
19 Fully Funded PhD Programs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in light-controllable fluorescent proteins in microscopy

Summary of PhD Program:

The student will investigate the properties of fluorescent probes and how we can use them to develop advanced imaging strategies for the study of cellular processes. The project will focus on the development of different spectroscopic and imaging assays to study the kinetics of photo-controllable fluorescent molecules. Experimental work on optical devices, in the wet lab and on image analysis will be integral parts of the project.

Application Deadline: 30.Sep.2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Generative Modelling of Conversational Dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

This project aims to create generative models of spoken conversation that enable speaking machines to adapt their conversation style over time, in the same natural manner that we humans do. To make this a reality, you will perform self-supervised learning of aspects such as speech patterns, rhythm, and intonation from human dialogues, and use the results to build better, adaptive text-to-speech systems. This represents a new way to integrate text-to-speech technology, dialogue systems, and generative machine learning. By being speaker-agnostic, the approach seeks to do this without propagating existing biases, to create engaging and inclusive human-computer interactions.

Application Deadline: 16.Sep.2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in System Security, Formal Verification and Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

We invite highly motivated students with a strong background in system security, formal verification, and/or machine learning to apply for two PhD positions, funded by Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). Successful candidates will have the opportunity to investigate cutting-edge research topics, including but not limited to one of the following areas, System Security, Formal Verification, and Machine Learning in Security and Verification.

Application Deadline: 31.Aug.2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multimodal AI for Human-Robot Interaction

Summary of PhD Program:

This project aims to enhance Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) through embodied AI by integrating multimodal social cues and task-related actions into foundation models, enabling more natural and human-like communication. While Large Language Models have advanced AI significantly, current systems lack understanding and generation of crucial social cues like facial expressions, gestures, and gaze direction, as well as the ability to incorporate task-specific behaviors. This project aims to bridge these gaps.

Application Deadline: 31.Aug.2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in metallurgy of recycling of steels

Summary of PhD Program:

A project funded by Horizon Europe “Metallic Elements Dissipation Avoided by Life cycle design for Steel” (MEDALS) aims to increase the recyclability of steels by removing or mitigating the effects of unwanted elements that accumulate during recycling, so-called tramp elements. The successful candidate shall be expected to perform advanced simulation and modelling to optimise the handling of scrap to improve the quality of recycled material. This may include thermodynamic modelling of pyrometallurgical systems, physical modelling of process phenomena and numerical modelling of accumulated sensor data. 

Application Deadline: 16.Aug.2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The advertised doctoral student position is for a VR-funded fundamental research project titled “SeDeCI – Semi-Supervised Deep Learning with Class Imbalanced Data.” The research aims to develop, but is not limited to, semi-supervised learning methods that leverage large-scale data in computer vision while effectively dealing with class data imbalances in a task-agnostic fashion. We seek a candidate who has experience in deep learning, particularly in semi-/self-supervised learning, as well as computer vision.

Application Deadline: 16.Aug.2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in protein design

Summary of PhD Program:

With a growing population and a decrease in the available natural resources on our planet, there is a great need for innovative production methods based on green chemistry. The main aim of this project is to develop new-to-nature protein-based catalysts for selective transformations applied to biopolymers and metabolites. The research area of ​​the PhD student includes de novo protein design, enzyme engineering and synthetic biology to expand nature’s current repertoire with respect to selective biosynthesis.

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The Digital Learning research group, part of the Department for Learning, explores how technology can support education and learning. The strength of the research group is that we bring together researchers and doctoral students with expertise in both technology and pedagogy. The research is often design-based. This means that we study emerging technologies in learning settings and develop prototypes and methods as part of our research. The doctoral student will carry out research within the E-learning team, a team dedicated to develop, investigate and evaluate the digital learning environment at KTH as well as training and coaching of teaching staff.

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Underwater Robotics and Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The project involves the use of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles to inspect and monitor an area quickly. The use of machine learning for advance data fusion will be the focus of the research. It will also involve in water testing and development of a system in simulation and partially in hardware. The resources available in SMaRC2.0 will be used. The student will be a participant in WASP/WARAPS 

Application Deadline: 14.Aug.2024

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Conversational AI

Summary of PhD Program:

The newly started project is titled “Thinking Fast and Slow: Real-time Speech Generation for Conversational AI”. The aim of the project is to develop AI-models capable of generating spoken responses in an incremental fashion, mirroring the nuanced and dynamic nature of human conversation. Our approach is inspired by our previous pioneering efforts in the realm of incremental and predictive models for dialogue, which have laid the groundwork for this project. We aim to construct a dual-component system, based on large language models, consisting of a ‘System I’ module for the rapid generation of response prefixes and a ‘System II’ for crafting more considered and detailed responses.

