Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology Archives - FellowshipBard https://fellowshipbard.com/tag/fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/ Fri, 14 Jul 2023 12:09:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://fellowshipbard.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FellowshipBard-1-copy.jpg Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology Archives - FellowshipBard https://fellowshipbard.com/tag/fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/ 32 32 30 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands https://fellowshipbard.com/30-fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/ Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:00:43 +0000 https://fellowshipbard.com/?p=3713 Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible ... Read more

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in UFI-NMR of complex fluids

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this project is to study the ingress of complex fluids (inspired by water-based inks) into thin stratified porous media (modified paper sheets) and the resulting film formation. A recently developed UFI-NMR tool will be used for real-time visualization and quantification of the transport of fluid components into paper. The obtained results will be used to develop a predictive model describing the transport and film formation processes. The NMR studies will be supplemented by SEM and other experimental tools to analyze the structure of the porous substrates.

Application Deadline: 15/07/2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in generative artificial intelligence

Summary of PhD Program:

The main goal of the TASTI project is to develop a modular framework of transferable technology to innovate synthetic image generation and tailor it to specific applications. To achieve this goal, a close international collaboration is set up, covering various application domains and research disciplines. The advertised position is embedded in the Video Coding and Architectures (VCA) research group at the department of Electrical Engineering, and the candidate will operate at the core of the project: investigating and improving different methods for synthetic image generation and making the connection to the different project partners and their applications. For this, the work will inevitably include a mix of application-driven and fundamental research.

Application Deadline: 13/08/2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in brain tumor

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for someone with affinity for and skills in design research, with an strong interest in designing for health and designing for children; from Human-Computer Interaction, Industrial Design, Computer Science or similar; We want you to be able to make or support making physical and digital prototypes; conduct co-design and participatory design workshops; perform evaluation studies; collaborate with medical professionals, technology developers, patients and other stakeholders in their ecosystems. You will start a project group including medical and technical researchers to develop a protocol for using a technique for continuous sodium measurements and integrate it with a wireless-data transmitter to the Corsano EndoWatch.

Application Deadline: 20/08/2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Intelligent Collaborative Orbiting Constellations

Summary of PhD Program:

Orbiting satellite swarms or disaggregated spacecrafts open new fields for distributed AI. Novel distributed AI mechanisms need to simultaneously help on situational awareness and problem solving at runtime while constrained in processing and communication capacity. Wireless orbiting sensors deployed in high densities can offer robustness in case of failures/power outages or even insufficient computing/communication resources. Several state-of-the-art proposals focus on some type of data aggregation to (semi-)centralized entities. However, proactively orchestrating such distributed systems lacks attention.

Application Deadline: 20/08/2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ultra reliable distributed edge intelligence

Summary of PhD Program:

6G mobile networks will most probably emerge as a wide envelop of wired and wireless technologies to satisfy even the most demanding applications. Yet, their dependence to distributed AI at the edge poses significant challenges at design-time and runtime. On the one hand, edge computing pushes our computing paradigm to lower energy efficiency and intensity as it cannot harvest on the benefits of computing instances concentration (i.e. optimized cooling and management overhead) at ultra-large data centers. On the other hand, the promise of edge computing is to enable ultra reliable and low latency applications that the current paradigm does not facilitate.

Application Deadline: 20/08/2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Data-driven control of nonlinear systems

Summary of PhD Program:

With the ever-growing complexity of systems and the concurrent surge of data available for control design, learning controllers directly from data is becoming increasingly appealing for researchers and practitioners. Indeed, data-driven control allows one to skip any explicit identification step, which generally takes the lion’s share of control design time, and it enables to use data directly to fulfill the intended control design objective. Nonetheless, especially when considering complex systems, data-driven design strategies are far from being consolidated, due to the lack of guarantees and an actual understanding of the closed-loop behavior before the controller deployment.

Application Deadline: 20/08/2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Probabilistic Programming for Real-time AI Agents

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is funded by the ROBUST program (https://icai.ai/labs-robust/) that aims to develop trustworthy AI tools for today’s big societal challenges. One of these challenges concerns improving the participation of hearing-impaired persons in challenging work and social settings. In this PhD project, you will develop probabilistic programming tools for real-time AI agents that support situated (i.e., real-time, in-situ) development of personalized audio processing algorithms for hearing aid clients. Your algorithms will be implemented on portable devices and operate under computational and energy-consumption constraints.

Application Deadline: 27/08/2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Simplifying Deep Learning Algorithms

Summary of PhD Program:

AI-driven business innovation is crucial in many industries, which, nowadays, often depend on the use of deep learning . Furthermore, it is important to be at the forefront of creating responsible AI solutions that are fair, transparent and societally acceptable. Overparameterization is at the core of the success of deep learning algorithms. For example, Google’s recently developed language model called Switch Transformer has 1.6 trillion free parameters. Although over-parameterization is beneficial to the training and subsequent generalization performance of deep learning algorithms, the resulting models lack transparency, are not robust to adversarial attacks and waste resources due to excessive training times. In this project, you will develop methods to mitigate these problems.

Application Deadline: 15/09/2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in tractography analytics methods for neurosurgical visualization

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for a PhD position focused on bringing visual analytics into daily neurosurgical planning with diffusion MRI tractography. The project aims to address the critical need for intelligent software that enables interactive visualization of key parameters, thereby facilitating a thorough quality assessment of tractography at every stage. Diffusion MRI tractography has revolutionized our understanding of brain connectivity and is increasingly used in preoperative planning for neurosurgical interventions. However, the reliability and accuracy of tractography remain challenging due to the complexity and variability of the underlying brain architecture.

Application Deadline: 31/08/2023

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10. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in modeling of heat and mass transfer in rarefied gases

Summary of PhD Program:

We have 2 PhD vacancies in our group to work within a large consortium of academic and industrial partners in the semiconductor field. The main aim of the overall project is to keep the pace of the semiconductor industry in following Moore’s law. Our contribution to the overall project is concerned with the photolithography process in semiconductor fabrication of integrated circuits. For high precision lithography, the next-generation photolithography machines are required to operate in a clean and thermally controlled (near-)vacuum environment. Transport phenomena in rarefied conditions, such as (near-)vacuum and supersonic conditions encountered in such photolithography machines, is governed by the Boltzmann equation which is concerned with a generalized phase- space description of molecular flow to account for fluid dynamics that do not necessarily conform to continuum models (such as the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations).

Application Deadline: 15/08/2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Analog/mixed-signal design

Summary of PhD Program:

In recent years, we have witnessed an explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) applications which will continue to grow over the next decade. An intelligent and digitized society will be ubiquitous, enabled by increased advances in nanoelectronics. Key drivers will be sensors interfacing with the physical world and taking appropriate action in a timely manner while operating with energy efficiency and flexibility to adapt. The vast majority of sensors receive analog inputs from the real world and generate analog signals to be processed.

Application Deadline: 23/08/2023

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in nanophotonic sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

Two PhD studentships are available, one on fiber-tip sensors for air quality monitoring, another on spectral sensors for healthcare and agrofood. The selected candidates will perform cutting-edge research in nanophotonic sensing, including simulations, nanofabrication, optical characterization and validation in a specific application case, in collaboration with industrial partners.

Application Deadline: 27/08/2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrated mobility service for passengers and parcels

Summary of PhD Program:

Increasing housing density and decreasing space for transport infrastructure and private parking are posing severe challenges to the sustainable accessibility of urban regions. There is an urgent need for space-efficient smart mobility solutions that do not depend on the single-use and possession of a private car, such as flexible combinations of walking and cycling, shared electric vehicles, transport hubs, freight delivery and traffic management. However, it is highly uncertain whether these solutions can indeed provide sufficient levels of sustainable accessibility to people’s activities. XCARCITY, the project of which this PhD position is part, develops a federation of digital twins that will support stakeholders in collaborative decision-making for the planning and operation of smart mobility services.

