Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digitally Modulated Radar
Summary of PhD Program:
The goal of this project is to develop new class of sensing waveforms to be used by MIMO radars operating in a very dense electromagnetic spectrum. These waveforms should be separable in a low complexity digital receiver, which should be developed as well. The ambiguity function of the waveform should have low level of sidelobes in the range, Doppler and angular domains. The digital code and the carrier should be adjustable to the properties of the electromagnetic spectrum at the moment of transmission. The intelligent aspect of the waveform will enable the radar to adapt its parameters and processing to the changes in objects’ properties and environment (both clutter and interference).
Application Deadline: 15 Mar 2025
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Data-Driven Assessment and Enhancement of Stability of Integrated Offshore
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD position focuses on robust adaptive equivalent models of offshore networks for dynamic stability studies. It also concerns with the development of algorithms to enable self-calibrated and unsupervised model updates and improvements. The deployment of data and adaptive models for the enhancement of functionalities for situational awareness and robust control design in integrated offshore-onshore systems falls also within the research scope. The PhD research activities will be based on offline steady-state and dynamic simulations, and real-time digital simulation for laboratory scale experiments, data analytics, multi-variable non-linear control, and advanced optimization methods.
Application Deadline: 20 Feb 2025
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Extended Target Tracking & Classification with Phased Array Radar
Summary of PhD Program:
Climate change is a pressing issue that can drastically affect the ecosystem. Understanding the changes in weather in different parts of the globe is one of the significant steps that should be taken to address the issue of climate change.While the large-scale challenges are critical, focusing on local challenges driven by climate change requires immediate action. One such local challenge is the impact of severe precipitation events. These events affect many sectors, from agriculture to urban infrastructure, but a particularly critical area is aviation safety. Unpredictable and intense precipitation, such as heavy rain or snow, can disrupt flight operations and pose serious risks.
Application Deadline: 15 Mar 2025
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Automated Testing for Dynamically Typed Programming Languages
Summary of PhD Program:
This PhD position focuses on the challenges and opportunities in testing for dynamically typed programming languages. Dynamically typed languages like Python and JavaScript offer flexibility and rapid prototyping but introduce unique testing challenges, particularly compared to statically typed languages. These challenges include runtime type errors, lack of compile-time guarantees, and issues related to type inference and coverage. As a PhD student, you will explore innovative testing methodologies, frameworks, and tools to address these challenges, contributing to the state-of-the-art in software testing.
Application Deadline: 16 Feb 2025
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optical Metrology to Characterise Micro-Scale Damage in Composite Materials
Summary of PhD Program:
This project aims to expand shearography capabilities to micro-scale damage detection and quantitative characterisation. The shearography technique (speckle pattern shearing interferometry) has been used to inspect macroscopic composite parts and samples. Shearography directly assesses surface strain irregularities at the microstrain level when applying a mechanical or thermal load. This sensitivity to strain enables the detection and characterisation of closed cracks, as their reaction to global deformation is efficiently revealed.
Application Deadline: 24 Feb 2025
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics
Summary of PhD Program:
The project Emergence of Geometric Flows is at the interface of probability theory, mathematical statistical physics and differential geometry. The aim is to understand how macroscopic dynamics for geometric quantitities such as the Riemannian metric emerge from simple models of dynamic random graphs. The project involves collaborations with Klaas Landsman (maths; Radboud University, Nijmegen), Jo Ellis-Monoaghan (maths; University of Amnsterdam) and Renate Loll (physics; Radboud University, Nijmegen).
Application Deadline: 23 Feb 2025
7. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-Driven Generative Engineering Design from Qualitative and Quantitative Requirements
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking future trailblazers with motivation to transform the design process with Artificial Intelligence. At a high level, engineering design involves mapping a problem’s functional requirements to the physical parameters which define a solution. In the case of quantitative design objectives, processes like topology optimization can be utilized to converge on parameters which maximize performance. However, real-world requirements relating to societal, sustainable, and manufacturing needs are not necessarily easily quantified. Considering both qualitative and quantitative functional information together for design optimization is a complex challenge.
