
21 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Liverpool, England

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Liverpool, England invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of enzymes for the sustainable synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant amides under aqueous conditions

Summary of PhD Program:

A PhD studentship is available to work on a multidisciplinary project led by Dr Andrew Carnell on the discovery and development of enzymes for application in the sustainable synthesis pharmaceutically relevant amides. This studentship is fully funded by the Centre of Excellence for Biocatalysis, Biotransformation and Biocatalytic Manufacture (CoEBio3), an industry academic-consortium. In the project you will discover and develop a new class of hydrolase enzymes that have promiscuous activity for catalysing amide bond formation with high efficiency under aqueous conditions. This will be based on several new hit enzymes that we have recently identified. You will use a combination of computational methods and directed evolution to develop robust and scalable industrial biocatalysts. In addition to expanding the substrate range, enzymes will be developed for soluble expression and robustness for large scale application. 

Application Deadline: 28 June 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Development of bespoke algorithms for autonomous optimisation in flow

Summary of PhD Program:

A key challenge in materials science is how to efficiently and sustainably arrive at the optimal conditions for material production. Flow chemistry’s unique control, spatio-temporal resolution, wide process windows and efficient heat/mass transport enables the selective, high-yielding, and scalable production of a wide range of molecules and, more recently, materials [1]. Algorithms have been used to autonomously optimise chemical processes, e.g., well-understood two-step reactions in flow. The production of materials offers complex optimisation problems, but it is difficult to know which approach (e.g. SNOBFIT, Bayesian optimisation, TSEMO) will perform best, even for simple problems. Thus, there is a need to develop bespoke optimisation algorithms for this application.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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3. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Developing industrial AI support tools for processing legal cases in medical negligence

Summary of PhD Program:

Two PhD positions are available within a project that is co-created between the University of Liverpool and Fletchers Solicitors, a Law firm specialising in clinical negligence and personal injury law. As one of the UK’s largest firms in the sector, Fletchers have vast experience from handling legal cases over many years. Each one of their cases is made up of thousands of (unstructured) files – primarily word documents, PDFs and emails. As a result, interpreting their historical caseload and extracting new insight is incredibly challenging, which means that despite their vast experience as a firm, their lawyers often only have their past cases and understanding of the law to guide their decision making and work. Additionally, they spend a lot of time reading or reviewing files, writing drafts, or extracting key information from large bodies of text – as a ‘no win, no fee’ business, spending time only in the ‘right’ places is key to their success.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Developing a simulator for a zero power nuclear reactor experimental facility for innovative

Summary of PhD Program:

Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are a next-generation nuclear reactor technology outlined by Generation IV International Forum, fulfilling sustainability, economics, safety, and proliferation resistance goals. The interest in MSRs attention from industry and research communities has significantly increased in recent years due to the numerous safety and operational benefits. MSRs have the potential to close the nuclear fuel cycle, significantly reduce the amount of nuclear waste produced, and even operate on spent nuclear fuel from existing nuclear reactors, while opening the opportunity for significantly reducing the fuel cycle and the production cost of energy.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Developing a framework for regulatory conformance of innovative experimental nuclear

Summary of PhD Program:

In the frame of developing an innovative reactor system, a zero power experiment is the first important step, which, if successful, leads to the start of a considerably large and complex programme. In addition, it is often seen as a low-cost and low-risk opportunity to study a novel reactor system. Among other things, the zero-power experiment could provide valuable data for validation and verification of nuclear codes, create an improved understanding of the developing system and prove its safety to the regulator. It will educate the UK in designing, licensing, constructing, commissioning, and operating a new kind of innovative reactor.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Deploying safer robot chemists in real laboratory environments

Summary of PhD Program:

Robotic chemists [1] are a totally new and disruptive development in human-centric labs, and these systems are already beginning to carry out complex experiments that require skills beyond sample transportation (e.g., sample weighing [2] and scraping samples from vials [3]. This raises several interesting questions regarding safety in a mixed robot/human lab environment. We will address this here by developing novel methods for adding safety and environmental constraints within learned robotic skills, thus allowing robots to operate more efficiently in complex and variable multiuser human lab space.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational identification of catalytic covalent organic frameworks

Summary of PhD Program:

Materials like zeolites, which have internal porosity, are widely used as catalysts. By containing chemical reactions within the pores of the material catalysts can be more selective and more active than catalysts in solution. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of crystalline, permanently porous, two-dimensional or three-dimensional polymers with tuneable topology and functionality. COFs containing catalytically active sites should exhibit the enhanced selectivity of other catalytic systems in which the substrate is confined within a pore, but confinement effects of catalytic COFs are relatively unexplored to date.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Community Connectedness and Decision Making

Summary of PhD Program:

The research will use a conceptual approach that considers a range of factors such as physical characteristics, socio-economic factors, digital connectivity and aspects of place attachment to better understand community cohesion. Using existing findings from recent research in West Cumbria, the studentship will build upon the transferability of understanding local characteristics which often can be place-specific and result from a community’s experiences of historic planning applications, such as those for energy infrastructure. The studentship will work with both communities of practice and of place, with a focus on small communities who are frequently perceived to be without power or voice in engagement processes. The output from the research will build on our existing knowledge and inform best practice in future engagement with Community Partnerships for GDF.