Application Deadline: 16/07/2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Explaining Recommendations

Summary of PhD Program:

How can AI contribute to the functioning of the media along the entire production chain (sourcing, production, distribution, engagement), and even fundamentally change aspects of the media as we know it? The lab will explore the potential of AI-driven solutions for the media, their professional role, opportunities for new business models and new ways of engaging with users, while taking into account professional values and the emerging regulatory framework for AI. The lab seeks to develop AI-based methods and solutions that facilitate more diverse news offerings to readers, working alongside human journalists.

Application Deadline: 15/07/2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in fiber mat development for neonatal motion detection

Summary of PhD Program:

The focus of the PhD project will be the development of unobtrusive 24/7 infant monitoring, particularly focusing on respiration and sleep monitoring. As many infants cared for in an intensive care environment develop disturbed motion and sleep rhythm, monitoring disturbances in movements, sleep and respiration patters can give an early indication that medical support should be sought.

Application Deadline: 23/07/2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in modelling of gas-to-liquid mass transfer in slurry-bubble columns

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking two highly motivated PhD candidates to undertake projects focused on the modelling of transport phenomena in slurry-bubble columns. These columns are a critical type of chemical reactor used in various large-scale manufacturing processes, including the production of fuels, chemical building blocks, and other products. The primary research objective will be to investigate the mass transfer of species between the gas and liquid phases, with a specific emphasis on the influence of bubble motion on this process.

Application Deadline: 31/08/2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital Platform Support for European Experiments on Obesity Prevention

Summary of PhD Program:

As the second TUE PhD, you will receive the autonomy and responsibility to propose and refine the specific research contributions that will together lead to your PhD dissertation. For that, you will be stimulated to consider also emerging AI technologies, such as large language models, especially when aiming to personalize digital technology at scale, while respecting privacy and accountability challenges that are pressing when working with children and young adolescents. In the spirit of Open Science, you will be stimulated to go beyond the state-of-the-art of data sharing for reproducibility, for example by applying novel strategies to generating synthetic data out of highly sensitive data generated by children.

Application Deadline: 30/07/2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Defect Driven Local Charging

Summary of PhD Program:

To meet the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), future ASML machines require improved performance in terms of overlay, focus and throughput. Currently defectivity (particles) in the vacuum clamping gap needed for electrostatic clamping of wafers and/or reticles affects the overlay performance and the effect is expected to further deteriorate performance when moving to increased throughput.

Application Deadline: 22/07/2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Reinforcement Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) group is a quickly growing group embedded in the Data and AI (DAI) cluster at the Eindhoven University of Technology (https://dai.win.tue.nl). In the DAI cluster, we aim at developing foundations of AI for the present and the future. This includes the design of new AI methods, development of AI algorithms and tools with a view at expanding the reach of AI and its generalization abilities. In particular, we study foundational issues of robustness, safety, trust, reliability, tractability, scalability, interpretability and explainability of AI. The UAI group is looking for a highly motivated and skilled PhD candidate to work in the area of Reinforcement Learning.

Application Deadline: 27/08/2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in First mile logistics and distribution networks for mixed cropping systems

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is part of a large multi-disciplinary research consortium funded by the Dutch Science foundation (NOW) focusing on the potential of crop mixtures as a sustainable alternative to conventional agricultural production. The goal of this research consortium is to investigate different aspects of these mixed cropping systems, ranging from crop interactions and biodiversity to innovative business models, in order to better understand the benefits as well as the underlying system requirements.

Application Deadline: 06/08/2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in Smartwatch-Based Intelligent User Interfaces for Preventive Healthcare

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek an excellent and motivated candidate for a Ph.D. position in the research and development of smartwatch-based intelligent user interface support for preventive healthcare applications. The Ph.D. candidate will explore product and service design opportunities to realize more preventive healthcare systems. Such systems provide health-promoting services in people’s living environments instead of only tackling disease symptoms in treatment facilities.

Application Deadline: 06/08/2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Energy Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

This research position will focus on the methodology to predict moments and locations when reactive power compensation is needed. Solutions are expected to be developed in a form of physics-based and data-driven models (and/or their hybrid forms) which take into account grid parameters and correlated features of the given network areas. Based on the development of system models and forecasting solutions, optimization algorithms will be developed to minimize reactive power flows between the T-D interface at the lowest cost and with minimal losses. These activities will lay the foundation for a recommendation for network operators, including transmission system operator (TSO) and distribution system operators (DSOs), on possible (or optimal?) compensation options. This will help to optimize their investment through the optimal reactive power compensation portfolio by owning/sharing assets and/or purchasing through market agreements.

Application Deadline: 30/07/2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Single molecule biosensor for continuous monitoring of water pollutants

Summary of PhD Program:

We are developing a sensing technology with single-molecule resolution called Biosensing by Particle Motion (BPM). The technology is based on particles attached to a sensing surface that change their mobility due to the binding and release of analyte molecules. Recent publications of our research are: ‘Continuous biomarker monitoring by measuring free particle motion’, Nature Communications (2022); ‘Dynamic response limits of affinity based sensing’, ACS Sensors (2022); ‘Reversible immunosensor for cortisol in blood plasma sampled with microdialysis’, ACS Sensors (2022).

Application Deadline: 31/08/2023

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multi-criteria,-modal,-score&-optimization Fin

Summary of PhD Program:

JADS is seeking enthusiastic candidates for the position of PhD student in Multi-criteria, -modal, -score and -optimization Financial Forensics & Analytics. On the one hand, multi-criteria decision making is a family of approaches to decision-making and group-oriented negotiation and risk management processes part of combinatorial optimization. On the other hand, financial transactions—from small scale micro-audits to larger-scale cryptomining—require multi-grain inception, representation and reasoning approaches to cope with the sizes, shapes, scale, and volume of transactions to be handled.

Application Deadline: 31/08/2023

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in multi-scale description of structural color in inks

Summary of PhD Program:

In this MustInk project, we are looking for two PhD candidates to investigate printing inks in terms of layer structure, morphology and optical properties, and correlate via scattering models these properties to the macroscopic color and gloss appearance of the dried ink films. The two PhD candidates will work together on a multi-scale investigation of the structural parameters of inks on a wide range of scales: from the nanometer to define the distribution of pigments and polymer particles, up to the macroscopic scale to describe the homogeneity of inks using different techniques, (SEM(-FIB), (super-resolution) optical microscopy, Fourier hyperspectral imaging, large-area scatterometry, enhanced backscattering, etc.).

Application Deadline: 16/07/2023

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Capillary Self-assembly of Biopolymer

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will be carried out in the team of Dr. Hanneke Gelderblom, assistant professor in the Fluids and Flows group at the department of Applied Physics. The team focusses on the physics of interfacial flow phenomena. The PhD project will be embedded within the Immuno-engineering program of the Institute of Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS). Within the project you will closely collaborate with the Soft Matter and Biological Physics group within the department of Applied Physics and with researchers from Orthopaedic Biomechanics group in the department of Biomedical Engineering.

Application Deadline: 06/08/2023

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in sensor network

Summary of PhD Program:

The fluctuating nature of renewable energy sources makes it attractive to heat or cool a building at moments when this would not be required for comfort, letting it serve as an energy storage system. To make this type of storage efficient, real-time temperature and airflow regulation is required. Modern buildings are typically equipped with complex sensor systems. However, their climate control system is in general solely based on the information acquired from the sensor network, not considering convective heat transport. A breakthrough in climate control systems can be accomplished by complementing state-of-the-art sensor networks with predictive physics-based simulations.

Application Deadline: 20/08/2023

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI for Sustainable Manufacturing in the High-Tech Industry

Summary of PhD Program:

These PhD positions are funded by the AIMS5.0 European project, which aims to revolutionize the manufacturing industry through the development of AI-enabled hardware and software components across the entire value chain. With 53 industrial and academic partners, the project focuses on enhancing overall efficiency and sustainability. As a PhD candidate at TUE, your role will be to develop AI-enabled planning and scheduling methods that can adapt to the ever-changing state of manufacturing processes and the supply chain.