Application Deadline: 2 Mar 2025
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI & Big Data in Sea and Shipping Performance Optimization: Infrastructure State & Use
Summary of PhD Program:
As a PhD candidate within the Sea and Shipping AI research program, this position involves a comprehensive exploration of both the strategic and operational dimensions of maritime infrastructure within the dynamic North Sea environment. Incorporating advanced AI models and extensive data resources, the research addresses critical challenges to enhance sea and shipping performance across multiple levels.
Application Deadline: 19 Feb 2025
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in SHM in the MSCA Doctoral Network ASSESS – at Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Summary of PhD Program:
The research will include the development of innovative coupled numerical techniques to model guided wave (GW) propagation and structural vibrations in both pristine and damaged configurations of sandwich panels and wind turbine blades. CUF-based FEM models, enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI), will be applied to investigate damage and failure mechanisms in honeycomb structures. This work will contribute to establishing methodologies for accurate Remaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation and defect prognosis in composite structures.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in FRP in the MSCA Doctoral Network ASSESS
Summary of PhD Program:
The aim of this PhD is to develop of novel multifunctional CNT-doped thermoplastic fibres, veils and strips with bulk electrical conductivity and self-sensing capabilities for rapid SHM of smart composite structures. Such carbon based sensors can be easily integrated into CFRP composites with the application of commonly used out-of-autoclave manufacturing methods for FRPs (RTM, LRI). Self-sensing techniques will reduce unscheduled and scheduled inspection times and will allow a rapid quality assurance and enhanced manufacturing process control.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Structural Health
Summary of PhD Program:
Ultrasound and Vibration, Structural Dynamics, Composite Structures, 3D Printed Structures, Damage, Assessment, Structural Health Monitoring, Structural Health Prognosis, Bayesian Statistics, Machine Learning
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in MSCA Doctoral Network ASSESS
Summary of PhD Program:
This DC will develop an online ML-based ultrasonic monitoring system for automated diagnosis of manufacturing defects typically occurring during the laid-up process (e.g., voids, debonding, ply wrinkling and porosity). Such inspection system will be applied to smart CFRP monolithic and stiffened panels with integrated PZTs, fabricated using AFP and LRI methods. To reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and enhance accuracy of the diagnosis method, GW and acoustic emission features extracted from the acquired waveforms will be processed using proper transformation metrics such as the PCA algorithm prior to ML analysis.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrated CNT
Summary of PhD Program:
In the frame of project ASSESS, we want to develop an innovative early crack detection solution. This solution leverages a novel CNT-based composite material combined with a Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) transducer. The SAW transducer will monitor the health of the material and wirelessly transmit the information—without requiring onboard electronics—to an interrogator mounted on the turbine mast.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
14. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI/ML
Summary of PhD Program:
The aim of this PhD is to develop ultrasonic guided wave (GW) tomography for aerospace smart fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites with integrated sparse arrays of piezo-electric (PZT) based metamaterial (MM) sensors and machine learning data algorithms. Three are the objectives of this research: (1) Design and manufacture aerospace FRP panels and sandwich FRP structures with PZT-based MM sensors surface mounted or embedded into the lay-up to enhance ultrasonic GW damage inspection. (2) Demonstrate the capability of PZT-based MM sensors to selectively transmit and naturally filter GWs in FRPs, thus reducing the complexity of the wave field caused by dispersion and material anisotropy.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in ML in the MSCA Doctoral Network ASSESS
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking a highly motivated Doctoral Candidate to develop and assess machine learning (ML) data-driven, random-vibration-based methods for robust and population-wide structural health monitoring (SHM) of smart CFRP composite structures. This project will address challenges posed by uncertainty in materials, manufacturing, and varying Environmental and Operating Conditions (EOCs). The methods will be built on novel concepts such as Optimized Multiple Model Representations (OMMR) and Functional Pooling, using MIMO transmittance-type stochastic models and PZT sensing.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
