PhD Programs - Fully Funded at Eindhoven University Archives - FellowshipBard Sun, 05 Feb 2023 01:17:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PhD Programs - Fully Funded at Eindhoven University Archives - FellowshipBard 32 32 31 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at Eindhoven University, Netherlands Wed, 08 Feb 2023 10:00:09 +0000 Eindhoven University, Netherlands invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. 1. PhD Programs in Photonic Neural Networks for Edge Computing Summary of PhD Positions: In this research program, the student will ... Read more

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Eindhoven University, Netherlands invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in Photonic Neural Networks for Edge Computing

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this research program, the student will understand the edge computing requirements, explore novel optical techniques for neuromorphic computing using different encoding techniques and architectures (all connected and sparse), map these models on chip, realize the chip and envision the chip embedding and interface within state-of-the-art engines. He/she should design and realize integrated optical circuitry which can perform these functions efficiently. The work comprises system understanding, design, simulation, fabrication and experimental activities. The final goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of optical AI chips for edge computing.

Application Deadlines: 15/02/2023

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2. PhD Programs in Next-Generation GaN Power Modules

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project, you will integrate GaN-technology into the next-generation power modules featuring state-of-the-art efficiency and power density. Our goal is to reach ultra-high switching frequencies through advanced modulation, control and high levels of integration and optimization. Advancing the limits of modern technology, these modules should pave the road towards future power converters with extreme performance.

Application Deadlines: 05/03/2023

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3. PhD Programs in Wearables for Acute Care Teams

Summary of PhD Positions:

Teamwork is central to safe and effective patient care in complex care contexts. Yet, acute care teams often experience that maintaining effective collaborative functioning is difficult, especially during stressful medical emergency events. Wearable technology applications (such as wrist worn physiological sensors) represent a crucial opportunity for providing teams with real-time feedback to support their effectiveness. So far, the use of wearable tools for teams is hampered by a lack of knowledge about what data is most meaningful and how it can be used for team support and augmentation in practice. Would you be interested to help us solve these issues? Then we are looking for you!

Application Deadlines: 15/03/2023

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4. PhD Programs in signal processing for post-operative patient monitoring

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project is part of a European project (RM4Health) in which multiple partners across Europe collaborate on advancing remote monitoring for applications related to health. The PhD project aims to address the challenges related to remote monitoring for post-operative care for surgery patients and for telerehabilitation of chronic heart failure patients in close collaboration with regional clinical and industrial partners.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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5. PhD Programs in Magneto-Photonic nano-engineering for topological quests

Summary of PhD Positions:

Silicon forms the basis of the current information society, instrumental in increasing human welfare. However, there is a never-ending demand for more powerful computing. A national excellence program “Materials for the quantum age” (QuMat) aims to provide proto-type materials with stable coherent quantum states, exploit topological protection and explore hybrid light-matter interfaces. These will enable classic computing to become more powerful and more energy efficient, while allowing to upscale quantum computing.

Application Deadlines: 21/02/2023

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6. PhD Programs in Materials and Devices for Spintronic-Photonic Integration

Summary of PhD Positions:

You will perform research on hybrid-spintronic photonic devices, embedded in –and fully taking advantage of– the NL-ECO consortium. Partly based on your ideas, photonic chips will be produced in so-called multi-project wafer runs. You will play an active role in the design, exploration and deposition of multilayered magnetic thin films using our NanoAccess facility. Optimal materials stacks will be nanostructured on the pre-fabricated photonic chips in the NanoLab@TU/e cleanroom.

Application Deadlines: 21/02/2023

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7. PhD Programs in Magnetic sensing devices with tuneable detection range

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project aims to explore ways to adjust sensor field sensitivity on demand, allowing for adjustments to changes in distance from magnetic field sources or field intensity over time. This will enable the design of versatile devices that can be used in tuneable biomedical and position sensors. The research will be conducted by the Physics of Nanostructures (FNA) group at the Eindhoven University of Technology, as part of a new research team developing hybrid magnetic sensors. This team is part of a larger group (FNA, 4 Principle Investigators) with expertise in areas such as ultrafast magnetism, thin-film engineering, nanoelectronics, and integrated photonics, providing a collaborative, creative and supportive environment for the success of your project.