Application Deadline: 12 July 2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Carbon dioxide utilisation from captured industry emissions

Summary of PhD Program:

The overall objective of the project is to develop new electrochemical approaches to carbon dioxide utilization. Electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction to useful fuels and feedstocks (e.g. CH4, CH3OH, CO) has been reported by numerous groups world-wide, including our own [1,2]. However integration with capture technologies is not yet viable. This studentship, which is part-funded by an industrial partner will explore the use of electrochemical approaches for both carbon dioxide capture and utilization. The successful candidate will work within our interdisciplinary research team to develop novel electrocatalysts/electrode structures and explore the viability of their deployment in real-world scenarios.

Application Deadline: 1 August 2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Innovative Biofouling Solutions for Buoyancy Materials for Renewable Energy infrastructure

Summary of PhD Program:

Renewable Energy is one of the fastest growing sectors addressing the most important challenges of our age. Offshore renewables, energy distribution, and the environmental impacts of constructing and decommissioning the infrastructure are some one of the most pressing research themes faced by the UK. The Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions Centre for Doctoral Training is creating the future specialist workforce needed by our industrial partners through PhD projects finding solutions to industrial needs. We have a number of projects available, so please search for N0MES if you’re interested in net zero, sustainability, low carbon renewable energy research.

Application Deadline: 15 July 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Beam gas curtain monitor for the High Luminosity LHC

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project will combine numerical studies using available commercial tools, as well as purpose-developed fluid dynamics and Monte Carlo tools to study the gas jet dynamics in various configurations. In addition, machine learning will be applied to optimize data analysis. All results will be benchmarked against data which the student will obtain from measurements using the existing setup at CERN’s Electron Beam Test Stand (EBTS). Furthermore, the integration of the beam monitor into the wider accelerator control system offers exciting prospects for the development of virtual diagnostics that help optimize experimental output.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automated Powder Coating Platform for Long-Life Lithium-ion Batteries

Summary of PhD Program:

An inorganic synthesis route for coating formation on Li-ion positive electrode powders, utilises a “Sol-Gel” synthetic procedure to form a nanoscale metal-oxide film. The synthesis of inorganic coatings comprises 5 primary steps: solid powder dosing, liquid component dosing, reaction heating/mixing, solvent evaporation/removal, and calcination. The PhD project goal is to combine these existing, and discrete, elements into a fully automated system using a robotic arm. The student will be trained at the interface between the physical and computer sciences to drive implementation of digital and automated methods in (electro)chemistry and frontier battery materials research.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automated experimental functional materials discovery for net zero technologies

Summary of PhD Program:

This project, suited to a student with a Physical Sciences or Engineering background, will develop and implement a robot-based materials synthesis workflow that uses a suite of software tools to assist in the key decisions that an experimentalist must make to discover a new functional material. The student will acquire expertise in robotic synthesis platforms, materials synthesis and characterisation and in programming and software organisation, benefitting from the combined physical and computer science supervision. Their project will impact inorganic materials discovery in the most general way imaginable, for example building on our new family of electrolytes for solid state batteries [3].

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Asset-scale nowcasting of the impact of scour on coastal electricity transmission infrastructure

Summary of PhD Program:

Coastal electricity transmission infrastructure, such as substations and towers, are a key component of the existing energy network, transmitting high voltage electricity across the country to consumers. The installation of this infrastructure is a key part of future investment in offshore renewable energy, supporting the UK’s ambitious targets to increase offshore wind fivefold to 50GW, and deliver 18GW of electricity interconnector capacity – up from 8.4 GW today – by 2030. National Grid own 21,990 steel lattice towers that support 14,000 km of overhead power lines in England and Wales. They inspect the condition of around 3,650 steel lattice towers each year, and invested £5.4 billion in their distribution network in 2019/20. Scour around tower footings and substation foundations, causing subsistence and possible collapse, is a major risk to this network. However a lack of on-site monitoring poses enormous challenges to focussing maintenance and protection towards the most vulnerable infrastructure.