Application Deadline: 14.Aug.2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Resilient Public Transport

Summary of PhD Program:

We are now looking for a PhD student who, in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), wants to explore the role and character of a socio-ecologically resilient public transport system in a longer-term perspective. We focus on the effects of transformative trends (pandemic, working from home, etc.), and how the mobility needs of all users are met in a way that is efficient, equitable and resilient to disruption. Sub-studies may include mapping of development trends, simulations of future systems, and resilience solutions supported by simulated case studies.

Application Deadline: 09.Aug.2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in design of mining tool material using ICME

Summary of PhD Program:

Cemented carbides are materials with tungsten carbide grains and a cobalt binder phase. They have excellent materials properties, but a high dependence on the critical raw material cobalt. This project will investigate replacing cobalt with an iron based binder, and in doing so utilising the martensitic phase transformation to achieve a material with excellent mechanical properties for rock drilling applications. This will be done through a combination of thermodynamic and kinetic modelling through ICME (Integrated and Computational Materials Engineering), experimental materials characterisation (including advanced microscopy and spectroscopy) and testing of materials properties.

Application Deadline: 08.Aug.2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in machine learning and autonomous decision-making

Summary of PhD Program:

This research project aims to develop novel theory and methodology for machine learning and autonomous decision-making. We will explore how machine learning algorithms and computing systems can be enhanced and re-imagined for unprecedented accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. The project combines fundamental theory development with practical software design. The successful candidate will join a dynamic research team that works on fundamental theory, practical algorithms, and applications. We have a strong network of contacts in academia and industry that allows us to blend curiosity-driven research with meaningful collaborations, and to translate theoretical insights into real-world solutions.

Application Deadline: 08.Aug.2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Real-Time Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The research project in which the PhD student will work aims to develop design and formal timing analysis techniques for real-time applications that are subject to different end-to-end latency constraints. The end-to-end latency is influenced by the application’s workload, the implemented communication paradigm and the scheduling algorithm. Of particular interest are applications that are comprised of several, possibly interconnected, task chains. The project will develop design and analysis techniques for such applications that can already be used early in the design process. 

Application Deadline: 06.Aug.2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Large Language Model inferencing

Summary of PhD Program:

The advertised doctoral student positions are within an ambitious, 5-year Wallenberg Scholar project titled “Scalable and adaptive inferencing for democratizing AI. In this 18 Million SEK project, we want to dramatically reduce the cost and power for serving large language models such as ChatGPT. Overall work will entail pruning and fine-tuning of large language models, as well as design, implementation, and evaluation of distributed systems and networks for machine learning inference. 

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Acetivibrio thermocellus for sustainable production

Summary of PhD Program:

The overall purpose of this project is to develop Acetivibrio thermocellus as a next-generation robust microbial cell factory that can convert (ligno-)cellulose to sustainable fuels and chemicals with minimum pretreatment. The use of lignocellulose, instead of refined sugars, is preferred to expand (future) production volumes, improve cost-competitiveness and avoid competition with food. The project will apply state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques, genomics and proteomics combined with laboratory evolution and quantitative physiology in bioreactors to unlock the potential of A. thermocellus.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in condensed matter theory

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will mainly focus on quantum many-body physics in the field condensed matter physics. It will involve theoretical investigation of quantum systems both in and out of equilibrium using mainly analytical methods. The group’s current main research interests include quantum chaos, quantum thermalization, disordered systems, nonequilibrium dynamics, and superconductivity.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mixed-Signal ASIC for molecular medical imaging

Summary of PhD Program:

The research will be conducted in the Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems in collaboration with the medical imaging group at KTH. The aim of the research is to provide the next generation of sensors for molecular imaging and is supported by a recent European ERC advanced grant. The aim is to drastically improve efficiency and spatial resolution, which is expected to have a high impact on the diagnosis of cancer and cardiovascular disease in the future. The sensors will have integrated analog and digital mixed CMOS electronics with ultra-low power consumption. The research will include design, computer simulations, verification, and experimental evaluation. The work will also include frequent contact with our international partners.

Application Deadline: 31.Jul.2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nanostructured Semiconductors for Photonics

Summary of PhD Program:

The focus is on the realization of advanced light manipulation functions (e.g. optical resonances, spectrally controlled absorption and engineered light scattering) using photonic semiconductor nanostructures (Mie resonators) and their arrangements for ultra-thin film solar cells. The work involves electromagnetic design, modelling and simulations, nanofabrication in clean room environment, optical characterization, and proof-of-principle device demonstrators in selected semiconductor materials.

Application Deadline: 31.Jul.2024

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