Application Deadlines: 21/02/2023

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8. PhD Programs in modelling the effects of light on health in the context of everyday life

Summary of PhD Positions:

In the current project, we aim to employ data mining strategies to enhance the quantification of light exposure patterns monitored in the context of everyday life and advance the understanding and modelling of effects of light on health in real-life. To this end, we will leverage existing data and complement these data with new data collected using light sensor technology that can also accurately monitor the spectral characteristics of light. These sensor data will be combined with self-reports and with behavioral and physiological markers of health to uncover which light-related features and aggregations render effective predictions of key health indicators and to improve the mapping of light sensor data to human behavior and experiences in the context of light and health.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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9. PhD Programs in Mathematical modeling for precision oncology

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project you will work in a multidisciplinary team to combine innovative microfluidics technology for functional perturbation screening, with advanced mathematical modelling of cellular pathways mediating drug response, to improve our understanding of drug response in individual patients. This will allow understanding resistance mechanisms and provide a rational approach to design personalized combinatorial treatment strategies.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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10. PhD Programs in Engineering bone-mimicking grafts

Summary of PhD Positions:

The project will be a part of the Materials Driven Regeneration (MDR) project, a partnership between multiple universities and research institutes. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with advanced research in biomaterials processing, bone biomechanics and bone bioengineering at Eindhoven University of Technology and will also closely collaborate with MDR partners at MERLIN, Maastricht University.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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11. PhD Programs in AI based control methods for High Efficiency Electrical Drive Systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD trajectory will focus on data-driven modeling and control for electrical drives (electrical machine and controller) to achieve an increased system reliability and efficiency. Next generation electrical machines in automotive tend to be more complex and highly nonlinear in their magnetic design to ensure high efficiency and power densities in the lack of hard magnetic materials (to reduce their carbon footprint). Modern control methods provide an opportunity both to handle these nonlinear systems efficiently as well as provide an integration basis towards digitization of the complete drive.

Application Deadlines: 05/03/2023

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12. 02 PhD Programs in the development of new battery materials

Summary of PhD Positions:

The transition to a renewable energy economy will necessitate the deployment of a massive amount of energy storage to integrate renewables and balance demand and supply. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop battery technologies that can be scaled-up to fulfill the stringent requirements of the grid, and most important, store electricity at very low cost. FAIR-RFB (Engineered Porous Electrodes to Unlock Ultra-low Cost Fe-air Redox Flow Batteries) is an ambitious research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant) and we are currently building a team of talented and enthusiastic researchers to tackle this challenging research program.

Application Deadlines: 05/03/2023

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13. PhD Programs in Integrated Antenna for High Sensitivity Radio Receivers

Summary of PhD Positions:

The PhD project is funded through the European project MID4automotive with partner from the Netherlands and Germany. This project will address the integration challenges of the application domains automotive radar and connectivity by the use of 3D-MID technology. 3D-MID is a packaging and integration technology that allows for three-dimensional arrangements of components and great flexibility in the shape of the final module. The consortium includes world-leading European companies, research institutes and universities among which are the end users, technology providers, component and (sub-)system manufacturers as well as system test specialists. Together, they are targeting international markets worth billions of euros and where this project is a key enabling collaboration effort to achieve their business goals.

Application Deadlines: 19/02/2023

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14. PhD Programs in Experimental-Numerical Micro-Mechanics

Summary of PhD Positions:

Abrasion-resistant steels are used extensively in construction, agriculture and mining for their capability of withstanding severe wear and tear, extending operational life and minimizing repair and replacement costs. However, forming of these strong steel grades may lead to issues such as splitting during bending. The bending behavior of these steel grades is currently poorly understood. Extensive microstructural characterization and mechanical testing of these grades has been performed trying to unravel the factors that influence failure. While these studies have revealed the complexity of the fully martensitic microstructure with microstructural variation toward the surface, they have not shown the root causes of failure, thus a clear path to design grades with better bendability is lacking.

Application Deadlines: 19/02/2023

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15. PhD Programs in Low-Rate Error-Correcting Codes for Security Applications

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this project, the PhD candidate will work on the development of new codes meeting these requirements. The expected focus will be on modern coding frameworks using soft-decision probabilistic decoders, such as polar codes and LDPC codes. Several outbranching research directions are possible, such as: integration of new decoders with pre- and post-processing techniques for fuzzy sources, optimization of decoder complexity, working on innovative decoder architectures, prototyping of new decoders, development of new processing techniques for dealing with non-uniform sources, etc. Based on the interest of the candidate, specific research directions can be chosen.

Application Deadlines: 19/02/2023

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16. PhD Programs in Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery

Summary of PhD Positions:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the field of drug discovery. By analyzing datasets of biological and chemical information, AI algorithms can identify patterns and relationships that may not be apparent to human researchers. AI can be used to aid in the design of new drugs, by predicting the likely biological activity of potential compounds. This can save time and resources by allowing researchers to focus on the most promising candidates. In addition, AI can be used to study the complex interactions between drugs and biological systems, leading to a better understanding of how drugs work and how they can be improved.