16. Fully Funded PhD Position in SHM of Aged FRP
Summary of PhD Program:
The aim of this PhD is to analyse the effects of material ageing in fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites and investigate new ultrasonic structural health monitoring (SHM) methodologies based on sparse arrays of piezo-electric (PZT) transducers for damage diagnosis and prognosis. Three are the objectives of this PhD research: (1) the design and manufacturing of FRP laminated panels with sparse arrays of PZTs either surface mounted or embedded into the lay-up using materials typically adopted for the manufacturing of composite wind turbine blades. (2) The development of mechanical (fatigue), thermal and moisture tests of CFRP samples to accelerate laminate ageing and their optical fractography tests to analyse the effects of ageing and damage generation.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
17. Fully Funded PhD Position in MSCA Doctoral Network ASSESS
Summary of PhD Program:
The objective of this project is to develop a novel methodology that develops physics-informed graph neural networks (GNNs) for composite space structure analysis. The methodology will aim to leverage the inherent structure of composite materials, embedding physical laws and multi-physics constraints into the GNN framework. This approach will enhance predictive accuracy, reduce computational costs, and facilitate the design, simulation, and optimization of high-performance composite space structures, particularly for aerospace applications.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
18. Fully Funded PhD Position in MSCA Doctoral Network ASSESS
Summary of PhD Program:
In the frame of DC 11 sensor networks based on the TEmSAL smart layer technology will be developed for space applications. Technological aspects of sensor integration into CFRPs with special emphasis on cryogenic conditions will be addressed. Therefore, a comprehensive multi-physics numerical FEM considering both the cryogenic environment and influences from the manufacturing process needs to be developed and validated. The DC will perform experimental validation on CFRP coupons involving fatigue loading and damage monitoring. Numerical simulations will also be used to generate a surrogate data for Machine Learning (ML) algorithm training tailored to analyse complex loading scenarios based on the sensor network information.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multi-Physics Modelling
Summary of PhD Program:
The objective of the PhD project is to develop multi-physics numerical 3D FEM simulations to analyse the performance of single mode FBGs/TFBGs and their interaction with the surrounding FRP composite for SHM of wind turbine blades. The perturbation of the surrounding field in the host material due to the presence of the optical fibre not only perturbs the measured field variables, but also affect the integrity of the composite, the sensor, and their interface. The resulting degradation can compromise the accuracy of measurements and the SHM reliability of FBGs.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
20. Fully Funded PhD Position in SHM of Smart FRP Aircraft
Summary of PhD Program:
The objective of the PhD project is to develop, manufacture and test TFBG sensors embedded in smart CFRP and GFRP composite structures. Diverse material processing methods will be considered for sensor integration into FRPs, Mechanical tests will be performed to characterise performance of TFGBs-based smart composites under tensile, compressive, flexural, interlaminar shear and impact loading. The Doctoral Candidate will enhance the modelling capability of TFBG sensors by combining analytical and numerical approaches. Two experimental SHM studies will be considered in this project.
Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2025
21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Numerical Analysis for Probabilistic Assessment of Masonry Infrastructure
Summary of PhD Program:
We are looking for a PhD candidate to work on advanced numerical analysis and improve the assessment of historical infrastructure, specifically masonry quay walls, which are a specific type of earth-retaining structure. This infrastructure plays a key dual role in many historic cities, especially in the Netherlands, serving both as functional infrastructure and as culturally significant assets. Originally designed as gravity retaining walls, quay walls are increasingly exposed to higher loads due to vehicle traffic on carriageways above their backfill. Additionally, many historical quay walls suffer from material degradation, particularly in timber foundations, making accurate assessment essential.