PhD Programs - Fully Funded at University of Newcastle Archives - FellowshipBard Mon, 09 Jan 2023 22:41:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PhD Programs - Fully Funded at University of Newcastle Archives - FellowshipBard 32 32 19 PhD Programs – Fully Funded at University of Newcastle, Australia Thu, 12 Jan 2023 08:00:35 +0000 University of Newcastle, Australia invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Funding: $29,863 – $33,092 per annum (2023 rate) indexed annually. For a PhD candidate, the living allowance scholarship is for 3.5 years and the tuition fee scholarship is for four years. Scholarships also include up to $1,500 relocation ... Read more

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University of Newcastle, Australia invites online application for multiple fully funded PhD Programs in various research areas. Funding: $29,863 – $33,092 per annum (2023 rate) indexed annually. For a PhD candidate, the living allowance scholarship is for 3.5 years and the tuition fee scholarship is for four years. Scholarships also include up to $1,500 relocation allowance. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.

1. PhD Programs in Valorised Food Applications of Oatmilk Byproducts

Summary of PhD Positions:

Improved utilisation of waste or low-value by-product streams represents one important in tackling the compounding problems of food waste. In recent years there has been a marked shift in consumer preferences away from traditional dairy products towards plant-based alternatives. Indeed, the use of soybeans in the production of non-dairy alternatives including soy-milk and tofu is widespread in Asian countries. Okara is the bean pulp filtered as a slurry byproduct generated in the manufacture of soymilk and tofu.

Application Deadlines: 01 March 2023

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2. PhD Programs in Nutritional Status in a Mother and Child Cohort

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project aims to examine the correlates of grip strength by examining the relationship to body composition (muscle and fat mass), genomics (SNPs), physical activity (accelerometry) and circulating concentrations of key determinants of protein intake in the children and mothers. The project will be supervised by a collaborative team from the University of Newcastle (Professors David Cameron-Smith and Ron Potnikoff) and the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore.

Application Deadlines: 01 March 2023

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3. PhD Programs in Creative and Transformative Engagement with Music

Summary of PhD Positions:

This HDR project (Master or PhD level) focuses on music and wellbeing in Australia’s First Nations communities. The project is interested in uses of creativity and music to contribute to ageing well. It contributes to a larger ARC-funded project with the theme: creative ageing through transformative engagement with music. In non-First Nations communities, engaging with meaningful music activities has been shown to empower older adults. Your project will bring to the wider project important knowledge on how First Nations communities use music to support social connectedness, lifelong learning, empowerment and wellbeing.

Application Deadlines: 11 February 2023

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4. PhD Programs in Future Foods for Healthy Ageing

Summary of PhD Positions:

This is a project that will be jointly supervised by experts in the Business School, hence is suitable for anyone with a keen eye on consumer market trends through to someone interested in the deep biology of nutrition, health and ageing. The position is primarily located on the Ourimbah campus, with the successful candidate joining the Doctoral Training Centre for Food and Agribusiness. The research will include on-line questionnaires, focus groups and analysis of biological health parameters.

Application Deadlines: 01 February 2023

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5. PhD Programs in Food Intolerances, Symptoms and Food Avoidance

Summary of PhD Positions:

This project will include on-line questionnaires, focus group discussions and home-based breath hydrogen analysis. The project is therefore suitable for graduates from a wide range of possible discipline areas and can be tailored according to the discipline-expertise of the successful candidate. The position is primarily located on the Ourimbah campus, with the successful candidate joining the Doctoral Training Centre for Food and Agribusiness.

Application Deadlines: 01 February 2023

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6. PhD Programs in Extreme Rainfall in the South Pacific

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project is part of an ARC Discovery project in which we will extend the instrumental record of extreme events to the whole Holocene (the last ca. 11,700 years), focusing on some of its periods of most dramatic change (i.e. 8.2; 4.2; 2.8ka events). Improving our understanding of this variability in past and present climates will help to better constrain future climate change projections and decrease their range of uncertainty.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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7. PhD Programs in Improving Future Climate Risk Projections

Summary of PhD Positions:

This PhD project is part of an ARC Discovery project in which we will extend the instrumental record of extreme events to the whole Holocene (the last ca. 11,700 years), focusing on some of its periods of most dramatic change (i.e. 8.2; 4.2; 2.8ka events). Transitions in climate records can occur at different levels and timescales, for example, the signal can change abruptly after a significant pulse to the system (e.g. volcanic eruption) or more gradually (e.g. slow glaciation).

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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8. PhD Programs in Epidemiology and Virology of Respiratory Viruses in the COVID Era

Summary of PhD Positions:

The student will co-design, implement and analyse the PREVENT study (Pandemic REspiratory Virus suevEillaNce Trial), a prospective observational study nested within the Flutracking platform, where 50-100 of the ~100,000 Flutracking volunteers will provide weekly nasal swabs for a year, in addition to the usual symptom survey, to describe circulating viruses in both symptomatic and asymptomatic people.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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9. PhD Programs in Epidemiology and Management of Prosthetic Joint Infection

Summary of PhD Positions:

Over 100,000 prosthetic hip or knee joint replacements are performed in Australia each year, approximately 2% of which become infected. Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a common problem which places a huge personal and economic burden on society. Despite this, there is little high quality clinical evidence to guide management, with <1,600 patients combined ever randomised in RCTs concerning management of PJI. Profs Davis and Manning, with the ASID CRN network of sites and investigators, recently completed the PIANO study, a 783-patient prospective observational study on the epidemiology, management and outcomes of PJI in ANZ.

