
19 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at University of Plymouth, England

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University of Plymouth, England invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. The studentship is supported for three to four years depending upon the pathway and includes full home tuition fees plus a stipend which is currently £17,668 per annum. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in human geography

Summary of PhD Positions:

We welcome applications for PhDs in all areas of human geography. You will be joining a vibrant postgraduate research community with wide ranging interests in human geography. Human geography at the University of Plymouth forms part of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) South West Doctoral Training Partnership for the South West (SWDTP), offering opportunities for funded PhD studentships.

Application Deadlines: 13 January 2023

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2. PhD Programs in Flood Management, Social Learning, and Community Resilience

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project will examine the dynamics and opportunities for knowledge sharing and social learning across CFGs in different catchments. The project explores how knowledge is transferred between catchments at the community-scale, and the impacts this might have on flood resilience and engagement. The successful candidate will investigate

(i) learning between groups in different catchments (i.e. in what ways are CFGs currently networked and what are the opportunities for knowledge sharing between these CFGs?) and

(ii) how CFGs stimulate social learning within catchments (i.e. how do CFGs foster learning and engagement in affected communities?).

Application Deadlines: 10 February 2023

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3. PhD Programs in Marine Renewable Energy

Summary of PhD Positions:

We have signed an agreement with the Ocean University of China (OUC) which gives PhD students the opportunity to engage in research in marine and offshore renewable energy at OUC and vice versa. Students will have co-supervisors from each institution. The scheme is funded by China Scholarship Council funding, CSC, supporting PhD students to study abroad.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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4. 16 PhD Programs in Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources 

Summary of PhD Positions:

You are encouraged to contact the Lead Supervisor (stated in the description of the project) prior to the submission of your application to discuss any aspect of the project/s you are interested in. This will be informal and will have no impact on any applications that follow, other than showing your interest and enthusiasm.

Application Deadlines: 17th January 2023

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5. PhD Programs in Developing a novel vaccine for Group B Streptococcus

Summary of PhD Positions:

The power of vaccines to prevent infectious disease has been very clearly demonstrated in the past 18 months with the incredibly rapid development of novel vaccines to prevent COVID-19 disease. We are working on novel approaches that use virus vectors to deliver vaccines in a safe and effective way to control devastating diseases like Ebola and reduce infections in farmed animals, so that they are given antibiotics less frequently. This both controls infection and reduces antibiotic use, helping to address the global threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Application Deadlines: 16 February 2023

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6. PhD Programs in Neuroscience of Emotional Experiences and Ongoing Thoughts

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project we will explore the complex relationship between emotional experiences, conceptual knowledge about emotions and ongoing thought patterns. We will investigate these different facets of emotions in both typical individuals and those who are less able to identify and describe their emotions – a condition known as alexithymia. The project will examine both the psychological and the neurocognitive mechanisms of emotions. Hence, a wide range of methods will be applied throughout the programme of study.

Application Deadlines: 12 February, 2023

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7. PhD Programs in Psychology 

Summary of PhD Positions:

In the Research Excellence Framework, 83 per cent of Research in the School of Psychology was judged to be of a world leading or internationally excellent standard. This places us within the top 20 psychology, neuroscience and psychiatry schools across the country. We have a thriving PhD community with around 70 doctoral students. ESRC-funded studentships can be taken up in any of the specialist areas of research supported by the school. The school has a wide range of psychology research interests including cognition, learning, vision, music, developmental, emotion, health, clinical, social and neuroscience. Students have access to extensive, modern and well-equipped laboratory facilities supported by a dedicated team of technical staff.

Application Deadlines: 13 January 2023

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8. PhD Programs in Geological Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project investigates the size, timing and impact of African Humid Period (AHP) floods on upland landscapes along the Sahara Desert margins. Wobbling of the Earth’s axial spin alters atmospheric circulation patterns every ~20,000yrs, repeatedly bringing wetter climates and flooding (~5,000yr duration) to continental Africa (‘Greening’ of the Sahara). Investigations will analyse mountain fronts from different latitudinal and continentality contexts using Quaternary-Recent alluvial fans (cone-shaped sediment bodies formed on valley sides and mountain fronts).

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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9. PhD Programs in Geological Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

Examination of warm intervals in Earth’s history help develop insight into the behavior of the climate system under elevated carbon dioxide and temperature. One such interval is the Jurassic which sees atmospheric CO2 concentrations close to current concentrations of ∼400 ppm or higher. A significant feature of this warmer world was the presence of large epicontinental seaways such as the Middle-Late Jurassic Sundance Sea of North America (e.g. Danise et al. 2020). At its greatest extent the Sundance Sea stretched from Utah to the Arctic Ocean.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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10. PhD Programs in Geological Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

The student will collect samples from sheeted dykes exposed along a >100 km fossil spreading ridge segment in Oman. In Plymouth, they will perform magnetic fabric analyses on these samples to detect imbrication of crystals along dyke margins, use these microfabrics to determine the 3D orientation of magma flow during dyke intrusion, and map out domains of different dyke emplacement directions along the ridge. They will also determine dyke geochemical compositions and relate these to flow regimes.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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11. PhD Programs in Environmental Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