Application Deadline: 16/07/2023

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in Information Systems in particular Business Process Management

Summary of PhD Program:

As PhD candidate you will work on selected topics that require applying, enhancing and developing process mining, data science and natural language processing methods in the BPC context. You will become part of the Information Systems research group at the department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences. Application areas of the group comprise healthcare, smart industry, mobility, transportation, and logistics. Apart from research you will also contribute to the teaching activities of the group in the Bachelor and Master programs of the department.

Application Deadline: 16/07/2023

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30. Fully Funded PhD Position in Improving Myelin imaging for NeuroDegenerative disorders

Summary of PhD Program:

We invite applications for a PhD position in clinical neuroimaging at the department of Electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The position is embedded in the Neuroplatform, in close collaboration with School for Mental Health and Neuroscience (MHeNS) of the Maastricht University. As a PhD-student you will be participating in a clinical MRI study with MS patients, which involves subject recruitment, administration of neuropsychological tests, drawing of blood, and planning of follow up assessments, MRI data acquisition, computational modeling, and data analyses. You will be working in a stimulating interdisciplinary biomedical team, including MRI scientists, imaging engineers, physicists, neuroradiologists, neurologists, and representatives of industry.

Application Deadline: 23/07/2023

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The post 30 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands appeared first on FellowshipBard.

49 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands https://fellowshipbard.com/49-fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/ https://fellowshipbard.com/49-fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/#respond Tue, 06 Jun 2023 10:00:53 +0000 https://fellowshipbard.com/?p=3316 Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible ... Read more

The post 49 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands appeared first on FellowshipBard.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI for decision support in water desalination

Summary of PhD Program:

Clean water and sanitation is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. Reaching these goals in an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable way requires optimization and balancing of multiple decisions in a complex setting. For example, the recent trend to use renewable energy sources for desalination and wastewater treatment makes the decision process more complicated, due to the temporal variability of these sources.

To deal with this complexity, AI systems that go beyond the current point solutions are needed, while also considering the broader perspective and a balanced interaction between the computerized systems and human experts, providing them with understandable explanations on the inner working of the AI system. The scientific challenge of this PhD project is to develop hybrid AI solutions that combine advanced prediction methods (e.g., deep learning algorithms), multi-objective optimization and adaptive models with explainable AI decision-making methods from computational intelligence to realize such a balance.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI for power grid balancing using recommendation

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project you will extend current AI energy consumption forecasting and DR methods with tailored and explainable recommendations that will provide both household and industry consumers with tailored advice how to adjust for Demand Response. As many stakeholders are involved, and dynamic changes in energy usage will affect other consumers in the network, a multi-stakeholder perspective on recommendations should be employed. You will work together with other PhD students in the lab that will work on forecasting and on identifying the stakeholders. In the project you will review existing methods for AI in DR, work on recommender model and approaches, test several of these models in prototypes and in a pilot project within the ILUSTRE project.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Operations Research & Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Road Transport

Summary of PhD Program:

With this project, we aim to develop planning solutions using both traditional methods from operations research and artificial intelligence. The developed tools will have the potential to make road transport both more efficient, more resilient, and more sustainable, and will also address driver shortages, ongoing electrification and automation of road transport, and collaboration and competition in the transportation market.

Application Deadline: 02/07/2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Cancer Metastasis

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking an enthusiastic PhD candidate to join our interdisciplinary team working on a new cutting-edge project at the intersection of AI, Physics, and Oncology. The goal is to develop and implement a physics-informed, generative AI method for modeling and predicting tumor cell dynamics from static microscopic images. The successful candidate will work closely with a team of experts in statistical physics, biophysics, image analysis, and deep learning/AI to develop novel biomarkers based on cell dynamics.

Application Deadline: 02/07/2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optical Fibre Post Processing for Quantum Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

The electro-optical communications (ECO) group in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at TU/e is a globally recognised, leading scientific and applied research group focused on exploiting light for communication and quantum systems. We apply our knowledge in collaboration with other scientists at TU/e and more recently within the newly formed Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute (EHCI) to develop the required solution for many of the relevant challenges in communication and sensing systems. The group expertise spans from the fundamentals and physics of photonics, optics, the design and fabrication of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) systems to exploiting optical linear/non-linear signal processing to unlock fiber capacity and relevant higher layer protocols required to operate modern optical communication networks.

Application Deadline: 02/07/2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Photoacoustic imaging of Osteoarthritis

Summary of PhD Program:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and chronic joint disease. Worldwide it affects more than 10% of the people aged 60 years and older, being a major source of pain, disability, and socioeconomic cost. OA generally starts with cartilage damage, and it also involves other joint tissues, such as subchondral bone, ligaments and menisci, and the progression differs per patient. All of this presents clinicians with important challenges. Therefore, a new imaging method is needed that allows early diagnosis and reliable monitoring of OA, which is crucial to enable timely and effective interventions, help achieving better disease control, and postpone the most invasive interventions such as total joint arthroplasty.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Photoacoustic imaging of Osteoarthritis

Summary of PhD Program:

The candidate will work on the development of a novel photoacoustic imaging system for joint imaging, performing PA&US measurements on human joint samples ((N = 50 – 100) using the new PA system, developing advanced algorithms to characterize various joint tissues properties based on sPA/US contrast (such as PA spectra unmixing and deep learning methods), and to relate these tissue properties (changes) to the OA progression. All the developed methods will be eventually tested in a clinical relevant settings.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Ethics of Digital Well-Being

Summary of PhD Program:

Online technologies are disrupting philosophical notions of human well-being. Persuasive technologies, ubiquitous connectivity, recommender systems, and generative artificial intelligence all create distinct ethical challenges, but a comprehensive evaluation of these technologies requires grasping how they affect the fully flourishing life. The Philosophy & Ethics Group at TU Eindhoven (TU/e) invites applications for a PhD position exploring how philosophical insights on digital well-being can contribute to the design of emerging online technologies. This position has the option to be affiliated with the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies consortium (ESDiT: www.esdit.nl).

Application Deadline: 09/07/2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Artificial Intelligence for Combinatorial Optimization

Summary of PhD Program:

Are you interested in applying advanced artificial intelligence techniques (specifically Deep Reinforcement Learning) to support decision makings in practical transportation and manufacturing (such as decisions on vehicle routing and machine scheduling)? Do you want to develop cutting-edge learning techniques in domains of Graph Neural Networks, Transformers, Generative Models, etc. for tackling challenging issues in (multi-objective) combinatorial optimization and integer programming? We are looking for one PhD student in Artificial Intelligence with a focus on these topics.

Application Deadline: 14/07/2023

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Galvanic isolation for multi-port EV fast-charging station 

Summary of PhD Program:

The E2GO consortium contains Eindhoven University of Technology, Delta Electronics (Poland) Ltd., Heliox BV, University of Minho, Efacec Electric Mobility SA, Aalborg University, Silicon Austria Labs GMBH, Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Shell Global Solutions International BV, Kema Lab BV, University of Innsbruck, which brings together the stakeholders that cover the complete value chain of high-power fast-charging stations for EV creating an in-depth training programme that covers the spectrum from hardware design and electronics, to modelling and control algorithms.

Application Deadline: 02/07/2023

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in experimental investigation of flash-back in laminar hydrogen flames

Summary of PhD Program:

We are interested in studying hydrogen flash-back, fundamentally as well as in practical applications. Studies on hydrogen flash-back have been performed in the past, and in this project we want to improve and extend the current knowledge base. Specifically, we would like to investigate hydrogen flame quenching and flash-back on heated burners. The goal is two-fold: one the one hand we would like to create a deeper insight into the physics of hydrogen flash-back and quenching and propose correlations for industry, and on the other hand we would like to investigate novel measurement techniques that can be used in the industry to study and monitor hydrogen flames. We expect that Machine Learning will play an important part in the analysis and post-processing of the data.