Application Deadlines: 31 January 2023

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10. PhD Programs in Islamic Theology

Summary of PhD Positions:

The main purpose of this recommended research project is to promote the academic conception of progressive voices in Islamic theology (preferably with a focus on Islamic liberation theology approaches) formed in response to the main challenges of living in (post-)secular, (post-)colonialist societies. The program involves the development and implementation of an evidence-based (as opposed to faith-based) research project (in Humanities or Social Sciences) on a topic relevant to the above theme.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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11. PhD Programs in Development of Bio-inspired Polymers

Summary of PhD Positions:

The candidate will be based at the University of Newcastle and will focus on the deployment of the polypeptides. The interactions between polypeptides and clays will be investigated using particle settling tests, depletion adsorption isotherms, turbidity measurements, atomic force microscopy, zeta-potential, dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy. The performance of the polypeptide-flocculate clay suspensions in processing applications will be assessed by rheological measurements, flotation tests and high-pressure dewatering.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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12. PhD Programs in RAFT Polymerisation with Molecular Simulations

Summary of PhD Positions:

The industry needs to develop more efficient separation technologies in order to increase the product grade, and in turn reduce downstream energy consumption. One aspect of achieving this aim is tuning the hydrophobicity of mineral particles via grafting polymers to the particle surface. This project will develop and investigate the structure and properties of new RAFT polymers and biopolymers in free solution and at mineral surface interfaces, using molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry simulations.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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13. PhD Programs in Ultrafine Particle Deposition and Adhesion

Summary of PhD Positions:

Both flotation and oil agglomeration possess major disadvantages especially regarding the size of the particles that are able to be captured. Small particles trend to follow the fluid streamlines and they are deviated from both bubbles and droplets. In these cases, in order to be able to capture ultrafine particles, the hydrophobic force needs to be strong enough to overcome the hydrodynamic resistance force and, possibly, the presence of an electrical double layer repulsion.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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14. PhD Programs in Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic Modelling

Summary of PhD Positions:

The inherent moisture within the mined particulates is not static during material storage, transportation and handling. Moisture is constantly migrating under the influence of the external motions. This is particularly evident for product conveyors, trucks, trains and ships carrying the mined particulates. In this research, numerical modelling will be developed in parallel with the development of unique characterisation techniques. This will be achieved through combining smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach which defines the liquid phase with discrete element modelling (DEM) simulations which define the particulate volumes. Subsequent innovative dewatering solutions will be derived from advancing moisture migration knowledge.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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15. PhD Programs in Hydrodynamics of Flow Regime Transition

Summary of PhD Positions:

The focus of this project is to develop a combined theoretical and experimental approach to quantify multiphase flow regimes in this system under different operating conditions and their effect on the product recovery. The effect of key hydrodynamic variables, such as gas flux, liquid flux, bubble size and solid concentration on the bubble volume fraction will be investigated. Flow regime transition will be examined using both direct visualization, optical and differential pressure measurement technique. Along with these measurements, minerals recovery will also be quantified for each operating condition.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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16. PhD Programs in Flotation Kinetics of Ultrafine Mineral Particles

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Centre’s inclusive and equitable culture is supported by specific equity and diversity initiatives, which will support all members to achieve their career goals. The aim of this study is to relate the extreme kinetics produced in a downcomer formed using a gas sparger arrangement to measurable quantities including the shear rate, bubble volume fraction, bubble size and particle size. In turn the project seeks to determine the fundamental limits on bubble-particle collision and attachment rates.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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17. PhD Programs in Water-efficient Electrostatic Beneficiation

Summary of PhD Positions:

The Centre’s inclusive and equitable culture is supported by specific equity and diversity initiatives, which will support all members to achieve their career goals. This project will focus on dry electrostatic particle separation, which has the potential to lower water use during mineral processing, reducing environmental impact and cost. This will be critical for future resource utilisation not only in arid areas of Earth, but also on the Moon, Asteroids and other extraterrestrial environments. A secondary focus of the project is therefore low-gravity processing. The project will use a combination of lab-scale experiments and modelling to explore several water-efficient and water-free particle separation techniques.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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18. PhD Programs in Computer Modelling Investigation

Summary of PhD Positions:

There are major advantages in mineral processing if we can achieve separations through waterless processing, with significant savings in water consumption, elimination of tailings dams, and reduction in energy consumption. This project aims to develop a Discrete Element Model (DEM) to describe the essential granular physics of a novel dry separation mechanism, the Sink-Hole fluidiser, to achieve early gangue rejection of particles larger than 2 mm.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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19. Glenn and Ken Moss PhD Scholarships in Engineering Research

Summary of PhD Positions:

This donor funded supplementation scholarship has been established and funded for University of Newcastle students studying PhD (Mechanical Engineering) or PhD (Mechatronics). If a candidate is not available in Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics, then the scholarship may be offered to a student from another Engineering Discipline.

Application Deadlines: Open until filled

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