
16 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Umeå University, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Umeå University, Sweden invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Medical Science

Summary of PhD Program:

The position aims at a doctoral degree and the doctoral student’s main task is to engage in their own doctoral training, which includes participation in research projects as well as doctoral courses, journal clubs, seminars, etc. The main goal of the project is to develop an AI system for rehabilitation of patients with impaired arm and hand function. At the hand surgery clinic in Umeå, patients with impaired function in their arm and hand are treated. This may include traumatic amputation injuries as well as congenital absence or underdevelopment of a part of the upper extremity, a condition sometimes referred to as dysmelia. Injuries to the arm’s nerve plexus (plexus injury), or other nerves, can lead to a dramatic reduction in motor functions in the arm and hand.

Application Deadline: 2024-06-30

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mathematics focusing on geometric deep learning

Summary of PhD Program:

Deep learning has enjoyed tremendous success on an impressive number of complex problems. However, the fundamental mathematical understanding of deep learning models is still incomplete, presenting exciting research problems spanning areas such as differential geometry, numerical analysis, and dynamical systems. Neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) mark a recent advance in geometric deep learning, the pursuit to incorporate symmetries and non-Euclidean structures in machine learning using geometrical principles. NODEs describe the dynamics of information propagating through neural networks in the limit of infinite depth using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) on manifolds and offer several appealing properties.

Application Deadline: 2024-06-10

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Experimental Physics with focus on Optical Frequency Comb Spectroscopy

Summary of PhD Program:

We are now seeking a PhD student to work on the project aimed at high-resolution broadband spectroscopy of molecules of importance in astrophysics. Satellite- and ground-based observations of hot-Jupiter exoplanets revealed the presence of molecular species in their atmospheres. The observed spectra carry information about the composition, conditions and photo-chemistry in the exoplanetary atmospheres. To extract this information, accurate theoretical models of high-temperature spectra are needed. These, in turn, must be verified by data obtained from high-precision laboratory measurements. Such data are missing for many molecular species, because high-temperature spectra are difficult to obtain and very congested, and therefore hard to analyze. To circumvent this problem, we employ double-resonance spectroscopy with a frequency comb probe to selectively measure and assign individual hot-band transitions of methane and other molecules of importance in astrophysics.

Application Deadline: 2024-06-10

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Chemistry, with a specialization in the structural biology of viruses

Summary of PhD Program:

In your PhD studies, you will carry out research aimed at dissecting how virus particles assemble. You will characterize multi-component complexes involved in the assembly of viruses from the family Pneumoviridae and compare these to related viral families. Using a multi-modal structural biology and biophysics approach you will analyze structure and dynamics of these complexes to dissect the steps of viral assembly. You will employ both reduced in vitro systems to gain high resolution information, as well as large assemblies to gain ultrastructural insight. You will be provided opportunities to learn operation of cryogenic electron microscopes, 3D structure refinement, and model refinement. You will characterize interactions of viral proteins with lipids and their crosstalk with other binding events. The results of the project will provide a significant advance in our understanding of how virus building blocks come together to produce pathogenic progeny.

Application Deadline: 2024-06-03

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in chemistry with a specialization in biochemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

In your PhD studies, you will use molecular biology/biochemistry and analytical chemistry approaches to characterize the glycosylation patterns that are prevalent in surface proteins of one of the major species groups of the human microbiome (species of the Bacteroidota phylum). This will involve using mass spectrometry and NMR based approaches, as well as synthetic biology techniques, to gain molecular insight into this protein modification. You will also identify and characterize the enzymatic pathways responsible for this modification. You will learn how to use advanced bacterial culture conditions to grow the species of the human gut microbiome in the absence of oxygen. You will also learn how to analyze large datasets.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-31

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in medical sciences, Biomedical Engineering

Summary of PhD Program:

Essential tremor (ET) is a slowly progressive disorder characterized by postural and kinetic tremors most often affecting the forearms and hands. It is a common neurological disorder, with a large negative impact on movement function and thus quality of life. The exact mechanisms behind ET are unknown but involve an overactivity in the brain areas that control body movements and coordination in general. The pathology may look different for different subgroups of ET. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is electrical stimulation of brain tissue via implanted electrodes which is very effective in reducing tremor. The treatment can sometimes cause other neurological problems that require the treatment to be stopped or adjusted, and it is not fully understood why.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-31

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in physical geography, with a focus on fluvial geomorphology and ice dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

In the project “Flood Seasons: Impact of seasonality shifts of flooding and ice on river dynamics” we aim to assess how current and future changes in the flooding and ice regime in Nordic rivers impact streambank erosion and sediment transport. In high-latitude and high-altitude rivers, winter ice cover and its break-up can have a large impact on bank erosion and sediment transport. Climate change will affect the ice regime by decreasing the duration of ice cover, altering the number of 0° C-crossings and thus ice break-up events, and change the timing of ice break-up/cover in relation to high flows. In order to understand how climate change will affect ice-related bank erosion and sediment transport, this project will combine various methods, including environmental seismology, river-ice modelling, evaluating historical ice cover data, and field work to examine ice- versus flood-induced bank erosion. 