Application Deadline: 09/07/2023

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Real-time Biomolecular Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

We are developing a sensing technology with single-molecule resolution called Biosensing by Particle Motion (BPM). The technology is based on particles attached to a sensing surface that change their mobility due to the binding and release of analyte molecules. Recent publications of our research are: ‘Continuous biomarker monitoring by measuring free particle motion’, Nature Communications (2022); ‘Dynamic response limits of affinity based sensing’, ACS Sensors (2022); ‘Reversible immunosensor for cortisol in blood plasma sampled with microdialysis’, ACS Sensors (2022).

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Fairness of AI Software Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The next generation of enterprise applications is quickly becoming AI-enabled, providing novel functionalities with unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence. As we recover, reopen, and rebuild, it is time to rethink the importance of trust. At no time has it been more tested or valued in leaders and each other. Trust is the basis for connection. Trust is all-encompassing: physical, emotional, digital, financial, and ethical. A nice-to-have is now a must-have; a principle is now a catalyst; a value is now invaluable.

Application Deadline: 01/08/2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Audits for Explainability and transparency for AI Software

Summary of PhD Program:

The next generation of enterprise applications is quickly becoming AI-enabled, providing novel functionalities with unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence. As we recover, reopen, and rebuild, it is time to rethink the importance of trust. At no time has it been more tested or valued in leaders and each other. Trust is the basis for connection. Trust is all-encompassing: physical, emotional, digital, financial, and ethical. A nice-to-have is now a must-have; a principle is now a catalyst; a value is now invaluable.

Application Deadline: 01/08/2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Auditing responsibility and accountability of AI Software Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

This vacancy falls under the auspices of the JADE lab, which is the data/AI engineering and governance research UNIT of the JADS, and DELOITTE. In particular, this position is associated with JADE’s ROBUST program on Auditing for Responsible AI Software System (SAFE-GUARD), which is financed under the NWO LTP funding scheme with Deloitte as the key industry partner.

Application Deadline: 01/08/2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Auditing Framework & tool for robust and reliable AI software DevOps

Summary of PhD Program:

Are you an enthusiastic and ambitious researcher with a completed master’s degree in a field related to machine learning (Computer science, AI, Data Science) or in Electrical Engineering with an affinity for AI and deep learning? Does the idea of working on real-world problems and with industry partners excite you? Are you passionate about using trustworthy AI methods for the next generation of auditing processes, which are increasingly AI-enabled and data-driven? And are you interested in delivering new tools to ascertain the robustness and reliability of the next generation of AI software?

Application Deadline: 01/08/2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Power Stack for High Power Application

Summary of PhD Program:

This Ph.D. position aims to develop feasible solutions for designing power electronic stacks for high-power applications. The power stack is a modular assembly of power electronic components commonly used in high-power and high-voltage applications. It consists of multiple layers of power semiconductor devices, gate drivers, and other supporting components that are connected in series and parallel configurations to create a power conversion system. The power stack design methodology aims at creating high-performance, reliable, and efficient power conversion systems. The design process of a power stack starts with topology and component selection, including the power semiconductor devices, gate drivers, auxiliary circuits, and passive components.

Application Deadline: 25/06/2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Weather Monitoring using 5G-and-Beyond

Summary of PhD Program:

High-resolution information on the space-time variability of rainfall is indispensable for human endeavors such as weather prediction, water management, agriculture and traffic control. However, in many areas around the world this is not available. The urgent need for rainfall information is only expected to increase during the coming decades in view of global change, with its projected growth of the world’s population and increased occurrence and intensity of hydro-meteorological extremes. The 5th generation (5G) telecommunication system being rolled out globally could provide exactly this, making use of electromagnetics concepts and effects that one usually aims to minimize in communication systems.

Application Deadline: 20/06/2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mathematical and Algorithmic foundations of learning 3D printing

Summary of PhD Program:

The candidate will work within the new research group on Data-Driven Scientific Computing led by Olga Mula, located at CASA, the Center for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications of TU Eindhoven. The work will take place in collaboration with researchers from the Mechanical Engineering and Built Environment department from TU/e, as part of an EAISI Exploratory Multidisciplinary AI Research project. EAISI is the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute which brings together all AI activities of the TU/e. In this project, two PhD candidates will work together. The second PhD candidate will provide data from real experiments and expertise in mechanical modeling.

Application Deadline: 18/06/2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Data-Centric Federated Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The proliferation of Internet-connected and sensor-enabled technologies, including autonomous vehicles, wearables, smartphones, and other IoT devices, has resulted in distributed systems that generate vast quantities of data with a high velocity and volume. This abundance of data presents compelling opportunities for deep learning to solve a diverse array of complex tasks and challenges. The emerging field of federated learning investigates methods to leverage the wealth of data distributed across heterogeneous edge devices to collaboratively train models at scale. Though, there remain open research challenges regarding ensuring data privacy, non-stationary distributions, concept drift, scaling algorithms to large numbers of resource-constrained devices, and practical deployment considerations given real-world requirements.

Application Deadline: 25/06/2023

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21. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in UFI-NMR of complex fluids in stratified porous layers

Summary of PhD Program:

The aim of this project is to study the ingress of complex fluids (inspired by water-based inks) into thin stratified porous media (modified paper sheets) and the resulting film formation. A recently developed UFI-NMR tool will be used for real-time visualization and quantification of the transport of fluid components into paper. The obtained results will be used to develop a predictive model describing the transport and film formation processes. The NMR studies will be supplemented by SEM and other experimental tools to analyze the structure of the porous substrates.

Application Deadline: 18/06/2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in dataflow-driven mapping of edge AI applications on neuromorphic platforms

Summary of PhD Program:

We are entering an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is embedded in every edge device, creating an urgent need for techniques to implement time-constrained applications on energy and resource-constrained edge hardware. As such, we are seeking a highly motivated individual to join our team and take on the challenge of developing the next-generation compilers for edge AI platforms with a particular focus on neuromorphic computing. This is a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology and make a significant impact in the field of AI and edge computing.

Application Deadline: 28/06/2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Signal Processing for Edge-AI Sensing in Healthy Buildings

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD candidate will initially participate in system design of an edge-AI sensing and lighting control system. After an introductory phase the candidate will dive deeper into the fundamental challenges, work with real data but also enhance the theoretical framework of handling data. This requires teamwork with other partners. The candidate is expected to actively contribute to this project as well as to research directions towards scientific breakthroughs in the above challenges. Candidates are expected to hold an MSc degree in electrical engineering, mathematics or physics and to have a solid knowledge of statistical signal processing, probability theory, information theory and artificial intelligence.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in Artificial Intelligence for quantitative crowd dynamics modeling

Summary of PhD Program:

The project aims at a holistic AI framework for crowd analytics. This hinges on two recent technological achievements: the capability of performing real-life experimental campaigns and the existence of big crowd dynamics datasets entailing normal and rare conditions. As one of the two candidates in this project you will be part of the endeavor tacking three outstanding challenges: quantitative stochastic modeling of crowds, maximization of data-informativity, and optimal actuation for experimental design and control.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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25. Fully Funded PhD Position in Designing Embodied Sensing Systems for Preventive Healthcare

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD candidate will explore product and service design opportunities for preventive healthcare, aiming to provide healthcare services in people’s living environments instead of in healthcare settings. We anticipate using precise sensor technologies in preventive healthcare applications to enable new prevention, diagnosis, and treatment possibilities. However, some sensors, such as microscopes, may be difficult to wear due to their technical requirements. To address this issue, this project focuses on embedding sensors in everyday objects familiar to people, allowing them to engage and interact with the sensors more naturally and frequently. These sensor-embedded tangible artifacts will be easier to use and more accessible as they capitalize on people’s physical skills and familiarity with real-world objects.