Application Deadlines: 20/02/2023

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17. PhD Programs in Novel Devices and Architectures for Neuromorphic Computing

Summary of PhD Positions:

In recent years, we have witnessed an explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) applications which will continue to grow over the next decade. An intelligent and digitized society will be ubiquitous, enabled by increased advances in nanoelectronics. Key drivers will be sensors interfacing with the physical world and taking appropriate action in a timely manner while operating with energy efficiency and flexibility to adapt. The vast majority of sensors receive analog inputs from the real world and generate analog signals to be processed.

Application Deadlines: 12/02/2023

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18. PhD Programs in Digital Twin for Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Bridges

Summary of PhD Positions:

Ample structural health monitoring systems exist that measure relevant data for fatigue deterioration, such as strain, acceleration, crack activity, or crack size. The same applies to structural prediction models. Which system and/or model is optimal depends on the structure. You will develop a framework that allows to estimate the structural reliability and the remaining fatigue life based on various possible combinations of systems and models, combining details and data of different type. Based on probabilistic theory, the framework should be able to select the most suited monitoring and model strategy for a specific bridge:

Application Deadlines: 15/02/2023

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19. PhD Programs in Coastal Heritage and Climate Change

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Horizon Europe project explores innovative and sustainable ways to safeguard coastal and underwater cultural heritage, particularly monuments, historical buildings, archaeological sites and coastal cultural landscapes from climate change effects, natural hazards and environmental pollution. It aims to achieve this goal through the development, testing and validation of an integrated multiple heritage risk assessment, protection and management system with evidence-based monitoring frameworks, innovative tools and through participatory processes.

Application Deadlines: 26/02/2023

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20. PhD Programs in Single-molecule biosensing using plasmon-enhanced fluorescence

Summary of PhD Positions:

In recent years the group has developed single-molecule sensors based on plasmon-enhanced fluorescence, see here for a recent review. Herein the fluorescence intensity of a labelled biomolecule is enhanced by several orders of magnitude once it binds to a plasmonic nanoparticle. This provides unique abilities to perform single-molecule biosensing at very high concentrations and with superior signal-to-noise ratio. In this project you will build on this to develop the first single-molecule sensor for multivalent proteins.

You will learn about the design and testing of the sensor, you will perform single-molecule optical microscopy and analyze/interpret the microscopy data. You will then apply the sensor to study the dynamic binding and unbinding of proteins that are involved in neurological disorders. Finally, you will reveal how these interaction dynamics are affected by the presence of drug molecules.

Application Deadlines: 26/02/2023

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21. PhD Programs in Statistics

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology is opening a PhD position in Statistics. We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic candidate to join the Statistics Group and conduct research in the area of dependence modeling and copulas. Dependence modeling is crucial in many applied fields where practitioners are interested in (1) detecting complex dependences in the data and (2) representing them in the modeling and estimation process through suitable statistical models.

Application Deadlines: 16/02/2023

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22. PhD Programs in Thermochromic Infra-Red Reflective Foils

Summary of PhD Positions:

In this PhD project you will create a smart infrared light (IR) reflector foil that can be placed on a window. IR light makes up 50% of the total sunlight energy and is a significant interior heating source of buildings. Your foil will autonomously and reversibly change between an IR reflective and a transparent state upon heating/cooling, all the while remaining transparent to visible light. Thus, the ‘smart’ temperature responsive IR reflector will reject IR at higher temperatures, reducing heating of the indoor space and the load on air conditioning systems. If this can be done, it will be a major step towards the construction of energy neutral buildings.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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23. PhD Programs in Data-Driven Modelling of Cellular System Dynamics

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project aims to uniquely and comprehensively characterize the cell mechanobiology at the intra-, inter-cell, as well as cell-matrix levels by using existing state-of-the-art tools and by further developing the theory and the algorithms based on novel system identification and data-driven modelling approaches. The envisioned system identification framework is aimed to be developed for the investigation and exploitation of cellular system dynamics from a control systems perspective. A bottom-up approach will be followed, focusing on capturing (intra)cell-level dynamics before cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix dynamic models are developed.

