
14 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at University of Hohenheim, Germany

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University of Hohenheim, Germany invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. It includes a standard rate of €1,200/month (€1,360 with a child or €1,410 for two or more children). Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. Two PhD Programs in Digital interfaces between the tax administration and the taxpayer

Summary of PhD Positions:

The cooperative doctoral college “Good administration” is an association of research groups from the Universities of Hohenheim and Tübingen and the University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg. The central goal of the interdisciplinary college is to make a significant contribution to research into how authorities work and the effects of their actions. A total of twelve scholarship holders are working on various aspects of this research topic at the college locations in Hohenheim, Tübingen and Ludwigsburg. The college is funded for five years by the Ministry of Science, Research and Art of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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2. PhD Programs in economics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Prof. Dr. Henner Gimpel works in research, teaching and practice on the analysis and design of digitization. He deals with socio-technical information systems in which people, information and digital technologies interact with each other. The goals here are on the one hand the humane, ecologically sustainable and economically target-oriented development and use of information systems and on the other hand the analysis of individual acceptance and handling of digital technologies in the financial sector, health care or high-tech industry. The focus is often on the individual person in their roles as consumer, customer, patient, employee and/or user who interacts with information systems.

Application Deadlines: 31.03.2023

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3. PhD Programs in Bio- Inhibit- Avoidance project

Summary of PhD Positions:

At the Department of Infection and Environmental Hygiene in Farm Animals of the Institute for Farm Animal Sciences at the University of Hohenheim, the position of a research assistant with the possibility of a doctorate is to be filled from April 1st, 2023. Remuneration is based on EG 13 (65% % TV-L). The position is limited to a project-related period of 24 months. The use of residues from agriculture is an essential part of future-oriented and socially acceptable biogas production. In particular, the optimized use of manure can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Application Deadlines: 31.01.2023

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4. PhD Programs in principal-agent conflict

Summary of PhD Positions:

Good administration is the basic requirement for the functioning of a state. The rule of law, progress and social balance stand and fall with the quality of their actions. Good administration ensures services of general interest. The trust of citizens in state institutions therefore depends on good administration. Nevertheless, many questions about the functioning of authorities and the effects of their actions have not yet been answered in research, which is not least due to the lack of empirical research.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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5. PhD Programs in Sustainable consumer decisions

Summary of PhD Positions:

Doctoral project “Sustainable consumer decisions: Biodiversity as a unique selling proposition” At the end of the value chain are the consumers with their decision-making behavior at the point of sale (PoS). Therefore, the decision-making behavior and the willingness to pay of consumers for corresponding products are of outstanding importance for the successful establishment of biodiversity products.

Application Deadlines: 20.01.2023

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6. PhD Programs in Civic Participation and Administrative Action

Summary of PhD Positions:

The cooperative doctoral college has therefore set itself the goal of firstly examining the individual components of good administration in an interdisciplinary manner and secondly, researching the reasons for good administrative action and the possibilities of influencing it. The spectrum of reasons to be examined in the individual dissertations includes the set of rules, the power of individual groups, the leadership and culture in the administration, the staffing and technical equipment of an authority, the exchange with citizens and companies as well as the resources that are available to employees of an administration.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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7. PhD Programs in Good Migration Governance

Summary of PhD Positions:

Municipal administrative action is increasingly faced with new challenges due to developments in the direction of “post-migrant society” (Foroutan). The new self-confidence of migrant milieus in the sense of the “integration paradox” (El-Mafaalani) and marginalization tendencies towards parallel structures play a role. The new SINUS Migranten-Milieus (2016) show the empirical significance of both tendencies. Against this background, good migration governance and thus also good migration administration at the local level plays an important role with regard to the “deficient representation of weak interests” identified by Offe.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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8. PhD Programs in Public Economics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Becoming part of an open-minded and dynamic team· Participation in joint research activities (projects, reading groups, workshops), providing a range of on-the-job learning opportunities.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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9. PhD Programs in BigaTex project

Summary of PhD Positions:

The implementation of a circular economy and the highest possible quality use of raw materials is a crucial task for the achievement of a CO2-neutral future. Research is being carried out at the University of Hohenheim on a concept in which particularly ecological renewable raw materials and residual materials are to be used both materially in the form of fibers and energetically in the form of biogas. The raw materials are first broken down by thermal pressure hydrolysis and then separated. The resulting solid will be used as fiber, e.g. in the packaging industry or for the production of foams.

Application Deadlines: 08.01.2023

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10. PhD Programs in Sustainability in Administrative Action

Summary of PhD Positions:

Not least in view of climate change, sustainable action is a central topic of our time, which is demanded and promoted by various social and political actors. Public administration must also integrate the principle of sustainability into its actions. In addition to observing ecological, economic and social aspects, sustainable action must also take into account the interests of current and future generations. Sustainable administrative action plays a role in different areas.

The spectrum ranges from the “green” procurement of environmentally friendly products, e.g. green IT, the generation of energy using renewable energy sources, the planning of climate-neutral public buildings, the organization of mobility, through to municipal care planning or sustainable investments, for example in healthcare (“Green/Blue Hospital” etc.).

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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11. PhD Programs in Digitization and exercise of discretion

Summary of PhD Positions:

Decisions in administrations are increasingly supported by the digital provision of information, virtual interactions and automated information processing. This also applies to discretionary decisions by administrative employees. However, it is not yet clear which forms of digital support make it easier for employees to interpret discretionary powers and improve the quality of decisions and which do not. In this doctoral project, the determinants and consequences of different forms of digitally supported discretionary decisions are to be examined using qualitative and quantitative methods. The perspective of the administrative employees, their perceptions and their behavior are at the center of the considerations.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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12. PhD Programs in Effects and potential effects of administrative regulations in norm enforcement

Summary of PhD Positions:

The sub-legal norms in a broader sense also include administrative regulations as legal regulations in the internal area of ​​administration. Particularly in the form of administrative regulations that interpret or specify norms or that guide discretion, they have a significant influence on the enforcement of norms and thus the level of legal application in administrative practice. If the legal classification of administrative regulations has been largely clarified, there is a lack of fundamental knowledge about the actual modes of action and possible impact potential of administrative regulations in the official enforcement of norms.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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13. PhD Programs in The Conceptualization of Good Administration

Summary of PhD Positions:

A prerequisite for assessing the quality of administrative action is a more precise definition of what good administration means and against which target values ​​the administration should be measured. Several research directions in administrative sciences offer approaches to this. These include work on public management, street-level bureaucracy and the principal-agent theory. However, there are also points of contact, for example, in law, in economics and in psychological behavioral research. In the planned dissertation, these approaches are to be examined, expanded and applied.

Application Deadlines: 20.02.2023

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14. PhD Programs in field of biogas

Summary of PhD Positions:

The use of residues from agriculture is an essential part of future-oriented and socially acceptable biogas production. In particular, the optimized use of manure can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the great potential and the politically controlled increase in the use of manure, a detailed database on the gas formation potential of these substrates is not yet available. In addition to the many advantages, there are also risks that have not been systematically examined so far when using liquid manure. Manure can contain antibiotics or their metabolites.

Application Deadlines: 31.01.2023

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