Application Deadline: 07/06/2023

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in DC Power Conversion Technology for Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen System

Summary of PhD Program:

In this FlexH2.0 offshore wind-to-hydrogen system, dc/dc converters play the role of energy transition from wind turbines to water electrolyzers, enabling flexible control of wind power and H2 generation. In view of this offshore application, the footprint is a key parameter that needs to be considered when designing converters, along with efficiency and reliability. Besides, to ensure the safe and reliable operation of water electrolyzers, good dynamic and wide voltage regulation abilities are also required for dc/dc converters. The performance of dc/dc power conversion stages has a direct impact on the entire offshore wind-to-hydrogen system.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen System

Summary of PhD Program:

The FlexH2.0 offshore wind-to-hydrogen system is based on a pure dc grid structure, which is more sensitive to the fluctuation of input power and bus voltage. A fast and accurate control response is essential to ensure the balance between wind power and consumption power. However, the slow response of water electrolyzers increases the difficulty of realizing the supply-demand power balance. Besides, the black start-up and fault-handling schemes should also be researched to constitute a reliable and feasible control framework for the commercial offshore wind-to-hydrogen system.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Software Testing for AI Software

Summary of PhD Program:

The next generation of enterprise applications is quickly becoming AI-enabled, providing novel functionalities with unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence. As we recover, reopen, and rebuild, it is time to rethink the importance of trust. At no time has it been more tested or valued in leaders and each other. Trust is the basis for connection. Trust is all-encompassing: physical, emotional, digital, financial, and ethical. A nice-to-have is now a must-have; a principle is now a catalyst; a value is now invaluable.

Application Deadline: 01/08/2023

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in Impulse-project COMARIC

Summary of PhD Program:

This is a PhD project in which you will work closely with industry on advancing the state-of-the-art in software engineering. Architectures for software-intensive systems are described using notations such as SysML and UML. Such architecture-representations are often created in the early phases of development. The correspondence between the architecture and the system implementation is extremely hard to maintain during the development and evolution of the system.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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30. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Ultra-high-speed contact line dynamics on heterogeneous surfaces

Summary of PhD Program:

This project consists of a combination of experiments and numerical simulations. The experiments will involve high-speed visualization of contact-line dynamics on suitably prepared surfaces. You will study surface heterogeneities both regarding composition and topography and systematically vary the dimensions, shapes and amplitudes of the patterns. The numerical simulations will be based on open-source VOF solvers (such as Basilisk and Gerris), which can deal with the relevant density and viscosity contrast between liquid and air and inertial free-surface flow phenomena in a computationally highly efficient fashion.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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31. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-driven calibration of Analog-to-Digital converters

Summary of PhD Program:

As a PhD researcher from the Integrated Circuits group, you will investigate a novel methodology to design and implement calibration techniques for Analog-to-Digital Converters with the aid of Machine Learning (ML). During your PhD you will first identify the root causes which limit ADC performance. Next you will investigate suitable ML algorithms to correct these errors, calibrate the ADC behavior and improve its performance. Finally, you will design a novel ADC with embedded ML calibration circuits, achieving beyond state-of-the-art performance.

Application Deadline: 29/06/2023

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32. Fully Funded PhD Position in Single molecule biosensor for continuous monitoring of water pollutants

Summary of PhD Program:

We are developing a sensing technology with single-molecule resolution called Biosensing by Particle Motion (BPM). The technology is based on particles attached to a sensing surface that change their mobility due to the binding and release of analyte molecules. Recent publications of our research are: ‘Continuous biomarker monitoring by measuring free particle motion’, Nature Communications (2022); ‘Dynamic response limits of affinity based sensing’, ACS Sensors (2022); ‘Reversible immunosensor for cortisol in blood plasma sampled with microdialysis’, ACS Sensors (2022).

Application Deadline: 01/07/2023

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33. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electro-Photonic Accelerator for Green and Low Latency Computation

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student will explore the different brain-inspired neural network models and investigate suitability and mapping into an electro-photonic accelerator. He/She will address brain-inspired architecture with high dimensionality and for a complete set of neural network architectures. Depending on the best suitable implementation, dimensionality expansion, matrix multiplications, filtering, and data interpretation will be assigned to the photonic and/or electronic domains. Software-defined accelerators will be implemented to optimize data conversion and memory utilization. Image processing cases related to classifying high-resolution images and extreme hi-data-rate processing will be addressed.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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34. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in Photonic integrated circuit technology

Summary of PhD Program:

Five positions are opened for research into the technology for monolithic and heterogeneous photonic integrated circuits. The technology includes indium phosphide components for the highest performance polarization, phase and gain control elements in a comprehensive manufacturing platform. We consider applicants for either PhD research or post-doctoral research.

Application Deadline: 30/07/2023

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35. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum resistant communications

Summary of PhD Program:

Quantum Computers are about to be accessible to the public. The ability for Quantum Computers to break classic cryptography protocols is pushing the adoption of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). PQC protocols are resistant against quantum computers. During 2022, and after several years of research, the first standards on PQC will be made available to the public. Although the EU has some scattered activities on PQC, it has not yet addressed the need for PQC experts in application of this emerging technology. This is the driving force for QUARC, a Doctoral Network Industrial Doctorate on PQC, providing interdisciplinary and integral training and research in PQC. QUARC will train 8 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) through an outstanding training program that includes coordinated research in different cryptography areas, focusing on implementation.

Application Deadline: 30/06/2023

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36. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in modeling of heat and mass transfer in rarefied gases

Summary of PhD Program:

We have 2 PhD vacancies in our group to work within a large consortium of academic and industrial partners in the semiconductor field. The main aim of the overall project is to keep the pace of the semiconductor industry in following Moore’s law. Our contribution to the overall project is concerned with the photolithography process in semiconductor fabrication of integrated circuits. For high precision lithography, the next-generation photolithography machines are required to operate in a clean and thermally controlled (near-)vacuum environment.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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37. Fully Funded PhD Position in Closed-loop recyclable polymers

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, the focus of the research will be on existing polymers as well as designing and synthesis of novel thermosetting and high-performance polymers more amenable to recycling, including smart new monomers that can switch between polymerized and depolymerized states, using energy efficient processes. The key is incorporation of suitable degradable functional groups or smart monomers into the polymers in their design stage (”design for recycling’’ approach). The research will include the design and synthesis of new monomers including the use of bio-based raw materials, preparation of polymers and elucidation of structure-property relationships, chemical depolymerization, separation and recovery of building blocks and proof of concept for “closed-loop” recycling.

Application Deadline: 25/06/2023

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38. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital hybrid heat pump aggregation & control for congestion management

Summary of PhD Program:

You will work on quantifying the flexibility potential of controlling hybrid heat pumps and the factors that determine it. Additionally, you will be tasked with translating available flexibility into optimal offers to be submitted in a congestion management market platform and designing new financial instruments to facilitate flexibility procurement from small consumers both preemptively and in real-time. Finally, you will assess the impact of the developed solutions on the consumers and the distribution system under future scenarios, taking into account other financial incentives and potential sources of flexibility.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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39. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in Value-driven Care Catharina Hospital Eindhoven

Summary of PhD Program:

You are part of 6 or 7 core teams and multidisciplinary teams. Together with the medical leader, project leader and analyst, you analyze data from various sources and come up with proposals for improvement opportunities. The results of your research contribute greatly to the continuous improvement of outcomes in healthcare, both in the Catharina Hospital and in its immediate vicinity.

Application Deadline: 01/07/2023

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40. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in photonic integration for LiDAR sensing technologies

Summary of PhD Program:

The position will identify and demonstrate new laser architectures exploiting innovative modulation formats (e.g. frequency modulation continuous wave – FMCW, or random modulation continuous wave – RMCW) and also integrated polarization management and control for precise, 4-D imaging (space plus velocity). Circuits will be devised to extract the velocity of targets, which is of crucial importance in the automotive industry and methods to increase the frame-rates for imaging systems.

Application Deadline: 30/07/2023

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40 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands https://fellowshipbard.com/40-fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/ https://fellowshipbard.com/40-fully-funded-phd-programs-at-eindhoven-university-of-technology/#respond Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:00:48 +0000 https://fellowshipbard.com/?p=2576 Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible ... Read more

The post 40 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands appeared first on FellowshipBard.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-driven calibration of Analog-to-Digital converters

Summary of PhD Program:

In the last 40 years, the systematic downscaling of CMOS Integrated Circuit (IC) technologies has enabled unprecedented improvements in the transistor density, frequency of operation, energy efficiency and reliability. Most recent CMOS technologies allow the integration of several billions of transistors in a digital microprocessor chip the size of a fingernail. While technology downscaling has been extremely beneficial for digital circuits, the design of analog frontend electronics and Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies is becoming increasingly challenging due to the systematic power supply reduction, the intrinsically larger device parameter variability, and the higher low-frequency noise level of these transistors.

