
17 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois

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Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? UArgonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois invites multiple online application for Postdoctoral Fellowships in various research areas. Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In this exciting opportunity, we are seeking an postdoctoral appointee to contribute to this research to understand the underlying physics of spin and charge based memory materials using advanced in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The materials and devices would consist of patterned multilayer magnetic thin films, ferroelectric materials such as Zr-doped HfO2, as well as novel quantum materials. Of particular interest is the exploration of time-resolved imaging of material behavior using advanced ultrafast electron microscopy techniques. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Scientific Software Engineering & Data Management Group in the X-Ray Science Division (XSD) at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) (https://www.aps.anl.gov/) invites applicants for a postdoctoral position to develop and apply advanced analysis methods, including artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms and approaches, for x-ray science and instruments. These methods will accelerate the scientific discovery process by quickly extracting useful information from vast quantiles of data, and by providing feedback to the experiment system enabling autonomous control and steering. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher with expertise in computational biology, deep mutational scanning data, and generative artificial intelligence (AI). The successful candidate will work on cutting-edge research integrating genome-scale language models (GenSLMs) with deep mutational scanning data, and experimental virology to predict viral evolution and identify emerging pathogen variants. You will be part of a collaborative initiative between Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FCC), University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas Medical Branch and BARDA, aimed at advancing pandemic bio-preparedness through AI-driven forecasting.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Applied Materials Division (AMD) in the Emergent Materials and Process Group at Argonne National Laboratory in looking for a Post-doctoral Appointee — Pyrometallurgy. The candidate will perform basic and applied research in the field of metallization and metal production, such as molten salt electrolysis, metallothermic reduction, including physico-chemical property determination. The candidate will conduct Research and Development to help develop processes for the economic production of critical and rare earth metals.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) High Energy Physics Division invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work in the Energy Frontier (EF) group on ATLAS Software R&D and HEP-CCE Scaling Machine Learning. The HEP Division performs cutting-edge research facilitated through advanced detector development, high-performance supercomputing (HPC), and innovative electronic and mechanical engineering. The HEP Energy Frontier group has recognized roles within the international ATLAS collaboration.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The High Pressure Collaborative Access Team (HPCAT) seeks a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on development of novel pressure platforms and advanced x-ray capabilities with the recently upgraded Advanced Photon Source (APS) and HPCAT. With the APS Upgrade project nearing completion, HPCAT has made significant investments in upgrading key infrastructure to advance x-ray platforms for studying matter under extreme conditions.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The candidate will manage and coordinate data activities across ESRA. You will work closely with researchers including laboratory scientists, professors, postdoctoral researchers, and students, to facilitate the use of data management tools, develop data sharing protocols, and assist in the curation and open access of datasets.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Research Group (LER) of the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory seeks outstanding individuals to fill an open postdoctoral position within the Group. LER performs world-leading research in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental symmetries, and nuclear data. The Group also manages and operates world-class detector systems as part of the ATLAS accelerator facility, a DOE supported national user facility for low-energy nuclear physics research. Besides high intensity stable beams, ATLAS provides world-unique rare isotope beams from either the nuCARIBU (Californium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade) facility or from the Argonne In-Flight Radioactive Ion Separator, RAISOR.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidate will be working on the development and operations of core software frameworks for HEP experiments with special focus on Input/Output software and event storage for the DUNE experiment. The position offers the possibility to collaborate with other HEP scientists on DUNE. The successful candidate will also be heavily involved in HPC development as part of the HEP-CCE project, with a focus on developing software applications for future Exascale architectures.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The candidate would conduct research across multiple DOE-sponsored projects that would entail developing analysis insights critical to strategic technology RDD&D investments at the federal and state levels. Such analyses would be rooted in transparent, repeatable, and credible analysis of industrial technologies and technology systems that employ a range of tools including process and thermodynamic modeling, life cycle assessment, techno-economic analysis, supply chain and materials flow analysis, and agent-based modeling. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This postdoctoral position in the Coherent and Ultrafast X-ray Scattering group in MSD (led by Stephan Hruszkewycz) is supported by the QNext center, which focuses on how to reliably control, store and transmit quantum information. The scalable design, synthesis, and control of materials capable of hosting quantum states, such as silicon carbide and diamond, play an integral role in solid state platforms for quantum information science, but many open questions remain regarding how to control the morphology and crystallinity of these host materials for exemplary performace as hosts for optically addressable spin defect centers.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Systems Assessment Center (SAC) of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) has been conducting assessments of conventional/new transportation fuels and advanced vehicle technologies over the last 25 years. It has developed the GREET® (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies) model for estimating energy use, air emissions, and water consumption on a life-cycle basis for conventional vehicle/fuel systems, as well as for emerging technologies for energy production, energy storage, and chemical production (see https://greet.es.anl.gov for details). 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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13. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Macroeconomist will collect, synthesize, and process information to develop high-quality datasets and derive empirically driven results; work with other team members to develop and apply cutting-edge methodologies to address critical analytical issues; provide rigorous and objective results; publish journal articles and reports; and present results to sponsors and at conferences, workshops, and project meetings. The Macroeconomist will join project teams, including experts in a variety of topics and will regularly collaborate with experts in other Argonne groups as well as in industry and across the federal government. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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14. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidate will perform research to understand the relationships between interfacial structure and ion transport in solid-state batteries (e.g., Na, Zn). The candidate, located in the Interfacial Processes Group (Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division), will use a combination of synchrotron X-ray based tools (e.g., X-ray reflectivity, tomographic imaging, x-ray diffraction, spectroscopy) and in-house capabilities (e.g., scanning probe microscopy, optical holographic imaging, scanning electron microscopy).

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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15. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Chemical Sciences and Engineering (CSE) Division is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral appointee who will conduct computational research in Catalysis Science. The project involves performing quantum mechanical calculations (e.g., first principles density functional theory (DFT)) to identify the structures and to understand the complex mechanisms of molecular reactions occurring at the surface of various materials (heterogeneous catalysis). 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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16. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for post-doctoral positions in the Cosmological Physics and Advanced Computing Group (CPAC) Group in Argonne National Lab. Research at CPAC covers theory, modeling, observations, and experiments targeted at dark energy, dark matter, inflation, and neutrinos. Theory and modeling activities emphasize multi-wavelength survey science, the galaxy-halo connection, cluster cosmology, and simulations. Analysis efforts cover topics such as CMB power spectra, CMB lensing, galaxy clustering, redshift-space distortions, and weak and strong gravitational lensing. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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17. Postdoctoral Position 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Materials Group in Argonne National Laboratory’s Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Appointee to participate in a project that operates within a large DOE consortium of nine U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories. The project is dedicated to the accelerated discovery of catalytic materials for low-temperature PEM water electrolyzers, utilizing high-throughput synthesis and characterization techniques.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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