
28 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Applicants are invited for a 4-year PhD studentship in the Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience (PDN) from October 2025. Jointly funded by PDN and Wolfson College, the student will participate in training and cohort-building events of the Cambridge Biosciences Doctoral Training Programme and undertake a Professional Internship for PhD Students (PIPS) of 3 months.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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2. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Archaeology of Later Pastoralism in Kenya

Summary of PhD Program:

The LHEAAPS project aims to investigate the origins and evolution of Pastoral Iron Age societies in north-central Kenya through integrated analysis of patterns of human and livestock mobility, dietary practices, exchange networks, and responses to periods of known drought and increased rainfall over the last c. 1800 years. Through the innovative use of diverse bioarchaeological, archaeological and materials sciences approaches, these two PhD projects are intended to contribute to the reconstruction of exchange networks through archaeometric analyses of lithic and ceramic artefacts; and reconstructions of diet and herd management strategies (including seasonal and longer-term mobility of livestock) via combined zooarchaeology and isotopic analyses.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Genetics

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for a fully funded 4-year PhD Studentship to start in October 2025 in the Department of Genetics. The successful applicant will work in one of three research groups contributing to projects led by Group Leaders Dr Charlotte Houldcroft, Dr Alex Cagan or Dr Antoine Hocher. In the Pathogen Dynamics Unit within the Department of Genetics, the Houldcroft group undertakes two major strands of adenovirus research: genomics of AdVs in clinical settings, and adaptive immunity to AdVs. Prospective PhD students could therefore tailor a project in two directions.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Applicants are invited for a 4-year PhD studentship in the Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience (PDN) from October 2025. The student will participate in training and cohort-building events of the Cambridge Biosciences Doctoral Training Programme and undertake a Professional Internship for PhD Students (PIPS) of 3 months.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Social Anthropology of Inner Asia

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for the Sigrid Rausing MIASU PhD Studentship in the Social Anthropology of Inner Asia. The studentship, funded by a generous donation from the Sigrid Rausing Trust, will cover the University Composition Fee (tuition fees) and maintenance at the home fee rate. Applications from international students are welcome. Whilst we endeavour, where possible, to award full studentships, international students may be required to cover the fee gap between the home and overseas fee rates. The studentship is available for full-time students only and normally tenable for three years.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2025

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Classics

Summary of PhD Program:

The Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge seeks applications for a funded PhD, to begin on 01 September 2025, or as near to that date as possible, to work in the context of the Swiss National Foundation project ‘Citation, Indirect Transmission, Exegesis (CITE). Modes of Reading in Antiquity’, which will run jointly in Basel and Cambridge. The successful applicant will work, under the supervision of Prof Gábor Betegh and Prof Richard Hunter, on the traditions, citations and reading of the Presocratics from the classical period onwards. Full-funding is guaranteed for 42 months for UK students; international students are encouraged also to apply and will be considered for further funding to bridge the gap between ‘home’ and ‘overseas’ fees.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Drugging kinase-driven brain cancer with multi-topic compounds

Summary of PhD Program:

This is a unique opportunity for PhD study in the world-leading Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI), to start a research career in an environment committed to training outstanding cancer research scientists of the future. The Institute’s particular strengths are in genomics, computational biology and imaging; and significant research effort is currently devoted to cancers arising in the breast, pancreas, brain, and colon. Patients with brain cancer desperately need more effective tailored treatments. Virtually all brain cancer patients today are being treated with drugs that were not initially designed to target the brain but instead developed for, and tested in, patients with tumours elsewhere.

Application Deadline: 31 January 2025

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Uncovering the origin and evolution of primitive compartments

Summary of PhD Program:

The projects will identify prebiotic chemistries that could have given rise to compositionally diverse membranes and show how these support characteristic behaviours necessary for nucleic acid replication and membrane division, the hallmarks of a cell cycle. To achieve this goal, we will harness diversity-oriented prebiotic synthesis to non-enzymatically transform primitive pluripotent lipids into libraries of diverse lipids (Project 1). These lipids will be used to build compositionally diverse membranes capable of interacting with membrane-editing protoenzymes and ribozymes (Project 2).

