Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Zurich, Switzerland invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal.
1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Educational Science
Summary of PhD Program:
The Institute of Education at the University of Zurich, Chair of General Didactics and Media Didactics, is looking to fill a 60% position as of August 1, 2024 or by agreement for a research assistant. The core task of the chair is to train high school teachers in the area of didactic planning and design of lessons. In this context, the chair is researching ways of designing lessons effectively, particularly with digital teaching and learning technologies.
Application Deadline: June 30, 2024
2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Musculoskeletal Research Unit
Summary of PhD Program:
The Musculoskeletal Research Unit (MSRU) is a research group at the University of Zurich and focuses on the research areas of the musculoskeletal system (cartilage, bones, tendons, joints) and regeneration (cardiovascular, aneurysm, wound healing, soft tissue). We conducted preclinical studies according to the highest quality standards, with animal welfare always being our top priority (3R principles, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) accreditation).
Application Deadline: Open until filled
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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Neural Implementation of Hierarchy
Summary of PhD Program:
The NCCR is a Swiss National Center of Competence in Research with the goal of creating a new discipline, Evolutionary Language Science, that targets the past and future of language. The center consists of leading scientists from traditionally separated academic domains, which allows us to harvest the diverse expertise from the humanities, social sciences, computational sciences, natural sciences and medicine towards a broadscale interdisciplinary collaboration.
Application Deadline: 31 May 2024
4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biomimetic Catalysis
Summary of PhD Program:
A PhD student position is available in the group of Prof. Felix Zelder in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). The group focuses on biomimetic and analytical chemistry studies with semi-artificial metal complexes. Porphyrinoid cofactors play important rules in biological systems ranging from the conversion of light to energy to the catalysis of difficult reactions. The project deals with the synthesis and study of metallo-corrinoids and covers fundamental and applied aspects. It includes organic as well as inorganic and electrochemical studies.
Application Deadline: 3rd June 2024
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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Caste, Religion and Social Mobility in India
Summary of PhD Program:
We are seeking a doctoral candidate to work under the supervision of Professor Nicolas Martin and Dr. Mukesh Kumar on the SNSF-funded project “Caste, Religion, and Social Mobility in India”. The project aims to investigate how religious institutions like Dera Sachkhand Ballan may contribute to social mobility within lower caste Ravidassia communities. The candidate will research the historical context, doctrines, and philanthropic efforts of these institutions to assess their role in enabling either individual or community level social mobility. Additionally, the candidate will research the impact of the Ravidassia diaspora’s educational and non-educational philanthropic works around Ravidas deras (temples).
Application Deadline: 15th of June 2024
6. Fully Funded PhD Position in First Language Acquisition Research
Summary of PhD Program:
The NCCR is a Swiss National Center of Competence in Research with the goal of creating a new discipline, Evolutionary Language Science, that targets the past and future of language. The center consists of leading scientists from traditionally separated academic domains, which allows us to harvest the diverse expertise from the humanities, social sciences, computational sciences, natural sciences and medicine towards a broadscale interdisciplinary collaboration.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
7. Fully Funded PhD Position
Summary of PhD Program:
The Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich and the Institute for Medical Education of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern are cooperating on various teaching research projects to ensure innovative, needs-based and attractive training and conditions. Both medical degree programs each have a history of almost 200 years and include the largest student cohorts of medical faculties in Switzerland. We are looking for a PhD student (100%) for the project “ Accompanying research for curriculum development at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich ”
Application Deadline: Open until filled
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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in computational psychiatry
Summary of PhD Program:
In the context of a new ERC Synergy project (DELTA-LANG), our lab is interested in novel ways of phenotyping psychotic disorders, including quantitative analysis of language with large language models, combined with multimodal neuroimaging (model-based fMRI, neuromelanin imaging and others). The goal is to design and implement novel paradigms (e.g. combined fMRI and speech production) and use methods such as machine learning, multilevel analyses and computational modeling to decompose behavioral performance into interpretable aspects of cognitive and perceptual processing.
Application Deadline: Open until filled
9. Fully Funded PhD Position in English historical linguistics
Summary of PhD Program:
This doctoral post is designed as a research position that culminates in a PhD thesis (cumulative or monograph) but also involves other publication goals, such as conference papers, articles, organization of academic events, and applications for additional funding. You will be a member of the WAW-ME team, responsible for collecting lexical-semantic data from two occupational domains, e.g. Education and Law, and data analysis along such parameters as period, region, genre, and semantic hierarchy. Drawing on the collected data, you will also assess the impact of borrowing from Latin and French in the chosen domains.
Application Deadline: 31 July 2024
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10. Fully Funded PhD Position
Summary of PhD Program:
The PhD project focuses on how Russian history textbooks have treated the Cold War. It will examine Russian history textbooks production and their representation of the Cold War since 1992. It will at the same time engage with the broader topic of the instrumentalization of history for political legitimacy in Russia over the past thirty years. The project will furthermore deal with broader methodological and theoretical experts as it explores how collective memory and history interact. The successful applicant will conduct their independent research project with the support of Dr. Vassily Klimentov and Prof. Dr. Jeronim Perovic.
Application Deadline: 31 May 2024
11. Fully Funded PhD Position
Summary of PhD Program:
The University of Zurich is the largest research university in Switzerland. IKMZ is one of the leading communication departments in Europe. The University of Zurich is interested in the equality of men and women in scientific positions and encourages applications from women.
Application Deadline: June 1st 2024
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12. Fully Funded PhD Position
Summary of PhD Program:
A PhD project is available in the group of Prof. Dr. Alexandria (Ali) Deliz Liang in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Our laboratory works on advanced methods in protein engineering including genetic code expansion. Currently, we are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on development and application of a novel protein engineering method.