Application Deadline: 31/05/2023

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Statistics and AI for quantitative crowd dynamics modeling

Summary of PhD Program:

In this position you will work in the team of dr. Rui Castro (Mathematics/Statistics), under joint supervision of dr. Alessandro Corbetta (Applied Physics/Fluids and Flows) and dr. Maarten Schoukens (Electrical Engineering/Control Systems). A substantial part of your research work will be focused both on the development of sound methods for sequential identification of informative data, leading efficient training of crowd dynamic models, as well as the development of the foundations of adaptive sensing in the general context of system identification. You will be embedded in the Statistics, Probability and Operations Research (SPOR) cluster of the mathematics department, and collaborate closely with experts from the Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering departments, among others.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biosensor for continuous monitoring of water pollutants

Summary of PhD Program:

We are developing a sensing technology with single-molecule resolution called Biosensing by Particle Motion (BPM). The technology is based on particles attached to a sensing surface that change their mobility due to the binding and release of analyte molecules. Recent publications of our research are: ‘Continuous biomarker monitoring by measuring free particle motion’, Nature Communications (2022); ‘Dynamic response limits of affinity based sensing’, ACS Sensors (2022); ‘Reversible immunosensor for cortisol in blood plasma sampled with microdialysis’, ACS Sensors (2022).

Application Deadline: 01/06/2023

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Smart Hydrogels

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek highly talented, motivated, and enthusiastic candidates with a MSc degree in polymer chemistry, organic chemistry, or a related discipline. You have a solid background in polymer and organic chemistry, as well as good communication skills, you are fluent in English, and should have a strong motivation to do original research as part of an interdisciplinary team. Experience with the synthesis and characterization of polymers or organic molecules is essential. Note that there are no Dutch language requirements.

Application Deadline: 21/05/2023

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electro-Photonic Accelerator for Green and Low Latency Computation

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated candidate to investigate and implement novel concepts of neuromorphic computation, relying on the adjunct top intrinsic properties of electronics and photonics, for ultra-low latency and energy-efficient computation. This PhD research will enable a whole new class of reconfigurable electro-photonic networks, leading to highly efficient parallel processing engines.

Application Deadline: 28/05/2023

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Ultracold Electron Pulses for Molecular Movies

Summary of PhD Program:

I am looking for a PhD-student to work with me on a very exciting project: using a unique source of ultrashort pulses of ultracold electrons to make a molecular movie of a membrane protein. Making such a movie on a lab-scale setup has never been done before and would mean a huge breakthrough. It is also very difficult, but with our unique source we have a good chance of achieving it.

The source [1,2] is based on the photo-ionization of a cloud of atoms that is trapped and laser-cooled to near-absolute zero temperature. Because of this, the created electron pulse has a high enough transverse coherence to obtain high-quality diffraction patterns from 2D protein crystals. The electron pulses are also very short (tens of picoseconds) so that in a pump-probe experiment we can even see very fast protein dynamics.

Application Deadline: 01/05/2023

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Integrated Circuits, ΣΔ ADC, and Beamforming for Phased-Array Receivers

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be responsible for researching, developing and implementing key architectural and circuits related aspects of a sigma delta modulator for phased-array receivers with hybrid beamforming within the project “Beamforming Enhancement by Adaptive MIMO Sigma-delta modulation (BEAMS)”. This project defines initial concepts for co-integrating the functions of beamforming and sigma delta modulations.

We have already made the first test chips to prove these innovative concepts and now we are preparing for over-the-air measurements. Your responsibility will be to take over these activities and bring these to the next level – hybrid beamforming, larger phased arrays for better spatial selectivity, more efficient beamforming (BF) sigma-delta modulator (SDM) architectures that operates at even higher performance levels.

Application Deadline: 30/05/2023

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8. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in Value-driven Care Catharina Hospital Eindhoven

Summary of PhD Program:

You are part of 6 or 7 core teams and multidisciplinary teams. Together with the medical leader, project leader and analyst, you analyze data from various sources and come up with proposals for improvement opportunities. The results of your research contribute greatly to the continuous improvement of outcomes in healthcare, both in the Catharina Hospital and in its immediate vicinity.

Application Deadline: 01/06/2023

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Impulse-project COMARIC

Summary of PhD Program:

This is a PhD project in which you will work closely with industry on advancing the state-of-the-art in software engineering. Architectures for software-intensive systems are described using notations such as SysML and UML. Such architecture-representations are often created in the early phases of development. The correspondence between the architecture and the system implementation is extremely hard to maintain during the development and evolution of the system.

Application Deadline: 27/05/2023

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Edge-AI for IoT-based Health monitoring

Summary of PhD Program:

Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems (IRIS) at Eindhoven University of Technology has the following Phd position on development of edge-AI for Internet-of-Things (IoT) based embedded health monitoring systems. Within this project, we will investigate joint development of distributed AI models and associated communication patterns that are resource efficient. The targeted AI models will take data from multiple sensors and will use user’s devices (e.g., smartphone) as a smart hub to make more detailed analysis of user’s data locally, without the need for sharing sensitive data, e.g., with a cloud service.

Application Deadline: 28/05/2023

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11. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in development of ceramic membranes for catalytic hydrogen generation

Summary of PhD Program:

Electrocatalysis is an essential mechanism for hydrogen generation. For efficiency and durability, ceramics are being proposed as promising materials to facilitate the respective reactions. However, the manufacturing of those ceramic membranes still entails many challenges, including controlling the macro-shape and micro-structure during the processing.

In these PhD projects, you will investigate new additive manufacturing and sintering technologies for the production of ceramic catalytic membranes, addressing the key questions on the controlling mechanisms across different relevant scales in respect to the needs for hydrogen generation.

Application Deadline: 21/05/2023

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12. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Ultra-high-speed contact line dynamics on heterogeneous surfaces

Summary of PhD Program:

This project consists of a combination of experiments and numerical simulations. The experiments will involve high-speed visualization of contact-line dynamics on suitably prepared surfaces. You will study surface heterogeneities both regarding composition and topography and systematically vary the dimensions, shapes and amplitudes of the patterns. The numerical simulations will be based on open-source VOF solvers (such as Basilisk and Gerris), which can deal with the relevant density and viscosity contrast between liquid and air and inertial free-surface flow phenomena in a computationally highly efficient fashion.

Application Deadline: 21/05/2023

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13. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in next-gen ultrasound by closing the perception-action loop

Summary of PhD Program:

This blue-sky PhD project, funded by the European Research Council, proposes a new and highly-unconventional approach to revolutionize US imaging. By designing autonomous US systems that actively pursue information maximization for every patient and every exam, we will close the US perception-action loop. The US perception-action loop is a neuroscience-inspired interpretation of the cycle of US data acquisition and perceptual inference of the anatomical state and diagnostic quantities.

Application Deadline: 14/05/2023

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Performance Assessment of Circular and Sustainable Renovation

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD will focus on evaluating the impacts and benefits of circular renovation solutions in an integral and holistic way. The main objective is for you to develop an integral decision-making tool that assesses the most relevant aspects of circular and sustainable renovations while considering a life cycle perspective and the value creation perspectives from every stakeholder. In addition to being embedded in the PACER project, you will also benefit from the ongoing development of ‘De Renovatieverkenner’, which is a new national decision-making tool for renovations currently being developed for the Dutch government by Eindhoven University of Technology. The aim is for the results of the PhD to be integrated in this national tool, which would allow you to have societal impact and large-scale application.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Dynamics of polymer-containing thin liquid films

Summary of PhD Program:

Polymers are an important constituent of multiphase soft materials, such as foams and emulsions, the latter having many applications in the environmental, biomedical, food, and energy sectors. The stability and rheology of these materials is controlled by the behavior of the thin liquid films (TLFs) that separate the dispersed droplets or bubbles. Despite the significance of polymers in such materials, there is markedly a lack of experimental studies when it comes to the behavior of polymer-containing TLFs.