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join the project. The selected student will be supervised by the PI of the project (Dr Abigail Moffett, University of Cambridge) and by Professor Paul Lane (University of Cambridge). The PhD project will focus on the analysis of excavated materials from the coastal regions of southern Mozambique, with an opportunity to develop expertise in a range of materials based analytical techniques. The successful applicant will possess an ability for rigorous, creative and independent thought, have ability to work as part of a team and be willing to spend part of their PhD undertaking fieldwork in Mozambique.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Applications are invited for an Ernest Oppenheimer Studentship to be held at Cambridge University in Colloid Science, as broadly interpreted within the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering. The Studentship is to support research projects directly leading to a PhD. The application should be made by the designated research supervisor, on behalf of the named candidate. Normally, only one application per supervisor will be considered.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Fusion of Multi-Modal Data in Nonlinear System Modelling by using Machine Learning techniques

Summary of PhD Program:

This exciting project will focus on addressing two fundamental challenges in physics-enhanced machine learning strategies for Digital Twins development: (i) develop Machine Learning models that can be trained with multi-modal data, i.e. simulation and measurement data that embody different fidelities and uncertainties. (ii) account for non-linearities that are common in many engineering systems.

Application Deadline: 31 January 2025

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero

Summary of PhD Program:

We have funding for a number of 1+3 MRes/PHD studentships, in collaboration with industry, as part of our EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT), under the four following themes:

-Current and disruptive technologies
-Circularity and whole life approach
-Al-driven digitalisation and data
-Risk-based systems thinking and connectivity

Application Deadline: 16 May 2025

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Matta Labs Ltd- Foundational AI Models for Manufacturing

Summary of PhD Program:

The project seeks to revolutionise design and manufacturing end-to-end, by enabling the conception, optimisation and production of better products. As a starting point, this will focus on “neural” digital twins, powered by data sources including process monitoring, supply chains, literature and human expert input. By creating a dynamic, real-time replica of parts being manufactured, these digital twins could drive unprecedented gains in manufacturing capability and sustainability by enabling real-time simulation, optimization, and predictive maintenance. This is a rapidly evolving field and so we expect that the research direction and methods will adapt to ongoing discoveries.

Application Deadline: 1 February 2025

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Shaping and Enhancing Magnetic Fields with Bulk Superconductors

Summary of PhD Program:

Superconducting solenoids are vital to key applications in science, technology and medicine. They are currently used in NMR and MRI as well as for scientific research. There is considerable interest in future applications such as fusion reactors and superconducting motors. In many applications we need to take the field produced by a solenoid and optimise it for a particular application. This is currently done using techniques such as shim coils and permanent magnets.

Application Deadline: 15 March 2025

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Particle-driven convection in a stratification: The mystery of ocean plastics

Summary of PhD Program:

This project will use laboratory experiments to investigate particle-driven convection, which occurs when particles settle through a stably stratified interface. Even though the initial stratification is stable, particle settling leads to an unstable interface in the density field, driving an instability. Using experimental techniques, such as PIV and PTV, shadowgraph imaging and dye attenuation, experiments will be used to characterise the flow and develop an understanding of the important physics.

Application Deadline: 31 March 2025

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optical deep learning and computing for future communication systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and optical technologies presents a groundbreaking opportunity to address challenges in modern communication systems. Optical technologies, driven by the increasing demands for high-speed communication, sensing, and displays, have demonstrated remarkable potential for energy-efficient and scalable solutions. Simultaneously, the evolution of AI has opened new frontiers for intelligent system design. This project aims to explore the development of all-optical neural networks and all-optical computing paradigms to enable next-generation communication systems.

Application Deadline: 28 February 2025

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Matching algorithms with real neuronal structures and modelling their performance

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of the project is to explore the known anatomy and physiology of the brain to find matches to the functional structures required to implement various algorithms, such as reinforcement learning. It should also be possible to predict the anatomy required for certain types of functionality in a way that can be tested experimentally by others. There will be a particular focus on the cerebellum. The work will involve computational simulation of neural networks either at the level of analogue values or in terms of spiking patterns and spiking rates.

Application Deadline: 14 February 2025

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Inter-Scale Causality in Wall-Bounded Turbulence

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims to develop a new, spectral framework to analyse and understand wall turbulence, by quantifying how turbulent eddies of different lengthscales interact with each other through the non-linear, advective term in the momentum equations. The idea is then to use this framework to map inter-scale causality, characterising the turbulent cascade, and to identify the essential paths in these maps, with applications to reduced-order modelling and flow control. The project will also aim to use these maps to understand how the dynamics of the turbulent cascade and turbulent dissipation are altered in flows over complex and textured surfaces, compared to those over smooth walls.

