Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Precision flavour physics observables from Lattice QCD
Summary of PhD Program:
You will perform sophisticated analyses of large datasets from Lattice QCD simulations which is the only known first-principle method to relate the Standard Model description of the theory of quarks and gluons (Quantum Chromodynamics) to experimentally observable bound states called “hadrons”. You will develop methods to optimally extract hadronic form factors from existing data sets, with a particular focus on decays of mesons containing a heavy (charm or bottom) quark. This will culminate in predictions of several hadronic form factors, parameterising the decays of D(s) and B(s) mesons which are experimentally accessible at the LHC (CERN) and other supercolliders.
Application Deadline: 16 February 2025
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Precise predictions for lepton scattering experiments
Summary of PhD Program:
Particle physics experiments involving leptons are among the most precise experiments in all of science. They can be used to stress-test the Standard Model of Particle Physics at many different energy scales if the underlying processes are sufficiently well understood. Examples include existing experiments such as Belle II (Japan), MUSE (Switzerland) and ULQ2 (Japan) as well as planned experiments such as MUonE (Switzerland) or MAGIX (Germany) but also the proposed 100km collider FCC-ee at CERN.
Application Deadline: 16 February 2025
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optoelectronic Artificial Synapses Using Solar Cell Materials for Neuromorphic Computing
Summary of PhD Program:
Neuromorphic computing1 emulates human brain functions to surpass the traditional von Neumann architecture’s computational efficiency limitations. Unlike typical binary systems, neuromorphic systems use spike inputs where information is encoded based on the signal’s timing, shape, and magnitude. Key to this technology are artificial synapses, which have been developed using a range of approaches based on phase-change materials, memristors, and ion-exchange mechanisms. Artificial optoelectronic synapses convert light directly into current, providing advantages in robotics and AI due to their low energy use and wavelength sensitivity 2.
Application Deadline: 31 March 2025
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optimized Flow Pathways for Monodisperse Nanoparticles of Porous Materials
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will develop automated processes for synthesising highly uniform MOF nanoparticles. The use of flow brings inherent scalability to optimised processes developed in this project, reducing the need for downstream re-optimisation. The incorporation of process analytical technologies (PAT) and process control tools will be inherently amenable to automation. Algorithms have been used to autonomously optimise chemical processes, e.g., well-understood two-step reactions in flow; recently, automated optimisation of nanoparticles has been realised for CdSe or noble metal NPs, but it is a significant challenge to achieve this for particles without an obvious spectroscopic handle.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optimisation algorithms for flow chemistry
Summary of PhD Program:
Computer science research plays a transformative role across many interdisciplinary fields. This project aims to combine advanced computational methods with cutting edge chemistry techniques to create an automatic platform for discovery of new molecular materials. In particular, we focus on flow chemistry. This project will develop customised optimisation algorithms that can automate optimised choices of parameters to target objectives like efficiency, cost, product yield, and sustainability. Specifically, we will leverage two fundamental computer science concepts in (i) mathematical optimisation and (ii) graph theory to build models that drive the design of bespoke optimisation algorithms for this purpose.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Learning for Material Performance Predictions Across Climates
Summary of PhD Program:
Beckers Group is the number one supplier of coil coatings and a leading supplier of industrial paints worldwide. To deliver reliable recommendations and warranties to clients, Beckers has conducted decade-long studies on formulation weathering at testing sites worldwide, encompassing diverse climatic conditions. Previously [1], we demonstrated how this data can be combined with climatic information from satellite measurements to enable global predictions of coating performance at fine scales. In this project, we will leverage laboratory evaluation data and chemical similarity between formulations to deliver predictions earlier in the design process and drive material discovery.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Investigation of Novel Accessory Proteins in the Replication of Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Summary of PhD Program:
Coronaviruses encode several accessory proteins that have been proposed to counteract antiviral host responses in vivo. Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) is a Gammacoronavirus causing Infectious Bronchitis, an acute highly contagious economically important disease of chickens. IBV is related to other important coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2 or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus that infect humans. While previous research has shown that IBV genes 3 and 5 encode four accessory proteins, namely 3a, 3b, 5a and 5b; work in the Coronavirus group has identified two additional accessory genes, 4b and 7, produced via novel non-canonical mechanisms.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in High-throughput First-principle Simulations of Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors
Summary of PhD Program:
The project focuses on first-principle methods such as Quantum Monte-Carlo and numerical diagonalisation for accurate simulations of quantum dynamics in molecular organic semiconductors. The methods will be used for materials exploration based on large data sets of quasi-2D molecular organic semiconductors (rubrene, pentacene, and >4000 other materials) as well as other materials such as perovskites. Molecular semiconductors are promising candidates for large-area electronic devices (solar panels, lighting) and spintronics, and feature an unusual charge transport mechanism that is driven by dynamical phonon disorder.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in High Power Laser Development
Summary of PhD Program:
The studentship will focus on creating high-energy, high repetition-rate lasers. You will work with optical fibre lasers and combine the output of these systems using polarisation combination to create one output beam. The aim is to harness the advantages of chirped pulsed amplifier Yb lasers over other solid-state systems by using a combination of techniques to increase the energy output. This performance is not possible with the current systems, and so this project involves working at the forefront of laser technology to make a difference.
