 22 November 2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Trophoblast

Summary of PhD Program:

Our PIs are recognized international experts in their fields based across Cambridge in the Departments of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pathology, Genetics, and allied institutes, including the Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease, the LMB, Babraham, and Wellcome Sanger Institute. A CTR Studentship is held within the relevant Department or Institute, where an internal Departmental Postgraduate Educational Committee is responsible for administering your degree.

Application Deadline: 16 November 2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cancer 

Summary of PhD Program:

The CRUK Cambridge Centre is a dynamic collaboration of academic researchers, clinicians, and the pharmaceutical and biotech industries based in the Cambridge area. By being part of the Centre, students will have the opportunity to attend a number of lecture series, workshops and meetings aimed at facilitating and strengthening collaborations between complimentary disciplines and across different departments and institutes.

Application Deadline: 15 November 2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in cancer

Summary of PhD Program:

Cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) are cells embedded in the tumour microenvironment (TME) along with immune and cancer cells. Recently, some CAF subsets have been associated with poor response to immunotherapy. This has led to the emergence of CAF as potential therapeutic targets, although limited understanding of CAF heterogeneity and lack of CAF-rich mouse models mimicking the human immune-suppressive TME has hampered the efforts to effectively target these cells. The aim of this project is to develop novel models that mimic the immunosuppressed microenvironment of solid tumours and to explore the impact of CAF heterogeneity in immunotherapy resistance.

Application Deadline: 19 November 2023

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Multimodal AI-guided tools for early prediction of disease progression in neurodegenerative disorders

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for 4-year PhD studentship based in the Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge and the new AstraZeneca Discovery Centre at Cambridge. The student will be working on a collaborative project jointly supervised by Professor Zoe Kourtzi at Department of Psychology Cambridge in collaboration with AstraZeneca’s Neuroscience (Dr Keith Tan, Dr Andrew Lowe) and Data Science & AI (Dr Philip Teare, Dr Gayathri Mohankumar) teams and will have the opportunity to work across the two sites. The project, entitled ‘Multimodal AI-guided tools for early prediction of disease progression in neurodegenerative disorders’ is in the field of AI for Neuroscience that has generated much excitement in both academia and industry.

Application Deadline: 20 November 2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Reading and Writing in Medieval Womens Religious Communities

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD studentship offers an opportunity to investigate the culture of female religious communities in the Middle Ages, through a study of their surviving manuscripts. We are inviting applicants to propose a project that explores any aspect of women’s conventual life, with the specific aim of bringing together kinds of sources that have rarely been discussed in combination. The themes and structure of the project are entirely open, provided the proposal is interdisciplinary and combines different types of manuscripts in novel, creative, and productive ways.

Application Deadline: 4 January 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Philosophy of Wellbeing Policy

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD studentship aims at making explicit the knowledge that exists among practitioners and in the less visible space of implementation of well-being policies and exploring its relevance for evidence-based policy. Using review of a variety of literatures as well as interviews with the staff of What Works Centre Wellbeing and cognate practitioners, this project seeks to reconstruct the methodology behind generation and deployment of wellbeing evidence as it travels between the academy and the practitioners. In addition to being a contribution to wellbeing practice, such a project trials an innovative approach to philosophy of science and applied epistemology more generally. How is localized knowledge relevant to specific practical contexts generated, preserved, and passed on? Does it have a philosophy of its own? Can recovering this knowledge help address deficits in evidence-based practices? In this way this project encourages and supports practice-based research at doctoral level.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Non-Normative Identities in 20th-21st Century Catalan Cultures

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student will carry out original research that addresses the presence of minoritarian/non-normative identities within Catalan cultures. The project will need to address the complexities of subaltern expressions of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability, migration, and/or class situated in the framework of Catalan cultures, perhaps exploring the nuanced intertwining of identities and nationhood. Applicants will be asked to propose their own PhD research project, based on their qualifications and interests that fits within the general parameters specified.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multilingual teaching, learning and assessment of English in India’s primary schools

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student will carry out original research addressing an important gap in recognizing and destigmatizing the use of multiple languages in the classrooms of linguistically diverse societies of the Global South. While multilingualism is the norm in these contexts, there is a need to develop and test the effectiveness of multilingual educational materials for language learning, use and assessment.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physiology, Development & Neuroscience

Summary of PhD Program:

Applicants are invited for two 4-year PhD studentships in the Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience (PDN) from October 2024. These students will join the Cambridge Biosciences Doctoral Training Programme, participate in training and cohort-building events, and undertake a Professional Internship for PhD Students (PIPS) of 3 months.