Application Deadline: 14/05/2023

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in TA Exceptional Model Mining on time-varying data

Summary of PhD Program:

The Data and AI cluster at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is searching for candidates for one fully-funded 5-year PhD-TA position. Of the time in the position, 75% will be spent on fundamental scientific research: the primary goal is to enrich the portfolio of available data mining techniques with new innovative methods. The remaining 25% of the time in the position will be spent contributing to the teaching duties of the Data and AI cluster. Hence, this position is an ideal springboard for an academic career: during your PhD trajectory, in which you will contribute fundamental advances to data mining research, you will also build up a portfolio of academic teaching experience. Upon successful completion of this position, your CV will be very attractive for universities with open tenure-track positions.

Application Deadline: 15/05/2023

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Airborne infection control through ventilation in time-dependent situations

Summary of PhD Program:

In this PhD project within MIST, the focus is on improving room ventilation and air cleaning strategies in highly time-dependent situations. The assumptions of a mixed air and a stationary situation in rooms is not valid in many cases. Furthermore, ventilation has been highly optimized for comfort and energy efficiency. Here, we want to further add the mitigation of infectious disease to the optimization in situations that are changing in time. The main method for this research will be numerical modeling, i.e. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The main limitation is the computational cost of such simulations, so they will need to be complemented with new simulation and analysis methods to increase our predicting capabilities and understanding of the time dependent situations.

Application Deadline: 14/05/2023

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital hybrid heat pump aggregation & control for congestion management

Summary of PhD Program:

Hybrid heat pumps will become the standard for heating homes in the Netherlands after 2026 in order to reduce the consumption of natural gas. However, due to the rapid uptake of hybrid heat pumps, combined with the proliferation of photovoltaic installations and the electrification of the transport sector, it is expected that congestion in the low-voltage (LV) distribution system will occur more often. Therefore, it is important to investigate how and to what extent collective control of behind-the-meter hybrid heat pumps can be achieved to provide flexibility. This PhD position is part of a multi-partner project that aims to develop technology based on an open standard, so that small consumers can contribute to congestion management through a market platform.

Application Deadline: 21/05/2023

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in philosophy and ethics of technology

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project takes a critical look at the way CGTs affect the interrelated concepts of originality and creativity on the one hand, and authorship and ownership on the other, and explore the ethical implications of CGT and AI-supported acts of creativity and authorship. You will have the ability to shape the project in a unique way that matches your interests and background. We see several different paths that would make for a successful project. Perspectives from ethics, epistemology, aesthetics, and legal and political philosophy, feminist philosophy, and non-western traditions are all welcome.

Application Deadline: 17/05/2023

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20. Fully Funded PhD Position in Explainable AI in Healthcare

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek to fill in a PhD position in the Data and Artificial Intelligence Cluster, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You will join a vibrant and diverse team of 15 faculty and over 40 PhD students and postdocs advancing the science and engineering of data, machine learning, and AI systems and applications. You will work on an exciting NWA LoaD project, developing and applying Explainable AI in the healthcare and well-being domain. There is a possibility to make an impact with XAI in the application domain of monitoring knee joint loading in real life, and facilitating individual feedback and effective coaching strategies on physical activities.

Application Deadline: 14/05/2023

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21. Fully Funded PhD Position in philosophy and computer science

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek to fill in a joint PhD position in the Philosophy and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You will work on an exciting interdisciplinary VACE project funded by EAISI’s Exploratory Multidisciplinary AI Research program, developing philosophical and computer science foundations of value alignment for actionable counterfactual explanations in machine learning-based decision making. You will participate in cutting-edge research, publish your work in leading conferences and journals on fairness and transparency in machine learning and AI, including philosophical venues, contribute in open-source tools and their application in the real world scenarios. You will travel to present your work at high-profile scientific meetings and conferences.

Application Deadline: 15/05/2023

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22. Fully Funded PhD Position in Closed-loop recyclable polymers

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, the focus of the research will be on existing polymers as well as designing and synthesis of novel thermosetting and high-performance polymers more amenable to recycling, including smart new monomers that can switch between polymerized and depolymerized states, using energy efficient processes. The key is incorporation of suitable degradable functional groups or smart monomers into the polymers in their design stage (”design for recycling’’ approach).

The research will include the design and synthesis of new monomers including the use of bio-based raw materials, preparation of polymers and elucidation of structure-property relationships, chemical depolymerization, separation and recovery of building blocks and proof of concept for “closed-loop” recycling. The research activities will include understanding of performance profile of new materials and elucidation of structure property relationships by means of various chemical, structural, rheological and mechanical characterization techniques.

Application Deadline: 20/05/2023

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23. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sustainability in education

Summary of PhD Program:

Education that supports students in learning how to deal with sustainability problems and education that shows students how they can contribute to tackling these problems deserves a permanent place in the curriculum. Based on Challenge-Based-Learning (CBL) linked to sustainability goals, we will contribute to this together with schools. The research funded by NRO focuses on shaping CBL education so that knowledge, skills and motivation of students are strengthened. In professional workplaces, teams of teachers, students and researchers develop CBL education for lower and upper years, for VMBO, HAVO and VWO. These teams have access to experts from companies and knowledge institutions so that current issues can be adequately used as context.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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24. Fully Funded PhD Position in design tools to boost the uptake of reused materials in circular building

Summary of PhD Program:

The main objective of this PhD project is the development of new design (decision support) tools through digitization and computation to boost the integration of reused materials and components in circular building design. For building designers, the search for reusable materials and components is a tedious and time-consuming process as there are many information deficits; deficits related to the estimation and assessment of available quantities, material qualities, procurement constraints, and design opportunities.

This project will explore new design processes that integrate reuse and will assess their difference with conventional building design processes. The project will uniquely connect a variety of stakeholders and will take an integral and iterative approach – exploring different relevant perspectives within the building sector and challenges at different levels. Simultaneously, the project will exploit opportunities offered by digital twinning, automation, and search algorithms.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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25. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in modeling of heat and mass transfer in rarefied gases

Summary of PhD Program:

We have 2 PhD vacancies in our group to work within a large consortium of academic and industrial partners in the semiconductor field. The main aim of the overall project is to keep the pace of the semiconductor industry in following Moore’s law. Our contribution to the overall project is concerned with the photolithography process in semiconductor fabrication of integrated circuits. For high precision lithography, the next-generation photolithography machines are required to operate in a clean and thermally controlled (near-)vacuum environment.

Transport phenomena in rarefied conditions, such as (near-)vacuum and supersonic conditions encountered in such photolithography machines, is governed by the Boltzmann equation which is concerned with a generalized phase- space description of molecular flow to account for fluid dynamics that do not necessarily conform to continuum models (such as the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations).

Application Deadline: 17/05/2023

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26. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bayesian Generative AI for Audio Processing

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project is funded by the ROBUST program that aims to develop trustworthy AI tools for today’s big societal challenges. One of these challenges concerns improving the participation of hearing-impaired persons in challenging work and social settings. In this PhD project, you will develop Bayesian AI methods that enable hearing-impaired persons to improve (e.g., personalize) their hearing device algorithm through in-situ interactions with an intelligent agent. Your algorithms will be implemented on portable devices and operate under computational and energy-consumption constraints.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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27. Fully Funded PhD Position in Defect Driven Local Charging

Summary of PhD Program:

The ultimate goal is to (i) fully understand the behavior of realistic (size & shape) conducting and dielectric particles in typical clamping gaps under relevant conditions, (ii) optimize the geometry and (both) surfaces to minimize the impact of particles on the performance, (iii) improve understanding and improve the performance of today’s particle removal methods and (iv) propose, specify and develop an in-situ tool to remove such particles.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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28. Fully Funded PhD Position in Real-time Biomolecular Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

We are developing a sensing technology with single-molecule resolution called Biosensing by Particle Motion (BPM). The technology is based on particles attached to a sensing surface that change their mobility due to the binding and release of analyte molecules. Recent publications of our research are: ‘Continuous biomarker monitoring by measuring free particle motion’, Nature Communications (2022); ‘Dynamic response limits of affinity based sensing’, ACS Sensors (2022); ‘Reversible immunosensor for cortisol in blood plasma sampled with microdialysis’, ACS Sensors (2022).