Using clean-handling techniques, you will supplement existing PM samples by collecting PM from SW rivers and the Celtic Sea. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a research cruise to the Southern Ocean. You will subject collected PM to leach and digestion procedures. You will perform controlled incubations (e.g. changes in pH, ionic strength, element additions) to assess the binding and release of elements, and any subsequent element-complexation with organic matter. Samples to assess impacts on microbial communities will also be gathered to aid interpretation for incubations.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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12. PhD Programs in Geological Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

Global geochemical cycles are fundamental to the Earth system; where, when, and how much elements are cycled through the Earth underpins a broad range of science, including our understanding of ocean chemistry and how the oceans will be impacted by future climate change. Geochemical fluxes from deep sea hydrothermal systems, where seawater circulates and reacts through the seafloor and exits back into oceans via hydrothermal vents, are a key component of global geochemical cycles. The ocean crust preserves this fluid/rock interaction (“hydrothermal alteration”) and by analysing these crustal rocks we can estimate the hydrothermal geochemical flux.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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13. PhD Programs in Environmental Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

The successful applicant will use field and laboratory techniques to measure carbon dynamics at a wet woodland site in Devon, UK. Carbon fluxes will be measured, alongside above and below-ground biomass using forestry techniques. They will also collect detailed ecohydrological data including water table depth and vegetation data. The paleoenvironmental investigation will use peat cores to look at past hydrological conditions and vegetation patterns using testate amoeba and pollen analysis. Measurements will be extrapolated to wider landscapes through pre-existing carbon models.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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14. PhD Programs in Geological Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project will combine remote sensing, field observations and dating methods using cosmogenic isotopes (10Be/14C) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to build a database of significant rock falls in the study regions. Remotely sensed and field data will determine distributions, volumes, runout distances and timings of rock falls. These data will provide inputs for spatial analysis and modelling rock fall trajectories, identifying areas of particular density and concern. Collectively, data will test hypotheses for the different mechanisms causing rock fall triggering, therefore contributing to global efforts to understand better mass-wasting dynamics in a changing world.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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15. PhD Programs in Chemistry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The student will analyse marine sulfur gas concentrations and fluxes on a dedicated research campaign in the Atlantic, and will assess aerosol composition and natural/anthropogenic sources using isotope ratios in samples from Penlee Point (UK), the Azores (ACE-ENA), and Bermuda (Tudor Hill). All data will be evaluated against the UKCA model to improve understanding of marine aerosol, acidity and the impacts on biogeochemical cycles.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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16. PhD Programs in Geological Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

Mineral veins represent proxies for fluid flow during deformation. Microstructural and petrographic analyses of vein samples and associated alteration will determine the spatial distribution, relative timing and mechanism of vein forming processes throughout the core-section. U-Pb geochronology (using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) and fluid inclusion studies will constrain the vein chronology and the pressure, temperature and composition (including isotopic composition) of vein-forming fluids [4]. Together the data will be used to evaluate the role of fluids in relation to slip on thrust faults within both ancient and modern décollements.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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17. PhD Programs in Marine Science

Summary of PhD Positions:

The aim of this studentship is to develop a reliable and quick marine invertebrate model for seafood-algal toxicity testing (2) that can be adopted for use in less-developed and developing countries, removing the need for expensive, complicated analytical equipment and the increasingly ethically questionable mouse bioassay. Based at the University of Plymouth, and in collaboration with the Marine Biological Association (MBA), and the Food Safety Group at the Weymouth Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) in the UK, the student will receive training in behavioural, ecophysiological, molecular, and analytical techniques.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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18. PhD Programs in Marine Science

Summary of PhD Positions:

This studentship will explore ecological connectivity in marine systems and significantly advance understanding of the role of multi-species dispersal in biodiversity maintenance and functioning across seascapes. Expected outcomes include a better theoretical understanding of the drivers of change in biodiversity and community structure, in turn informing applied conservation practices. To address this challenge, the student will draw on remote-sensed data to undertake habitat modelling, have the opportunity to undertake field surveys to describe the distribution of contemporary marine communities, and develop highly sought-after numerical/analytical skills in ecological/hydrodynamic modelling to predict dispersal and construct ecological networks in European coastal seas.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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19. PhD Programs in Marine Sciences

Summary of PhD Positions:

The student will be trained in a range of skills, building on core expertise of the supervisors in molecular growth indices, DNA metabarcoding for diet characterisation, and biogeochemical tracers for trophic and connectivity reconstruction: key techniques relevant not just for fisheries, but broadly across environmental research disciplines. The consultancy ‘Ocean Ecology’ (CASE partner) and the Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (collaborative partner) offer a unique platform for sampling challenging estuarine environments and experience in applying innovative research to support marine policy and management decisions.

Application Deadlines: 11 January 2023

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