Application Deadline: 4 January 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Molecular technologies in human health

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for three studentships to be held at the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry in the group of Professor Tuomas Knowles. The studentships are part of an active collaboration with the leading pharma company Novo Nordisk with the aim of developing and applying cutting-edge molecular technologies to key problems in human health. The research areas cover both biological chemistry and physical chemistry. The projects are highly interdisciplinary and an interest in working on major biomedical problems through approaches that bring together biological and physical chemistry is required. The projects are suitable both for biological chemists or students with a biology background wishing to apply their expertise to biophysical technologies, and for students with a background in physical chemistry or physics, wishing to apply physical approaches to important problems in the biomedical sciences.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in The Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe 

Summary of PhD Program:

The Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe and the University of Cambridge are committed to Widening Participation in postgraduate students at the University of Cambridge. Research within the Centre aims to develop a deeper understanding of life, its emergence, and its distribution in the Universe by addressing four questions:
What are the chemical pathways which led to the origins of life that are compatible with benign conditions for life in different planetary environments
How do we characterise the environments on Earth and other planets that could act as the cradle of prebiotic chemistry and life

Application Deadline: 14 November 2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in History of Colombo

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for a three year fully funded, full-time international studentship, commencing 1st October 2024. The student will be based at the Faculty of History as part of a UKRI-funded project titled ‘Colombo: Layered Histories in the Global South City’, which was selected for funding by the European Research Council under its ‘HORIZON’ programme. The prospective doctoral student will focus their attention within the broad field of the Political and/or social history of Colombo, ideally in the era after 1800. Given the project’s aim to generate dialogue between Sri Lanka and Europe, candidates applying from Sri Lanka are especially encouraged.

Application Deadline: 18 December 2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Catalysis, Energy, Sustainability

Summary of PhD Program:

Three 4-year PhD studentships are available at the University of Cambridge, starting in October 2024 under the supervision of Professor Erwin Reisner in the Department of Chemistry within the broad theme of catalysis, energy and sustainability. The projects will develop new fundamental approaches and application strategies focused on the capture and utilisation of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide or valorisation of biomass and plastic waste streams, using solar-powered technologies to convert carbon dioxide or biomass/plastic waste into renewable fuels and commodity chemicals. More specifically, photon-to-chemical conversion systems and devices will be assembled by integrating bespoke catalysts into state-of-the-art semiconductor or integrated photovoltaic photoabsorbers.

Application Deadline: 24 November 2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Modern compute platforms involve a high degree of centralisation, both in how computational resources are provided and how they are used. For example, a small number of large platform providers enable content delivery to the vast majority of readers, and state of the art scientific modelling uses large centralised high-performance computing facilities. These PhDs will study how to place intelligence in the network as one means to help support greater accountability by, e.g., enabling information accuracy to be validated and dissemination understood, and to improve the sustainability of such platforms by, e.g., moving compute nearer to data sources.

Application Deadline: 4 December 2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

The programme is structured as 0.5 + 3.5, and in the first 6 months students will undertake two 3 month rotations projects in different laboratories. These projects will be in different disciplinary areas related to your field of research, and will allow refinement of your PhD project in line with your emerging research interests as the programme progresses. Potential projects will be advertised on the DTP-MR website, and applicants can choose up to 3 projects of interest.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual capable of thinking and working independently. Applicants should have or shortly expect to obtain a first or upper second-class degree from a UK university, or an equivalent standard from an overseas university, in a relevant subject such as chemistry. Ideally, the candidate will have a strong background in organic chemistry. Practical experience of synthetic organic chemistry and peptide chemistry in a research environment would be beneficial.