Application Deadlines: 19/02/2023

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24. PhD Programs in Generating Cutting Planes by Exploiting Symmetry

Summary of PhD Positions:

The goal of this project is to transfer the positive effect of symmetry handling for an entire MIP to the generation of cutting planes. Among others, we will explore how symmetries can be used to generate cutting planes faster and to strengthen weak cutting planes in general MIP software. This project also gives the opportunity to evaluate the practical performance of the developed techniques in the state-of-the-art MIP software SCIP.

Application Deadlines: 05/03/2023

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25. PhD Programs in Cell biology of engineered matrices

Summary of PhD Positions:

Eindhoven University of Technology is recruiting an ambitious PhD candidate who will study the reciprocal interaction between cells and engineered polymer materials, and who will apply this knowledge to improve the interaction of medical implants with the human body. The successful candidate is competent in cell biology and equally interested in biomaterial engineering; she/he is passionate about molecular biology and has a desire to unravel biomolecular mechanisms. The research performed by the candidate is an essential link between biomaterial engineering and clinical application of biomaterials in regenerative medicine, which is the focus of the cluster Regenerative Medical Engineering.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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26. PhD Programs in Machine Learning assisted calibration for data converters

Summary of PhD Positions:

As a PhD candidate in the Integrated Circuits group, you will investigate a novel methodology to design and implement self-calibration techniques for data converters with the aid of Machine Learning (ML). During your PhD you will first identify the root causes (from a circuit perspective) responsible for data converter performance reduction due to operation in non-typical conditions or to aging effects. Next you will investigate suitable ML algorithms to periodically calibrate the data converter behavior and recover its nominal performance level. Finally, you will design a novel data converter embedding a ML-based self-calibration circuit on hardware, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Architectural, ML algorithmic and transistor-level design approaches will be considered in this challenging exploration.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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27. PhD Programs in AI-driven calibration of Analog-to-Digital converters

Summary of PhD Positions:

In the last 40 years, the systematic downscaling of CMOS Integrated Circuit (IC) technologies has enabled unprecedented improvements in the transistor density, frequency of operation, energy efficiency and reliability. Most recent CMOS technologies allow the integration of several billions of transistors in a digital microprocessor chip the size of a fingernail. While technology downscaling has been extremely beneficial for digital circuits, the design of analog frontend electronics and Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies is becoming increasingly challenging due to the systematic power supply reduction, the intrinsically larger device parameter variability, and the higher low-frequency noise level of these transistors.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023d

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28. PhD Programs in AC-loss phenomena in superconductive coils for motion systems

Summary of PhD Positions:

As a PhD student you will be one of two main researchers in the project. The research will be jointly conducted in collaboration with Twente University. The research will be conducted within the Electromechanics & Power Electronics group of the department of Electrical Engineering. The research tasks include the characterization, modelling and localization of undesired parasitic phenomena that occur within high-temperature superconducting tapes (HTS) in stator-coils specifically intended for high-dynamic, translating actuators. The main focus is to map the AC loss distribution for different grades of tapes – both striated, nonstriated, insulated and/or non-insulated – as function of the HTS coil geometrical shape (e.g. bending radii) in conjunction the AC magnetic field originating from the translator to which the HTS coils will be exposed.

Application Deadlines: 28/02/2023

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29. PhD Programs in Power exhaust in fusion reactors

Summary of PhD Positions:

Are you eager to work on one of the biggest scientific endeavors ever take up by mankind: the development of fusion energy? Do you enjoy collaborating with international teams, and develop state of the art equipment to unravel the intriguing physics going on in plasmas of more than a million degree Celsius? Then this position might be for you! One of the main challenges facing the development of a functional fusion reactor is managing the fusion power exhaust. In the tokamak configuration, which is currently the most promising reactor type, the plasma is directed to a part of the reactor called the divertor. The high power exhaust of the fusion reactor can cause damage to the divertor if it is not properly managed.

Application Deadlines: 15/02/2023

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30. PhD Programs in Visual Analytics for Multimodal Data and Trustworthy Evidence in Court

Summary of PhD Positions:

We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate that wants to develop new Visualization and Visual Analytics methods for the exploration, analysis, and interpretability of multimodal evidence data. Law enforcement is faced with huge amounts of data from online platforms, digital marketplaces, and communication services. Finding evidence in such large collections of text, images, and other data and bringing it to court is a time-consuming process. Artificial Intelligence tools are a promising way to make this more efficient and effective. But currently, no clear legal regulations for AI tools are in place. In AI4Intelligence we let AI tool development, the use of the tools by investigators, and legal regulations go hand-in-hand so investigations lead to trustworthy evidence that is admissible in court.

Application Deadlines: 25/02/2023

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