Application Deadline: 31 March 2025
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Discovery of New Ionic Conducting Materials
Summary of PhD Program:
This project tackles the discovery of new materials for solid state batteries that will have higher energy densities and superior safety to current technologies. It is based on the design and discovery of new inorganic solids with unprecedented structures that will allow new mechanisms for fast ion motion in solids. Materials that allow the rapid motion of ions are essential for the new energy technologies needed to meet the challenge of net zero, such as batteries, fuel cells and electrolysers for green hydrogen.
Application Deadline: 31 August 2025
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digitally-led Discovery of Solid Electrolyte Materials for Net Zero Applications
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will be supervised by Prof Matthew Rosseinsky and Dr Matthew Dyer (Dept. Chemistry). With the broad scope of skills available within the supervisory team, the project provides sufficient flexibility for students from a broad range of backgrounds to both grow their initial strengths and develop new capabilities – the most obvious candidates would be those with aptitude for experimental work and also numerical capability, but this is far from the only possible solutionThe project will allow the first real evaluation of the new symbolic AI tools for automated reasoning exploration of chemical space [2], developed by the supervisors with colleagues in CS, in practical workflows, providing further opportunity for students with a range of backgrounds to engage with the project and allowing the project to drive forwards Liverpool’s leadership in this space that remains fragile in the face of escalating and far better resourced competition across the world.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital twin of heat pumps integrated with thermal energy storage
Summary of PhD Program:
This project aims to develop models to quantify the impacts of heat electrification, to develop solutions through demand side management using heat storages, and to quantify the flexibility provided by heat storages and exploit it. Based on the obtained understanding, the project aims to establish a digital twin of an exemplar heating system that integrates heat pumps with thermal energy storage to explore and demonstrate how such flexible heating systems could manage heat demand in response to weather forecasts, and thus minimise their impact on the electricity grid collectively.
Application Deadline: 1 August 2025
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Exploration of Novel Polymeric Materials for Structural Composites
Summary of PhD Program:
Structural composites materials are used in a vast number of applications from aerospace to sport and recreation. Their polymeric constituent is in the majority of cases made by materials formed by epoxy-aromatic amine chemistry while there are many alternative chemistries, which are, in principle, capable of similar or better performances and can be more sustainable. The chemical space to explore is so vast and the current technologies so well developed that it is impossible to find viable alternatives in reasonable time with conventional methods.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Exploration and Structural Modelling of Hybrid Glass Formers
Summary of PhD Program:
Glasses formed from hybrid materials, or hybrid glasses, have revolutionised materials science in recent years, with their distinctive structural and functional properties. This project aims to expand our understanding of these non-crystalline materials via two key objectives: the discovery of new hybrid glass formers and by modelling the atomic structures of known materials. Advanced computational methods, such as high-throughput simulations and machine learning, will be utilised to identify promising glass-forming candidates. Detailed atomic structural models of known hybrid glasses will also be developed, providing insights into their structure, bonding, and stability.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Discovery of Polymeric Materials
Summary of PhD Program:
Computer aided design is used only rarely for polymeric materials, despite their importance across all technology sectors. Ultimately, this is because conventional simulations of polymers are tedious to set up, much slower than experimental synthesis and characterization, and therefore limited to the study of benchmark systems. This project will develop workflows for the accelerated and accurate simulations of thousands of polymers, opening the opportunity to use data analytics and machine learning to derive structure-property relations. It will become possible, for the first time, to establish a feedback loop between modelling and experiment for this class of materials, because the formulation of hypotheses through modelling will be faster than experiments.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of quantitative imaging biomarkers for characterization of neural functional abnormalities in preclinical models of neurodevelopmental disorders
Summary of PhD Program:
This multi-institutional Dual PhD project between the University of Liverpool and the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, India. The project aims to develop quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopic imaging biomarkers to assess abnormalities in neural function and metabolism in well-established preclinical models of neurological disorders. Specifically, the project will initially develop and validate longitudinal diffusion tensor tractography and MR spectroscopy in a Trappc9 knockout model of intellectual disability, which demonstrates microcephaly and learning disabilities
Application Deadline: 31 March 2025
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of integration bridges between the clinic and the laboratory
Summary of PhD Program:
The Liverpool Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) is part of a network funded by Cancer Research UK and the NIHR, facilitating early phase cancer trials. The data from bench research in our centre and elsewhere is stored via Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), clinical information is stored separately during the trials to preserve patient anonymity and ensure blinding to outcomes when performing analyses. After the trials clinical data is archived but the samples remain in our post trials tissue bank for future research exploiting ever expanding technology and scientific discoveries.