Application Deadline: 1 July 2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied Symbolic AI

Summary of PhD Program:

We have an exciting opportunity to offer for a PhD student with an interest in foundational AI techniques. You can enjoy developing and applying them in a setting that will push forward the boundaries of science discovery. Your PhD will firmly sit within Computer Science, while being part of a wider interdisciplinary team on an EPSRC Programme Grant on the topic of “Navigation of Chemical Space for Function”. You will contribute to the development of a digital discovery platform that blends machine learning and explainable symbolic AI reasoning methods from computer science with physical science (PS) synthesis, measurement and computation capability and work closely with chemists to capture the domain expertise in the CS models being developed and applied.

Application Deadline: 31 July 2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Manufacturing of a Large Scale Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Net Zero Energy Production

Summary of PhD Program:

Atomik AM is passionate about re-shaping the world of advanced manufacturing, believing that we cannot change the world without changing the way we think. As an advocate of responsible manufacturing, Atomik AM approaches work with a uniquely non-conformist mindset. It sees a world where conventional manufacturing doesn’t always think about materials before designing products – accumulating waste throughout the process and producing sub-standard parts. Putting materials first allows sustainable choices. It’s a conscious commitment to reducing cost, waste and adverse social impact.

Application Deadline: 15 July 2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Information Storage

Summary of PhD Program:

Digital information can be stored in different types of devices depending on the use and how frequently the data need to be accessed. In a typical computer, data that are infrequently accessed are stored in hard disk drives (HDDs). These can be magnetic devices with high storage density in which binary numbers (“0” and “1”) are encoded in the polarity (spin “up” and “down”) of a magnetic medium. Magnetic data storage is cheap and non-volatile, meaning the data persists after power to the device is cut off, but the speed of accessing the data is relatively slow because the read/write procedures involve moving mechanical parts. Data being frequently required, on the other hand, needs to be accessed on a much faster timescale. Memory devices dedicated to this purpose are volatile random-access memories (RAMs) — solid-state electronic devices in which information is electrically stored. 

Application Deadline: 31 July 2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Adrian Henri – Early Happenings in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s

Summary of PhD Program:

This project will focus on the work of Adrian Henri, the Liverpool-based poet and painter who played a pioneering role in bringing happenings to Britain. Henri’s poetry made significant cultural impact through the publication of the ground-breaking anthology The Mersey Sound, showcasing his work together with Roger McGough and Brian Patten. The publication went on to sell over half a million copies and to become the bestselling poetry anthology of all time. Performance was key to Henri’s practice and he collaborated with musicians across different fields of music. This doctoral project seeks to contextualise and develop new insights into Henri’s practice, with particular focus on his development of happenings in the UK. There will be opportunities to develop experience within Tate Liverpool’s curatorial programme.

Application Deadline: 2 July 2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Accelerating energy landscape exploration through optimisation, approximation and parallelisation

Summary of PhD Program:

The global need for researchers with capabilities in materials chemistry, digital intelligence and automation is intensifying because of the growing challenge posed by Net Zero and the need for high-performance materials across multiple sectors. The disruptive nature of recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and emerging quantum computing offers timely and exciting opportunities for PhD graduates with these skills to make a transformative impact on both R&D and society more broadly.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Accelerated Inorganic Materials Discovery Driven by Magnetic Resonance

Summary of PhD Program:

This studentship will explore experimental and computational Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy approaches to probe the fast oxide ion transport (e.g., self-diffusion coefficients, diffusion pathways, dimensionality of motion) of oxide in inorganic materials aimed at establishing design rules for the discovery of next generation fast conductors. The project will (1) develop automated, programmable approaches to data analysis of the NMR measurables that access motion over several time- and length-scales, (2) exploit statistical modelling frameworks to quickly predict NMR properties with high accuracy, validated by experimental NMR measurements, and (3) harness these approaches to build and accelerate structural and diffusion models (e.g., compositional, positional disorders). Examples of current research effort focusing on NMR for oxide and lithium ion transport, and beyond are given.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Transforming the Sustainability of Personal Care Products

Summary of PhD Program:

The world needs to increase the sustainability of its consumer goods without compromising on quality. We have recently shown that by complexing certain active ingredients (the often-expensive molecules in a formulation that give improved performance) with metal ions, we can incorporate them into a product as solid particles in a way that drastically reduces waste. In this project, you will develop an experimental platform that marries robotics with cutting-edge techniques in data science and computer vision. Your work will feed directly into Unilever’s Climate Transition Action Plan to achieve a 42% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from its formulations by 2030.

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

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