Application Deadline: 30/04/2023

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29. Fully Funded PhD Position in 3D Millimetre-Wave Antenna Array for 6G Joint Communication and Sensing

Summary of PhD Program:

The project 3D-ComS targets “towards 6G” technology. In 6G, millimeter-wave (mmWave) base-stations are used for high-speed communication as well as for sensing of the environment. Sensing while communicating is crucial to prevent, or at least predict, communication performance degradation caused by dynamic blockages (e.g. by humans, vehicles). In 3D-ComS, we exploit a unique set of expertise to advance joint communication and sensing (JCAS) technology. We will design a 3D mmWave array system with a minimal number of active, highly integrated antennas to enable digital beamforming at high power efficiencies and seek meaningful trade-offs between data rates and sensing performances.

Application Deadline: 15/05/2023

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30. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bayesian Machine Learning for Wireless Communication

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for an electrical engineer, computer scientist, statistician or mathematician who is interested in pursuing a PhD on the intersection of Bayesian Machine Learning and Wireless Communications. The successful candidate will work towards developing and analyzing intelligent autonomous systems (agents) for wireless networks.

Such systems will be able to learn from previous experience (data), actively sense their surrounding environment, and quickly adapt to new conditions; with the goal of providing reliable communication services to mobile users, IoT devices, self-driving cars, and other intelligent agents. This will be achieved using tools from active inference and probabilistic (Bayesian) machine learning on the one hand, and communication and information theory on the other. The project entails system development, as well as rigorous theoretical analysis. The ideal candidate should be comfortable with, and willing to develop in, both.

Application Deadline: 16/05/2023

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31. Fully Funded PhD Position in Airborne infection control through localized ventilation and air cleaning

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project you will analyze the options for local mitigation of infection risk through ventilation and/or air cleaning. Aside from a theoretical analysis of the problem, literature review and consultation with the involved manufacturers will show the initial potential and possible solution directions. Based on this information you will develop cases for the detailed analysis of some potential solutions, or improvement, thereof. CFD will be your main tool for such analysis, but it will need to be supported with experimental information. For both CFD and experiments careful consideration of the methods and applied simplifications will be required.

Application Deadline: 15/05/2023

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32. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Learning to Improve Illumination Optics Design

Summary of PhD Program:

In direct methods an optical system is created in a CAD tool and the energy distribution is calculated using ray tracing. The industrial standard simulation tools are based on Monte-Carlo ray tracing. A light ray is randomly started at the source, and applying the laws of reflection and refraction the path of the light ray is calculated, till it arrives at the target. On this target the energy distribution is reconstructed. To obtain a desired light distribution, an engineer needs to adjust the CAD geometry in multiple iterations till the engineer is satisfied with the obtained results.

Application Deadline: 30/04/2023

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33. Fully Funded PhD Position in Machine Learning to Improve Illumination Optics Design

Summary of PhD Program:

Freeform optics, a branch of geometrical optics, is concerned with the design of optical surfaces, either reflectors or lenses, that convert a given source light distribution into a desired target distribution. An example, used in street lighting, is a single reflector that transforms the emittance of an LED source into an intensity distribution in the far field. The challenge in illumination optics is to find the reflectors or lenses that transfer a given energy distribution of the source into the energy distribution of the target. There are two approaches, direct methods, and inverse methods.

Application Deadline: 30/04/2023

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34. Fully Funded PhD Position in Reinforcement Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) group is a quickly growing group embedded in the Data and AI (DAI) cluster at the Eindhoven University of Technology (https://dai.win.tue.nl). In the DAI cluster, we aim at developing foundations of AI for the present and the future. This includes the design of new AI methods, development of AI algorithms and tools with a view at expanding the reach of AI and its generalization abilities. In particular, we study foundational issues of robustness, safety, trust, reliability, tractability, scalability, interpretability and explainability of AI. The UAI group is looking for a highly motivated and skilled PhD candidate to work in the area of Reinforcement Learning. The concrete research direction will be determined together with the successful candidate.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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35. Fully Funded PhD Position in pressurized alkaline water electrolysis

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD position on alkaline water electrolysis is part of the larger PEACE project, which is a European consortium of knowledge institutes and industrial partners. The PEACE project aims to develop flexible pressurized alkaline electrolyzers that can be powered by variable renewable electricity sources. These electrolyzers can be used to produce green hydrogen, which is an essential ingredient to decarbonize hard to abate sectors such as the chemical and the steel industry. In contrast to other water electrolysis technologies alkaline water electrolysis does not depend on noble or rare earth metals with limited availability and therefore seems particularly suitable for scale up. Yet, one limiting factor of pressurized alkaline electrolyzers is their flexibility. Addressing this challenge is the main focus of the PEACE project.

Application Deadline: 30/04/2023

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36. Fully Funded PhD Position in Smart hybrid modeling for thermo-mechanical dynamics

Summary of PhD Program:

The core challenge of this PhD position is to develop techniques and tools that provide computationally tractable and accurate dynamic models of the underlying thermo-mechanical system. The intended research focuses on understanding and modelling the tribological interaction between the wafer and wafer-supporting burls as a result of thermo-mechanical stress in the wafer. The physical nature of this system leads to first principle models that are complex and computationally inefficient due to nonlinear characteristics, spatial-temporal behavior, hysteretic phenomena and iterative computational schemes.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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37. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum resistant communications

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD position is one of the 08 doctoral candidates (DC) positions within the QUARC (Quantum resistant communications: Advance Learning in applied PQC Training) project (www.QUARC.eu). QUARC is a European Doctoral Network Industrial Doctorate funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA). The MSCA DN programme offers a highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions. The overarching objective of QUARC is to provide high-level training in the field of quantum secure communications to a new generation of doctoral candidates.

Application Deadline: 14/05/2023

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38. Fully Funded PhD Position in Knowledge Graph creation, management, and analytics

Summary of PhD Program:

We seek to fill a PhD student position in the Data and Artificial Intelligence Cluster, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You will join a vibrant and diverse team of 15 faculty and over 40 PhD students and postdocs advancing the science and engineering of data, machine learning, and AI systems and applications. You will work in an exciting industry-university project, jointly with Marel, the global leader in food processing systems. You will participate in cutting-edge research, publish your work in leading conferences and journals for data and knowledge management, contribute in open-source tools, and collaborate closely to design and apply these tools in the real world industrial context of Marel. You will travel regularly to the company site. You will also travel to present your work at high-profile scientific meetings and conferences.

Application Deadline: 07/05/2023

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39. Fully Funded PhD Position in product design learning curve

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD project is conducted within the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing (ITEM) group in close collaboration with the Control Systems Technology (CST) group. The ITEM group is part of the School of Industrial Engineering of the department IE&IS. The ITEM group focuses on managing innovation processes and new product development, including marketing of new products and marketing analytics. The CST group is part of the department Mechanical Engineering, and focuses on performance-driven design and control of high-tech engineering systems.

Application Deadline: 08/05/2023

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40. Fully Funded PhD Position in more-than-human landscapes of design

Summary of PhD Program:

Human-centered thinking has contributed to problems of our time, including climate change and social inequality. More-than-human theories, philosophies and approaches offer alternatives to this central mode of understanding the world, and our design practices. While the importance of these approaches is increasingly recognized as important in the fields of design and HCI, there are relatively few design examples, and rarely do they account for the materials, tools and processes of design itself.

Application Deadline: 30/04/2023

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