Application Deadline: 31 March 2025
18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Developing inverse vulcanised polymers as functional coatings
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will focus on synthetic methods for discovering and designing new functional materials derived from elemental sulfur. Sulfur is an industrial by-product, removed as an impurity in oil-refining. This has led to vast unwanted stockpiles of sulfur and resulted in low bulk prices. Sulfur is therefore a promising alternative feedstock to carbon for polymeric materials. Sulfur normally exists as S8 rings – a small molecule with poor physical properties. On heating, these sulfur rings can open and polymerise to form long chains.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2025
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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Identification of Catalytic Covalent Organic Frameworks
Summary of PhD Program:
In this project high-throughput computational modelling will be used to identify COFs in which the size, shape and surface chemistry of internal porosity will allow access of the catalytic substrate to the active site and drive selectivity by reducing the number of accessible conformations for the substrate, transition state and product. The project will focus on COFs functionalised with metal-complexes for metallophotoredox catalysis and chiral organocatalysts for asymmetric photoredox organocatalysis.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Combining operando X-ray and Raman spectroscopy for battery material characterisation
Summary of PhD Program:
The project aims to implement Raman spectroscopy into the beamline and used simultaneously during X-ray diffraction, X-ray scattering and X-ray spectroscopy experiments. Raman spectroscopy can give information on the binding of reaction products during electrochemical reactions which can be correlated with the structural information obtained with X-ray techniques to build up a fundamental picture of the structure-function relations in electrochemical systems for energy applications. The project will involve a broad range of Li-ion and Na-ion battery materials and will be opportunities to interact with of a broader European battery characterisation consortium.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2025
21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Closing in on sub-GeV Dark Matter with Superfluids and Quantum Technology
Summary of PhD Program:
Dr. Smirnov’s Astroparticle Physics group focuses on sub-GeV dark matter detection and collaborates closely with the QUEST DMC experiment. One of the core goals is the development of new search strategies with superfluids and the investigation on sub-threshold effects on quantum systems. The group also leverages generative AI to search for new light dark matter targets and explores additional research areas such as the capture of dark matter in celestial bodies and its effect on their evolution. This research involves collaboration with the Chemistry Department at MIT and the Theoretical Physics Division at Princeton University, The Ohio State University and Stockholm University.
Application Deadline: 16 February 2025
22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automated solid state synthesis robotic workflow
Summary of PhD Program:
This project will develop and exemplify a robotic workflow to perform solid state chemistry reactions, consisting of an automated weighing and mixing stage, coupled with a high temperature furnace to perform the reactions. Automated powder diffraction will be integrated to identify new materials within the phase fields being explored. The student will work closely with colleagues in the group of Prof Andy Cooper who have pioneered the use of autonomous robotic chemical synthesis for functional materials discovery. The project builds on a high throughput synthetic workflows developed in the group using slurry (Chem. Sci. 15, 2640, 2024.) and solution based precursors.
Application Deadline: 31 August 2025
23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automated Approaches for Efficient, Scalable, and Sustainable Synthesis of Material Precursors
Summary of PhD Program:
This program will use robotic chemists and autonomous optimisation in high-throughput batch and flow workflows to develop novel synthetic pathways for high value organic compounds. Typical routes involve high pressures, temperatures, and expensive catalysts, and have multiple parameters that are currently extremely time-consuming to optimise, wasting material and time and resulting in poor sustainability metrics, undermining the ultimate goals of the material. Thus, this project will develop efficient optimisation routes for synthetic pathways that reduce costs by a) increasing the yield and selectivity of the reaction and b) reducing the energy requirements of the reaction.
Application Deadline: 17 February 2025
24. Fully Funded PhD Position in A Reliable and Reconfigurable Robot Learning Framework for Accelerating Materials Discovery (R3L4AMD)
Summary of PhD Program:
The future of chemical discovery, for example using genAI to identify novel molecules and materials with tailored functions, will rely on the data generated from physical experiments. Current robotic and automation approaches are not up to this challenge, lacking generalisation and scalability. Today, it takes years to build robotic workflows [1, 2, 3]; the main bottleneck is the manual system design, production, testing, adaptation and iteration required to attain safe, reliable performance. In this project, we will rethink how ‘robotic chemists’ are deployed using ‘A Reliable and Reconfigurable Robot Learning Framework for Accelerating Materials Discovery’ (R3L4AMD).