Application Deadline: 1 December 2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Interactions of non-covalent biologics at the single-molecule level

Summary of PhD Program:

Protein-protein interactions at high concentrations exhibit complex manifestations of molecular interactions, often forming heterogeneous and dynamic cross-reactions both at formulation and after injection. Identifying and quantifying these interactions with ensemble-based biophysical and bioanalytical methods is challenging due to poor sensitivity. These limitations lead to measurement challenges in assessing and predicting high-concentration formulation challenges such as aggregation, viscosity, and solubility in solution and dose delivery.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2023

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual capable of thinking and working independently. Applicants must have (or expect to obtain) at least the equivalent of a UK upper second-class Masters degree in a relevant subject such as chemistry. Ideally, the candidate will have a strong background in organic chemistry. Practical experience of synthetic organic chemistry in a research environment would be beneficial.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Role of Metabolic Disease in Alzheimers Disease

Summary of PhD Program:

The proposed project will clarify how metabolic disease mechanistically contributes to neurodegenerative disease by revealing: (a) how diet alters protein aggregation and the development of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), (b) which tissues are most susceptible, and, (c) which proteins show the most aggregation. The project fits into the theme of multimorbidity and organ-organ interactions. The associated technologies may help enable early diagnosis, giving at-risk individuals more time to make lifestyle changes to potentially reduce their risk and adjust to living with dementia.

Application Deadline: 30 November 2023

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Capture

Summary of PhD Program:

Research in the Forse group centres around the development of new materials for climate change mitigation. Electrochemical carbon dioxide capture is an emerging strategy for capturing carbon dioxide at source, and offers an energy-efficient means to prevent carbon dioxide emissions. The overarching aims of this PhD project are to understand the mechanisms of electrochemical carbon dioxide capture, and to design improved devices. Specifically, the project will involve electrode synthesis/fabrication, electrochemical gas adsorption experiments, data analysis and interpretation, with opportunities to carry out in situ NMR spectroscopy measurements.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Hearable Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will focus on understanding the potential and applications of devices worn around the ear for the purpose of fitness and health tracking. The specific aim of the studentship can range from systems contribution to efficient devices (given the form factor) to the novel exploration of the sensing capabilities of devices as well as the algorithmic innovation related to improving healthcare and fitness tracking through such devices.

Application Deadline: 4 December 2023

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Embark on a journey of cutting-edge research and innovation with our MRC Industry Partner (iCASE) PhD studentships! We are offering a number of fully funded opportunities to combine academic research and training with industrial experience.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in Natural Language Processing

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship on the project EQUATE – a new project that investigates how Natural Language Processing (NLP) could be made globally more equitable. This UKRI Frontier project was selected for funding by the European Research Council (ERC) and is led by Prof. Anna Korhonen. The goal is to investigate the challenges in the development of globally equitable language technologies and to design transformative approaches to overcome them.

Application Deadline: 5 December 2023

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30. Fully Funded PhD Position in Haematological Malignancies

Summary of PhD Program:

Cambridge is one of the best places in the world to study haematological malignancies. We have the largest concentration of researchers working on haematological malignancies in Europe, with seventeen research groups based around the city making us a globally significant centre for research in leukaemia, lymphoma and pre-leukaemic conditions. World leading PIs based in Cambridge include Peter Campbell, Bertie Göttgens, Tony Green, Brian Huntly, Nicole Soranzo, George Vassiliou and Alan Warren. The Department of Haematology has an exceptional record in training young researchers. Over thirty students who studied for their PhDs in the Department have become PIs, either in Cambridge or elsewhere.

Application Deadline: 19 November 2023

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31. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for two 3-year PhD studentships in the National Institute for Health and Care Research Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Organ Donation and Transplantation (NIHR BTRU in ODT, https://odt.btru.nihr.ac.uk/). The posts will be based in the University of Cambridge Department of Surgery on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The proposed start date is 17th April 2024. The NIHR BTRU in ODT provides a centre of excellence dedicated to research into organ donation and transplantation. The overarching aims are to increase the number of organs available, improve long-term outcomes and improve quality of life after transplant.

Application Deadline: 15 January 2024

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32. Fully Funded PhD Position in Road Digital Twin Design Automation

Summary of PhD Program:

This aim of this studentship is to answer these questions for the case of roads. Understanding & digitally representing road DTs includes deriving (a) local and national stakeholders’ user and information requirements, and DT scoring metrics; and (b) creating a framework for automatically generating a pareto-optimal of trustworthy information models, libraries, and cloud architectures consistent with CDBB’s Information Management Framework (i) at micro, meso and macro scales (material-level; asset-level; network-level) and resolutions (mm-level; cm-level; m-level);

Application Deadline: 1 December 2023

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