Application Deadline: 31 January 2025

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Configuring Digital Experiences to enable Sustainable Futures

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this PhD research is to advance the integration of digital tools into management approaches to support sustainable decision-making in industry, focusing particularly on immersive technologies like mixed reality (AR/VR). Specifically, the candidate will explore how digital augmentations in mixed reality can enhance strategic management tools to make sustainability-driven decisions less hard to take.

Application Deadline: 3 February 2025

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

We invite applications from UK students for the following 3.5 year fully funded non-clinical studentships based in the Early Cancer Institute, Department of Oncology, University of Cambridge, UK. We have funding for two students to commence study in 2025:

Modelling progression risks in Barrett’s oesophagus – with Profs Rebecca Fitzgerald and Nora Pashayan.
Understanding the optical signature of cancerous tissues – with Dr Danielle Harper.
Understanding the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the progression of clonal haematopoiesis to blood cancer (MDS+/-AML) – with Dr Caroline Watson.

Application Deadline: 16 February 2025

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Protecting Glaciers – Physical barriers Sea Bed Curtains

Summary of PhD Program:

This project will involve collaboration with the University of Lapland, Aker Solutions (an engineering consulting company based in Norway with a UK office), and a number of other universities looking at the possibility of creating physical barriers to impede the flow of deep saline, warm water encroaching upon the grounding line of glaciers. The concept involves the installation of buoyant flexible curtains tethered to the ocean floor in front of glaciers.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2025

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Methane Mitigation: Catalysts

Summary of PhD Program:

With the advancements in renewable technologies, it has become attractive to utilize these ‘free’ electrons to tackle problems related to sustainability such as that mentioned above. In this studentship, you will engineer nanostructures and investigate catalytic properties under charge modulation for methane removal. You will determine the effects of charge application, methane concentration, different modes of perturbation, etc. with the objective of developing an active material. 

Application Deadline: 16 May 2025

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Direct Air Capture – Process modelling and scaling up material production

Summary of PhD Program:

We face a climate change crisis, and it is now accepted that we not only need to dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, but that we also need to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The Forse Group in the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry are working on “direct air capture” (DAC), an approach where sponge-like materials are used to capture carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. The traditional sponge materials for this process have issues including poor long-term stability and/or the need for very high temperatures (up to 900 ºC) to regenerate the sponges for reuse.

Application Deadline: 16 May 2025

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

This project integrates cognitive research with digital technology to develop an individualized approach to second language learning. Tailoring instruction to students’ abilities improves outcomes, while using multiple languages brings cognitive, cultural and economic benefits to individuals and society. Language learning is thus an obvious candidate for tailored instruction. Yet it is still dominated by one-size-fits-all approach. This has become a pressing issue as language education now faces a widening participation crisis. Many students, particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, are increasingly unable to access language programmes.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in cardiovascular sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

The BHF Cambridge Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) is a world-leading Interdisciplinary Research Centre. Our overarching scientific objective is to advance understanding of pathobiology, diagnosis, prevention, and therapy of cardiovascular disease, including implementation of new diagnostics/treatment, by applying our combined expertise in hypothesis-driven and assumption-free approaches. We achieve this through interdisciplinary capabilities in clinical, experimental, population and data sciences. 

Application Deadline: 16 January 2025

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Common ground: exploring methods of communication at a system and landscape level for floods and other risks in the UK

Summary of PhD Program:

This Collaborative Doctoral Award would give you the opportunity to shape the UK’s climate adaptation programme. Partnering with Arup and the EA in their recently launched FENS2100+ project, you will gain privileged insights from practitioners and the local communities at risk and pilot their research-led designs during their PhD. The aim of this project is to explore and propose methods of communication at a system and landscape level for floods and other risks in the UK.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in The Portraiture of Rowland Lockey (c.1566-1616): A Historical and Technical Examination

Summary of PhD Program:

The studentship will provide an opportunity to undertake technical art-historical research on paintings attributed to Lockey in the collection of the National Trust, understanding the use of techniques such as MA-XRF, cross-section sampling, and X-radiography. Assisted by Trust curators the award holder will research documentary evidence in the Hardwick archives of Lockey’s work for patrons such as Elizabeth, Countess of Shrewsbury, and her son, William Cavendish. This will be complemented by research in The National Archives and other repositories, to build as full a picture as possible of Lockey’s career which will be the backbone of outreach and community engagement activity by the Trust.

Application Deadline: 7 January 2025

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