Application Deadline: 2024-05-23

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in plant science with a focus on small proteins

Summary of PhD Program:

We are recruiting a PhD student to work on a project aimed at manipulating plant development using microProtein engineering. MicroProteins are small single-domain proteins that have been shown to control diverse biological pathways. While some microProteins are encoded as individual genes, we have evidence that other microProteins might be hiding in genes and are dynamically expressed in response to changes in the environment. We aim to dissect light and magnetosensing signaling pathways to understand the biotechnological potential of these small proteins and aim to use them as tools to engineer biosynthetic pathways. In the project we will employ forward, and reverse genetics approaches in Arabidopsis plants and yeast, protein biochemistry and biochemical engineering.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-15

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microbiology

Summary of PhD Program:

A person who is employed as a PhD student shall primarily devote his-/or herself to his/her own education. The project and research environment will give the dedicated student the opportunity to train as a first-class researcher. In this project, the student will explore how pathogenic bacteria build and break down their cell walls. By using cutting-edge techniques, they aim to uncover new insights into bacterial biology and genetics, potentially revealing fresh targets for antibiotic development. The student will employ methods such as transposition-sequencing (Tn-seq) and advanced chromatography (HPLC and UPLC) to examine cell wall composition. They’ll also use mutant libraries for screening and other molecular biology techniques. Results will be carefully documented and presented to contribute to scientific understanding.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-13

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Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied Physics with specialization in biomedical engineering and neuroscience

Summary of PhD Program:

The project is part of the activities within the Center of Biomedical Engineering and Physics as well as Umeå Center for Functional Brain imaging and is carried out in close collaboration with medical expertise at the University Hospital. One of the overall goals with our research in this area is to develop new MRI strategies to study vascular and cerebrospinal fluid flows with applications towards neurological diseases. As a PhD student in this project, you will develop new knowledge related to collection, reconstruction, and post-processing of magnetic resonance imaging data. A significant part of the work will revolve around new methods to study the glymphatic system, i.e., the brain’s system for transporting away waste products. The project includes experiments on the research magnetic camera at Norrland University Hospital.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-10

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science with focus on Cybersecurity

Summary of PhD Program:

The multilayer cloud-edge continuum poses several challenges, such as smart placement, workload prediction and relocation, energy usage prediction, and security for critical applications and infrastructures. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is one of the critical threats that disrupt the benign services provided by servers based on distributed resources across the Continuum. The key security challenges faced by existing methods, particularly when it comes to DDoS attacks and defence strategies for the cloud-edge continuum. Challenges include unlimited reassignment of resources for microservices under attack, slow reaction time, lack of methods for validation in real environments, and weak kernel architecture in virtualised instances. Moreover, understanding the underlying differences between occasional benign load spikes and massive or stealthy DDoS attacks is unexplored in the cloud-edge continuum. Where machine learning (ML) is deployed both for optimising performance (benign adaptation) and attack detection (DDoS), security researchers face the problem of considering the compound effect of each ML component’s uncertainty.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-08

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science with focus on Interactive Systems that Reason Spatially

Summary of PhD Program:

Current AI technology surpasses humans in pattern recognition tasks, but it falls short on general world knowledge understanding, common sense reasoning, and the human capabilities of explaining the process followed to solve a problem. Our project goal is to design and develop interactive systems that reason spatially and which are centred in the human user (e.g. to expand their skills, instead of replacing them). This project will make contributions to an enriching user interaction with autonomous systems in a bidirectional way: (i) users’ interaction enhances the spatial reasoning by the autonomous system; and (ii) users’ spatial skills are improved by interaction with the system.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-06

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physical Geography with a focus on groundwater dynamics in subarctic palsa mires

Summary of PhD Program:

Ongoing climate change, which is amplified in the Arctic, affects the presence and movement of water in the landscape. Increases in precipitation and the proportion of rain (versus snow) are projected for northern Fennoscandia, as are increases in evapotranspiration and in the occurrence of extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. How these collective changes will affect groundwater and surface water levels in the region is currently unclear. Yet, we do know that groundwater levels and soil moisture have a strong impact on the stability of the permafrost in peatlands containing palsas and peat plateaus – permafrost landforms that are currently thawing in the region. These so called palsa mires store large amounts of carbon, which is vulnerable to being released to the atmosphere if permafrost thaws or groundwater levels change.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-04

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computing Science with focus on machine learning for continuous and discrete structures

Summary of PhD Program:

The focus of the project is graph based machine learning for discrete and continuous structures, led by Frank Drewes, Johanna Björklund, and Henrik Björklund. The PhD student will work within the context of the STING (Synthesis and Analysis with Transducers and Invertible Neural Generators) project, financed by WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program). The project conducted in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm and Lindköping University. Human communication is multimodal in nature, and occurs through combinations of speech, language, gesture, facial expression, and similar signals. STING aims to design models that capture this richness, uniting synthesis and analysis with the help of both discrete and neural models. Covering both synthesis and analysis in one framework also allows us to create efficient mechanisms for explainability, and to inspect and enforce fairness in the models.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-02

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